
The Qing Dynasty sent 10 people to study at the United States Military Academy at West Point, and why they were all lonely after returning to China

In China's modern history, which is the cradle of the general, many people will directly say - the Japanese Army Non-Commissioned Officer School, the Whampoa Military Academy. It is true that many famous generals in the early days were from the Japanese Army Officer School, and more were produced by the Whampoa Military Academy in the later period. But do you know that before these two schools became famous in China, the Qing Dynasty once sent 10 people to the United States Military Academy at West Point to study. According to the qualifications of the school, West Point is definitely not worse than these two, why are these 10 international students, after returning home, lonely and nameless!

West Point Military Academy, is the United States to train the army of professional colleges, he is one of the earliest polytechnics in the United States, prestige admission Lee has always been comparable to Harvard University, Yale University. West Point Military Academy, there are a lot of talents, such as the great general MacArthur, Patton, THE PRESIDENT Grant, Eisenhower, and other fields are countless, after the Opium War, let China see the military gap with the Western powers, because Li Hongzhang and Grant have a very good personal relationship, so they will set their sights on west point. After Roosevelt's "Gengzi refund", Sino-US relations were further friendly, so the West Point Military Academy also accepted the first batch of Chinese students, starting in 1905, a total of 10 Chinese, into the school, they are Chen Tingjia, Wen Yingxing, Wang Geng, Cao Linsheng, Wang Chengzhi, Zhang Daohong, Wang Zhi, Yan Pusheng, Zelan, Zhang Yi.

The Qing Dynasty sent 10 people to study at the United States Military Academy at West Point, and why they were all lonely after returning to China

Is it the above name, everyone and Xiaobian, do not know, what do they do when they return to China? In fact, strictly speaking, it is also their fate that is not good, when they return to China, the Qing Dynasty is about to collapse, and there is no time to take care of this group of international students. After returning to China, Wen Yingxing worked as a teacher at a military academy in Guangzhou, and later joined the revolution with Sun Yat-sen as his English secretary, and later served as the chief of the second section of the Guangdong Grand Marshal's Office. At this time, from 1911 to 1928, the most chaotic period of China's political situation, there were 9 presidents and more than 40 prime ministers, which made these international students feel deeply uncomfortable.

The Qing Dynasty sent 10 people to study at the United States Military Academy at West Point, and why they were all lonely after returning to China

Later, he worked as a railway engineer, a coal mine engineer, and also the principal of Tsinghua University, but it did not last long, and then gradually disappeared into history. Wang Geng, because of the first time outbreak, he did not complete four years of study and graduated early. After returning to China, he served in the War Department of the Beiyang Government and participated in the Paris Peace Talks. It is worth saying that this guy is Lu Xiaoman's first husband, and Xu Zhimo has many memories. Cao Linsheng, also because of the First World War, graduated early, directly served as the Chinese Embassy in the United States, and also served as a secretary in the Paris peace talks. From 1922 to 1926, he worked as a physical education teacher at Tsinghua University, and later served as a military adviser to Zhang Zuolin.

The Qing Dynasty sent 10 people to study at the United States Military Academy at West Point, and why they were all lonely after returning to China

Later, Wang Geng, Wen Yingxing, and Wang Zhi all worked under Song Ziwen and worked in the tax corps. The most outstanding is Wen Yingxing, who finally achieved the position of lieutenant general, and we have the opportunity to introduce his case in detail. For other people, there are fewer records. Chen Tingjia, after returning to China, worked for a period of time in the Beiyang government, served as a major general adviser to the Middle East Railway Police Force, and served as a financial adviser during the Republic of China. After leaving the army, Cao Linsheng settled in Hong Kong, and then established the "Linsheng Academy" in Macao to engage in education. Wang Chengzhi, who worked as a teacher at Jiaotong University after returning to China, stayed in the Northeast Army, and after returning to Shanghai, he was not heard from.

The Qing Dynasty sent 10 people to study at the United States Military Academy at West Point, and why they were all lonely after returning to China

Zhang Daohong, after returning to China, was favored by Duan Qirui, became Duan Qirui's second son-in-law, served as the principal of the Tax Police School, was in charge of railway transportation in central China during the War of Resistance, and also served as the director of the General Affairs Department of Agriculture and Forestry, and finally settled in Hong Kong. Yan Pusheng, after graduation, worked in the New York Consulate and settled in California. It can be seen from here that these West Point students, after returning home, have been reused to a certain extent, but many times, they are not engaged in military majors and have not made remarkable achievements.

The Qing Dynasty sent 10 people to study at the United States Military Academy at West Point, and why they were all lonely after returning to China

This is not to blame them, it was determined by the general environment in China at that time. At the same time, China had achieved nothing militarily. And their classmates at the same time, such as Davis became the commander-in-chief of the European Allies, Patton became a general, a total of 28 generals were achieved, this is because it was just in time for World War II, and gradually honed to achieve prestige, these 10 people did not get a chance at all. Looking back at the time, after the Northern Expedition, the War of Resistance Against Japan, especially the students who graduated from the Whampoa Military Academy, a large number of famous generals emerged, which was done long ago by the historical environment.

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