
The male doctor "Yiyang finger" palace examination, the father-to-be vinegar is full of vinegar, and after learning the reason, he feels guilty and apologizes

Pregnant women will experience the process of opening the uterus before giving birth, at this stage the doctor will carry out a uterine examination of pregnant mothers to see the expansion of the uterine orifice, if you encounter a male doctor at this time, some pregnant mothers may feel nothing, but the father-to-be feels unhappy.

01 The male doctor "Yiyang finger" palace examination, the father-to-be vinegar is full of vinegar, and after learning the reason, he apologizes guiltily

When my friend Xiao Liu was waiting for delivery, I also accompanied her, when Xiao Liu's uterine opening was very slow, almost a day or so, at the beginning it was a female doctor, but also the midwife doctor after that, the doctor said that Xiao Liu's opening speed was one of the slower ones among the pregnant women she met.

The male doctor "Yiyang finger" palace examination, the father-to-be vinegar is full of vinegar, and after learning the reason, he feels guilty and apologizes

Wait until the middle of the night, when the palace examination came again, a male doctor came, the doctor put on gloves to do sterile treatment, just about to check for Xiao Liu's palace, he was stopped by Xiao Liu's husband, he scolded, "How to change people, the previous female doctor?" Is there no one in the hospital? Let a male doctor handle the like words? ”

The male doctor seems to be used to such treatment, and there is no unhappiness, but calmly and calmly replied, "The midwife is off work, now it is my turn to be on duty, you also know that your daughter-in-law's uterine opening is slow, if you let the midwife accompany you, when it is time to give birth, she may not have much energy, the doctor is also a person, and she also needs to rest." If she doesn't rest well, who is responsible for any accidents in the delivery process? ”

The male doctor "Yiyang finger" palace examination, the father-to-be vinegar is full of vinegar, and after learning the reason, he feels guilty and apologizes

This remark made Xiao Liu's husband dumbfounded, and he understood his abruptness and apologized to the doctor. When the wife is examined internally, she also avoids going out, rather than looking upset here, it is better to choose to avoid.

In fact, many men will have this situation, thinking that there are so many female doctors in the hospital, how to let a male doctor deal with it. This is because most of the men on duty in the second half of the night are male doctors, after all, men will be relatively stronger than women in terms of physical strength and energy, so more men are arranged to be on duty in the second half of the night.

The male doctor "Yiyang finger" palace examination, the father-to-be vinegar is full of vinegar, and after learning the reason, he feels guilty and apologizes

02 Male doctors in obstetrics and gynecology should not be treated differently

Many people have a great sense of disapproval of male doctors in obstetrics and gynecology, believing that there should be no male doctors in obstetrics and gynecology, which is disrespectful to women. In fact, this idea is biased, because there is no gender restriction when recruiting medical students, after all, some men are better at dealing with this kind of gynecological surgery problems, and medical personnel are already in short supply, let alone waste these medical talents.

Secondly, I also hope that everyone can have more empathy for male doctors, I believe that they have overcome many psychological obstacles, in the end, doctors are only one of their jobs, but they are engaged in a relatively special job for women.

The male doctor "Yiyang finger" palace examination, the father-to-be vinegar is full of vinegar, and after learning the reason, he feels guilty and apologizes

You know, the number of male obstetrics and gynecology doctors in recent years is still gradually increasing, which reflects the professional quality of male doctors is increasing from the side, more than many female doctors to enter the obstetrics and gynecology department, from this point alone, it is necessary to unconditionally believe in doctors during childbirth, and believe that they will rely on professional knowledge to help pregnant women give birth to babies.

03 How do women overcome psychological barriers?

In fact, there are many women themselves have a greater sense of rejection of male doctors, if the midwife doctor is the same as women, then they will be more open, will not feel particularly nervous, but replaced by male doctors, after all, is the opposite sex, will definitely feel very twisted, childbirth will be more constrained, in fact, this is very unfavorable to childbirth.

The male doctor "Yiyang finger" palace examination, the father-to-be vinegar is full of vinegar, and after learning the reason, he feels guilty and apologizes

In the eyes of male doctors, pregnant women are just patients, and their job is to help women deliver the fetus safely, without any other ideas, and women do not want to make up other things in their own brains.

Mothers can also communicate with the doctor in advance, and some people will not be particularly nervous after talking to the doctor more. In fact, after communicating with doctors, pregnant women will find that many male doctors are still very gentle, they are not as cold-blooded as they think, and they will be more decisive, rapid, calm and calm when dealing with urgent problems, which is a talent that is also necessary for obstetrics and gynecology.

The male doctor "Yiyang finger" palace examination, the father-to-be vinegar is full of vinegar, and after learning the reason, he feels guilty and apologizes

In the relationship between doctors and mothers, in fact, there should be no gender discrimination, from a certain point of view, doctors and mothers also have a common purpose, that is, they all hope that children can be born safely. Some doctors will actually be happier than the mother after the baby is safely delivered, because in their view, this is their mission, but also related to a person's life, so they will only look more seriously, and the focus will only be on the safety of the mother and fetus.

Conclusion: Not only the problem of delivery, there are other things in the delivery room that may also be handled by male doctors, such as skin preparation, uterine examination, etc., and I hope that women can correctly view these problems. At the same time, the mother should also communicate well with her husband and other family members in advance, rather than making trouble in the ward, which affects the mother's mood during childbirth, which is a threat to the fetus and the mother.

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