
Can Xiaomi surpass Apple after the official benchmarking?

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Can Xiaomi surpass Apple after the official benchmarking?

At Xiaomi's press conference on December 28, Lei Jun announced that Xiaomi officially benchmarked Apple. As soon as this remark came out, it caused a heated discussion among netizens, some people thought that it was impossible for Xiaomi to surpass Apple, and some people thought that with the momentum of Xiaomi's current prosperity and the huge user base, it was capable of impacting Apple.

Can Xiaomi surpass Apple after the official benchmarking?

There are many discussions, this time we do not directly say the conclusion, but want to look in detail about the detailed basis of the optimistic and unfavorable parties, as well as the benchmarking points said by Xiaomi officially, I believe that after reading it, each reader will have their own judgment.

Xiaomi official: R & D expenditure doubled, mobile phone experience improved, sales compete for the first

Judging from the content of the Xiaomi conference, Xiaomi benchmarked Apple mainly in the three aspects of research and development funds, mobile phone experience and sales.

Lei Jun said that in the next 5 years, Xiaomi's research and development expenditure will reach 100 billion yuan, which is double compared with before. What is the level of 100 billion yuan in 5 years among technology companies? According to data, Huawei's research and development expenditure in fiscal 2020 is 22.04 billion US dollars, about 140.6 billion yuan, and Apple's research and development expenditure in fiscal 2020 is about 119.6 billion yuan.

This time, Xiaomi 12 has produced two flagship machines of different sizes, benchmarking the Apple 13 series. At the press conference, the parameters of Xiaomi Mi 12 and iPhone 13 were also compared, and Xiaomi said that compared with Apple 13, The Xiaomi Mi 12 series has a better grip and a thinner fuselage.

Can Xiaomi surpass Apple after the official benchmarking?

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Xiaomi said that it will also compete for the first place in terms of global sales, and it may be easier to achieve achievements in this regard. Canalys data shows that xiaomi's sales in Q3 2021 ranked third in the world, accounting for 14% of the market share, and the top two were Samsung and Apple. Xiaomi also surpassed Apple in sales to become the second in the world at Q2 this year.

Can Xiaomi surpass Apple after the official benchmarking?

Source: Canalys

Not optimistic: Apple's self-developed chips and brand influence are better than Xiaomi

As soon as Xiaomi's news of benchmarking Apple came out, it attracted comments from all sides, and some even fierce criticism. Netizens believe that as long as Xiaomi still uses the Android system, there is no way to compare with Apple without its own system and chip design capabilities.

Can Xiaomi surpass Apple after the official benchmarking?

Xiaomi and Apple market capitalization comparison

And the high-end brand influence that Apple has established around the world is something that Xiaomi cannot achieve in a short period of time. Some netizens believe that Xiaomi benchmarks Apple, that is, wants to benchmark the price and increase the price of millet. And as of December 30, Apple's market value was $2,923.6 billion, and Xiaomi's was only $60.431 billion, which is not an order of magnitude from the perspective of market capitalization.

Optimistic party: Xiaomi ecological chain is rich, and the user base of national brands is large

At the Xiaomi press conference, Jin Fan, general manager of the software department of the mobile phone department of Xiaomi Group, said, "From today onwards, MIUI will not only be an operating system for mobile phones, but an operating system that spans multiple devices and connects multiple smart devices." ”

Therefore, some netizens believe that Xiaomi can surpass Apple from the ecological chain of the Internet of Everything. Creating an ecological chain of the Internet of Everything is also what Xiaomi has been doing, and Apple is not very leading in this regard, and Xiaomi can seek a breakthrough from where Apple has not achieved achievements.

Can Xiaomi surpass Apple after the official benchmarking?

And at present, in a period of strong national feelings, many people support domestic brands. Xiaomi can use the strong domestic consumer market and the rice noodle users cultivated over the years to continuously develop itself. Xiaomi itself also said that the number of active users of Xiaomi in the world has exceeded 500 million, and it will definitely surpass Apple's continuous development.

Can Xiaomi surpass Apple after the official benchmarking?

These are just a few different points of view. It's normal to have a different voice every time a new idea comes up, and we appreciate the courage of the challenger and face the gap between them. Of course, from my personal point of view, I also hope that there are more national brands getting better and better. How do readers and friends think that Xiaomi benchmarks Apple this time, and do you think Xiaomi can surpass Apple?


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