
He was Su Yu's headmaster, and the reactionaries were jealous of his prestige, but they died in conspiracy because they were too decent

1927 was definitely a gloomy year for our Party, when Chiang Kai-shek, the New Right wing of the Kuomintang, became the helmsman of the Government of the Republic of China, and the first thing he did when he took office was to sabotage the cooperation between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party, to massacre members of our Party, the Kuomintang Leftists, and other democratic progressives, and the Great Revolution in China came to an end, which is notorious in China's modern history

"For12" incident

In May after April 12, the Kuomintang reactionary troops stationed in the Changsha area extended a poisonous hand to the local revolutionary organs and launched the "Ma-Ri Incident", which caused more than 10,000 Communists and revolutionary masses to suffer miserably.

He was Su Yu's headmaster, and the reactionaries were jealous of his prestige, but they died in conspiracy because they were too decent

In just two months, two counter-revolutionary actions of a bad nature occurred in succession, which made the situation along the Yangtze River grim.

In order to denounce Chiang Kai-shek's crimes, schools in Changde City, Hunan Province, jointly organized the "Red Propaganda Week" activities, and they held demonstrations and speeches in the streets, calling on everyone to unite and jointly oppose Chiang Kai-shek's dictatorship. According to the data, the number of participants in this activity reached 100,000 people, and the huge momentum alarmed the Kuomintang reactionaries.

At the end of May, the reactionary military and police stationed in Changde were still beating and rounding up the revolutionary masses in the streets, and their arrogance was heinous, but at the same time, people found that this group of "" demons dared to run amok in the streets, but they never dared to step into the gates of the Provincial No. 2 Middle School.

It turned out that under the appeal of the Chengde Prefectural Committee of the Communist Party of China, the staff and students of the Second Middle School donated money to buy weapons and prepared for an armed revolution, and it was rumored that there were more than 800 guns in this school. It is precisely for this reason that those reactionaries dare not easily break into the Second Middle School.

He was Su Yu's headmaster, and the reactionaries were jealous of his prestige, but they died in conspiracy because they were too decent

But the reactionaries, who had done everything in their power and did not dare to clash head-on, secretly resorted to intrigue and trickery, and began to plot how to trap the principal of the school

Hu Zuowu

Hu Zuowu's identity is not simple, before 1926 Hunan is the implementation of the male and female branch school system, "men and women are not intimate" feudal ideas in people's minds have been solidified, which can not adapt to the development of the new era, so the Hunan Provincial Department of Education carried out a drastic educational reform, the provincial Second Normal School, the Second Women's Normal School, the Second Middle School for merger, but attracted unanimous opposition, everyone in the eyes and understand that the reform resistance is too large, so no one is willing to take over the task.

It was at this time that Hu Zuowu rose to the occasion and smoothly merged the three schools into the "Hunan Provincial No. 2 Middle School", and he himself not only served as the principal, but also served as the general secretary of our party and the Communist Youth League of the school, and his prestige in the educational circles and the masses was very high.

He was Su Yu's headmaster, and the reactionaries were jealous of his prestige, but they died in conspiracy because they were too decent

On May 24, the Kuomintang reactionary troops surrounded the No. 2 Middle School, and they set up machine guns at the door and pointed them at the campus, and the students saw that the battle knew that the "devils" were going to attack themselves, so they rushed to the warehouse to get weapons. But at this time, a man came out of the army outside the door, who claimed to be an assistant to Xiong Zhen of the Hunan Provincial Defense Army, and specially invited the principal Hu Zuowu to come and talk.

Everyone understood that if the principal really went to the murderous Duoji, the reactionaries were playing tricks and trying to dissuade Hu Zuowu from going. Hu Zuowu also knew that this was a Feast of the Hongmen Gate, but looking at the muzzle of the black hole hole outside the door, if he refused the invitation, it would definitely cause a conflict, and then he did not know how many colleagues and students lost their lives and exchanged their own for thousands of people.

Hu Zuowu said to the people around him: "Don't be afraid, the master is afraid of it." ”

As it turned out, Hu Zuowu was detained as soon as he got out of the car, and the reactionaries tortured him to extract a confession, hoping to get out of his mouth how many weapons, how many Communists, and how many revolutionary masses there were in the school, but Hu Zuowu gritted his teeth and survived.

He was Su Yu's headmaster, and the reactionaries were jealous of his prestige, but they died in conspiracy because they were too decent

Xiong Zhenmi could not get a useful clue from his mouth, and with a wave of his large hand, he signaled his men to sentence Hu Zuowu to death.

Within two days, Hu Zuowu was dragged to the East Gate of Chengde for execution, and before he died, he refused to bow his head, still shouting "Long live the Communist Party" and "Down with the reactionary warlords."

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