
Kazuo Inamori: The most important thing in life is two things – think clearly and persevere

Only by setting a high goal and adhering to the efforts step by step can we finally succeed and realize our dreams.

Kyocera was renting a switchboard factory warehouse on the outskirts of Kyoto, Nishi-Kyohara-cho, Nakagyo-ku, and started a business with only 28 employees.

At that time, whenever I had the opportunity, I would say to the employees, "We want to become the number one company in Nishikyoharacho!" After reaching the first place in Saigyoharacho, we must aim for the first place in The Nakagyo Ward; after reaching the first place in the Nakagyo District, we must strive for the first place in Kyoto; after reaching the first place in Kyoto, we must strive for the first place in Japan, and then, of course, we must reach the first place in the world. ”

But in fact, don't say that the world is no more, even to reach the first place in Nishigyoharacho is not a simple matter.

Nishigyohara-cho was not a very large neighborhood, but there were already excellent businesses at the time.

On the road from Nishikyoharacho Train Station to where Kyocera is located, there is a Kyoto machinery and tool company that manufactures wrenches, wrenches, and other tools for repairing cars. At that time, the automobile industry was booming, so the factory was full of roaring machines from morning to night.

At that time, with the vigor of just starting a business, with a sense of crisis that a little slackness could collapse, I led Kyocera to work hard day and night.

But whenever I pass by the company late at night when I'm done at work, I see that it's still lit up and a lot of people are still working.

A company that is many times larger than Kyocera is still working so hard, and it is not easy for us to become the "first in Nishikyohara-cho"!

However, I still keep telling my employees about the goal of "becoming the first in Nishikyohara-cho", and that "after Nishikyohara-cho is the first, I will become the first in Nakagyo-ku" – I insist on painting bigger dreams to all Kyocera people.

At that time, Nakagyo Ward already had a representative enterprise in Kyoto, Shimazu Manufacturing.

In recent years, this company has also produced Nobel Prize winners, which are very famous. To be the number one in Nakagyo Ward, it is necessary to surpass Shimadzu Manufacturing.

Of course, there is no conclusive grasp of these things, and in terms of the scale and strength of Kyocera at that time, it is simply inconsiderate to set such a goal.

However, even if it is a dream that is not measured by oneself, it is a seemingly unattainable goal, it is still necessary to firmly establish this goal in the chest and persistently display this goal in front of colleagues.

This is very important.

Why? Because people have great potential to make dreams come true.

"To become the number one company in Japan!" In the process of constantly insisting on this idea, you don't know when you will feel that this is a matter of course. member

Workers, too, will unknowingly share this seemingly "ridiculous" goal with you, and make endless efforts to do so every day.

This accumulation of daily efforts has enabled Kyocera to reach a very high level that no one ever thought of when we started our business.

High goals are the greatest motivation for personal and organizational progress.

Kazuo Inamori: The most important thing in life is two things – think clearly and persevere

When I was young, I heard a speech by Mr. Konosuke Matsushita, and I was very impressed by that speech. It was a speech about "reservoir management."

At the beginning of Kyocera's business, I was a layman in terms of management, and I wanted to learn the business secrets of successful operators.

It was at this time that I received a notice about Mr. Konosuke Matsushita's speech.

What kind of thinking does this gentleman, who is known as the "god of management", use to run the business?

I'd love to know. After applying, I came to the lecture hall full of expectations.

I was late that day because of my work relationship, so I could only stand in the last row of the venue and listen to the lecture.

When the economy is booming, don't think that the economy will continue to be so good, and consider what you should do when the economy is sluggish.

When there is a financial surplus, we must pay attention to reserves, just like the reservoir holds water. Running a business should always make reserves for economic downturns. This is the theme of Mr. Konosuke's speech.

When there is a lot of rainfall, if all the rainwater flows into the river, the flooding of the river causes flooding, which will cause a major disaster.

If the river is stored in the reservoir and released according to the situation, it will not only control the flooding, but also prevent the river from stopping flowing in case of drought.

In this way, rainwater is used efficiently.

The so-called "reservoir management" is to apply the method of water control to the operation. After Mr. Konosuke's speech, he began to answer questions from the audience.

Someone raised his hand and asked a question: What the gentleman said is that there must be surplus in management, and I understand it.

However, even if Mr. Panasonic does not talk about this meaning, we small and medium-sized enterprise operators understand it. It is precisely because we cannot do this that we are distressed.

How can we make the business more than enough? It is difficult for us to do it without teaching us specific methods. There was a hint of protest in the question.

At this time, Mr. Konosuke showed a rather confused expression, and he was silent for a moment, as if to say to himself:

"No, you don't want to." Silence again.

Everyone thought that the answer was not what they asked, and the audience laughed a little. However, in that instant, I was shocked like an electric shock.

"No, you don't want to." Mr. Konosuke's words contained thousands of thoughts, which deeply touched my heart.

"No, you don't want to." Mr. Konosuke's words meant to convey:

You said that you also want to have a surplus in your own business, but how to do it to make your business have a surplus, the method is very different. Your business must have a practice that suits your business, and I can't teach you.

But there must be absolutely room for management, you must think seriously, think seriously, and this kind of thinking is the beginning of everything.

"Of course, it is best to have spare time in business, but you don't teach me how to do this", if you just stop at this level of thinking, then high goals are absolutely impossible to achieve.

You have to have a spare time in business, do you really think so?

If you really think so, have such a strong desire, you will try your best to find a specific way, and the "reservoir" will definitely be built.

That's what Mr. Konosuke wants to say.

If you don't think about it, if you don't think about it, you can't achieve anything. Whether it is for work or for life, this is an iron rule.

Kazuo Inamori: The most important thing in life is two things – think clearly and persevere

Wishes must come true.

That is, "You have to do it anyway!" "As long as man has this strong will, his wishes will become actions, and he will naturally move in the direction of realizing his wishes.

However, this must be a strong desire, not a casual thought.

"Anyway, no matter what, it must be like this!" "It must be so!" It must be this desire or ideal, which is supported by strong ideas.

Sleep and forget to eat, think about it, think about it, think about it repeatedly, if you really only think about this one thing all day, such a desire will gradually penetrate into the "subconscious".

The so-called "subconscious" is an unconscious consciousness that lurks deep in the depths of people's hearts.

Usually it does not appear, but in the unconscious or at a special moment it flashes and plays an immeasurable role.

On the other hand, the consciousness that functions on a daily basis is called "manifest consciousness." In human consciousness, the field of the "subconscious" is much broader than that of the "explicit consciousness."

Frequent repetitive experiences and intense stimuli go into the "subconscious." It is said that if the "subconscious" is used well, it is possible to make a correct judgment in an instant.

This "subconscious" is the consciousness that also works when we sleep, and it can direct our actions in the direction of achieving our goals.

If I give you an example of driving a car, you may be able to understand the incredible power of the "subconscious" more easily.

When we first start learning to drive, we hold the steering wheel in our hands, step on the accelerator or brake, and think before doing each action, which is to use "explicit consciousness" to drive.

Later, when you get used to it and become proficient, you don't have to consider the order of operation one by one, and you can drive unconsciously. Sometimes I think about my work problems while driving.

Suddenly startled, but then able to drive normally without accidents.

Because driving technology penetrates the "subconscious mind", even without the use of "explicit consciousness", the body, hands and feet can operate freely. The "subconscious" should also be used effectively at work.

For example, "I want to do this job," when this idea is strong, there will be a sudden flash of inspiration. This comes from the "subconscious".

Every day, in the process of desperate thinking, wishes will penetrate into the "subconscious".

In this way, even if you are not particularly attentive, on unexpected occasions, the "subconscious" will be activated and enlighten you.

And this revelation often touches the core of things, so that the problem is solved at once.

In such cases, sometimes it can only be explained by "Divine revelation." I often have this experience. Kyocera, for example, wants to challenge a new venture.

It's a challenge, but we lack expertise in this new area.

Although there is a kind of self-confidence that as long as Kyocera's technology is applied to this new field, we can open up a new situation, but in fact, the gap between our existing talents and technology and others is very large, and I have been troubled by this.

At this time, I encountered an unexpected opportunity. At a party, I asked a friend to recommend talent.

It turned out that this friend happened to know a good expert in this field, so the two sides hit it off, and I immediately asked this expert to join the company. Kyocera's new business was able to start smoothly.

Such a thing seems to be accidental.

But in fact, it is because I keep thinking that this thought has entered my "subconscious", so it is inevitable to achieve it.

If I hadn't had such a strong desire, I would have missed this opportunity even if the ideal person walked before my eyes.

The premise of achieving high goals is to continue to embrace a strong desire to penetrate the "subconscious mind".

Kazuo Inamori: The most important thing in life is two things – think clearly and persevere

Although I repeatedly said that "Kyocera will one day become the world's first", which sounded like an unrealistic fantasy, my mind was actually very clear.

My high goals come from the heart, but I am not a person who is very ambitious. I face reality and take my daily work seriously, which is my way of pursuing my dreams.

If you only have a high goal in your eyes, you will ignore the reality around you, which is like running on your back, you may fall into a ditch, and you may also have a traffic accident.

Be the first to arrive at the company in the morning, complete the rest of the work of the previous day, and then work hard to develop the products requested by customers. That's how I spent my days and days.

Because I didn't have time to think about the future, I chose to live seriously in the present. If necessary, at most, envision what will happen a week from now or a month later.

And most of the time, I work hard to get through every fulfilling day.

Business commentators and business consultants often hold the view that "this 'just looking at the day' approach will not allow the company to grow and develop, and the company needs a long-term business strategy." Make plans for at least the entire year ahead and make them specific to every day or week."

Occasionally, when I hear such a statement, I feel a little reasonable, but it is actually not in line with the reality.

Some entrepreneurs are busy from morning to night every day, and when they finish the day's work, they can't help but sigh: "Ah! Today's work is finally complete. ”

In this state, there is no place to think about long-term plans.

Some business consultants will say: "Only know to complete the current work, such a company can not become bigger and stronger." "I have a different view on this.

"If you work hard to live today, you will naturally be able to be confident tomorrow; if you work hard to live tomorrow, you will naturally be able to be confident this week; if you work hard to live this week, you will naturally be able to be confident this month; if you work hard to live this month, you will naturally be able to be confident; if you work hard to live this year well, you will naturally be able to be confident next year." Even if you don't make a plan, you can be confident. Therefore, you should live in the moment and be fully focused at all times. That's the key. ”

It may sound like a helpless sophistry, but I still stand by my point.

I believe that as long as we work hard step by step every day, we are bound to create the future.

On the other hand, although I am busy with my daily work, I have definitely not forgotten the high goal of going from "Haramachi First" to "World First".

In the face of the goal, although I feel a little vague, I never think of it as an unattainable castle in the air.

If I think it's just unrealistic "crazy talk," I won't announce it out loud to employees.

The reason I emphasize goals every day is because I subconsciously believe that they will be achieved.

So, when I toast with my employees at the party, I keep repeating my vision to them – "Let's say we're a world-class company now..."

After three rounds of drinking, the mood is high, and it is naturally easy to say big things blindly optimistically, but I am not simply bragging and fantasizing, but describing a vision from the heart.

In the first few times, the employees were puzzled by my words: "What nonsense is the leader talking about?" But after I nagged dozens of times, they gradually agreed with my words in a subtle way.

If you do not presuppose the primary goal of "becoming Haramachi first" and directly announce to employees that you want to become the world's first, the gap between ideals and reality is too large, which will make people feel "out of reach" despair.

Conversely, if employees are only asked to "work hard at their daily work," they may become content with the status quo and "be a monk for a day and hit the clock for a day."

The reason why Kyocera has been able to achieve today's achievements is the result of "high goals" and "step by step efforts".

If the goal is too big, people tend to lose their fighting spirit in the face of the huge gap between ideals and reality. Therefore, while "living in the moment", let high goals be implanted in your subconscious.

Faced with high goals, people tend to give up because of their slow pace of progress. But I have an attitude of "trying to live in the moment" and focus on my daily work, so every day is fulfilling.

Although the speed of moving toward the goal is as slow as the crawling of a ruler, under the accumulation of time, time is like electricity, and when I look back, I find that the goal of "world first" that was once out of reach has actually been achieved.

"Step by step" and "setting a high goal" seem to contradict each other, but in fact, water and milk are intertwined and indispensable.

You can't just be ambitious. If you focus too much on the goal and neglect accumulation, you will feel powerless, which will dampen enthusiasm.

Put high goals in your subconscious and try to move forward every day. As long as you are so persistent, you can achieve amazing results before you know it.

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