
What was the final outcome of Little Joe of the Three Kingdoms?

In the fourth year of the Eastern Han Dynasty, when Sun Ce and Zhou Yu attacked the city of Anhui together, Zhou Yu got Xiao Qiao, and the two loved each other like gods and immortals, but Zhou Yu died young, and wrote three suicide notes before his death, one to Sun Quan, two to Xiao Qiao, and the third one did not expect to be written to him! These three suicide notes actually determined the fate of Little Joe in the future.

After the Battle of Chibi, Zhou Yu had a day of free time, and Xiao Qiao and Xiao Qiao were boating in the lake in Jiangnan, only to see Gong Jin standing on the bow of the boat, angry and thoughtful.

Xiao Qiao stepped out of the cabin, a slim jade hand sent the cloak up, and said softly: "Zhou Lang Mo should be greedy, see your frown locked, what do you think, why don't you say that you are worried with the concubine, and share your worries?" "

Gong Jian saw that it was Little Joe, opened his arms, gently hugged her in his arms, and sighed: "Every time the army marches and fights, you follow me to take care of me, and you really make you suffer." "

"Thinking back to the Battle of Chibi, our army is only more than 50,000 people, the husband wants to resist the 200,000 troops of the Cao army, see how many sleepless nights you have, work hard, and exhaust your body, my heart does not say how much pain the general, when is such a day a head? Little Joe said worriedly.

What was the final outcome of Little Joe of the Three Kingdoms?

Remember that in a battle, Zhou Yu personally commanded before the battle, but was shot by the Cao Army's bow and arrow, seriously injured, although he finally won the final victory in the Battle of Chibi, the golden sores on his body were difficult to heal, leaving the root of the disease, which had a great impact on his body. How can this not be worrying?

"Manly husband, meritorious service, service to the country is a matter of course, soon I will go out to Yizhou, you are waiting for me to come back in Jiangnan this time, I specially bought a quiet mansion for you, and when it will land, I will send you there." Zhou Yu said.

Xiao Qiao listened to the silence for a while, wanting to say that she wanted to go with him to the army, but she couldn't say it, she knew that Zhou Hao didn't want to work out on her own, but how could she expect that this was the last time they would see each other in their lives.

Unexpectedly, when Zhou Yu marched to Baqiu, he suddenly became seriously ill, and the so-called illness came like a mountain, and Zhou Yu knew that he did not have much time, so he called the generals to the bed to explain the aftermath one by one. "

Zhou Yu picked up the pen, the hands were trembling, he bit his teeth, dropped the straight book, wrote three letters, and then he nodded his head gently and said: "Zhou Yu is not unwilling to be loyal to the country, but the destiny of heaven is over, after I die, Ru and others will serve Wu Hou well and achieve a great cause together!" "Poor Gong Died Bachchu, only 36 years old.

What was the final outcome of Little Joe of the Three Kingdoms?

So who were these three letters addressed to?

The first letter was, of course, addressed to Sun Quan, the Lord of Wu! The letter reads: "I was originally an ordinary person, the lord served me with the grace of knowledge, regarded me as a confidant, appointed me as the governor of the water army, I should do my best to repay your grace of knowledge, but life and death are unpredictable, and now my ambition has not yet been displayed, I will die, what a pity, what a pity!"

Now that Cao Cao is in the north, he has the intention of taking my Jiangdong at any time, and Liu Bei coveting our Jingzhi is equivalent to raising a tiger, and no one knows whether this unified country will be in the future! Our situation in Jiangdong today is very difficult, I hope that Wen wu can not slacken off in the slightest, you have to pay more hard work in order to achieve early success in hegemony, Lu Su Zhonglie, after I die, he can take the place of governor of me, if the lord can agree to my request, I Zhou Yu died immortal! "

After Reading it with tears in his eyes, Sun Quan ordered Lu Su to be the governor of the capital, the president of the army and horses, and instructed Zhou Yu to return to Chaisang for burial.

Moreover, as for Jiangnan, Xiao Qiao looked at the astronomy at night, but he saw that the stars would fall to the ground, his eyebrows jumped, and his heart was like a feeling of falling to the ground, and he said miserably: "Ah! I'm off! "

Just when he was thinking about it, the news of Zhou Dudu's death came, and Xiao Qiao was so sad that he fainted.

When you woke up, you saw a letter from the maid who was close to me, saying, "The general has brought a letter to his wife." "

Xiao Qiao took the letter, his hands trembled and opened it, and the atmospheric and familiar handwriting came into view: "My wife Xiao Qiao, because my husband hates that he can't stay with you, protect you for a lifetime, only days do not leave the year, so that you and I will never say goodbye from heaven." Little Joe saw that this was already in tears, and he whimpered incessantly.

Xiao Qiao wiped his eyes blurred by tears with a handkerchief and continued to look: "Blame me for being too fond of you, so that the lady of the house can't tolerate you, I'm afraid I'll go, you are sad in the house, although you take your daughter to move to Jiangnan together, first, to have a care with your sister, and second, to raise her daughter as an adult, poor she is only 5 years old."

And with your temperament, you will definitely not marry someone else, but I am afraid that you will not think about life and will insist on going with me, but how can I bear it? Promise me, live well, since someone to protect your mother and daughter thoroughly. Remember, don't live up to my wishes, be honest and unsubscribe. "

After reading Zhou Lang's suicide note, Xiao Qiao had cried into tears and almost cried out, but thinking of Zhou Lang, she immediately beat her spirit, asked people to prepare horses, and rushed to Chaisang alone, vowing to see the last side of Zhou Lang.

What was the final outcome of Little Joe of the Three Kingdoms?

At the same time, Lu Su also received Zhou Yu's last letter, as soon as he saw this letter, the tears could not be stopped, Zhou Yu had always regarded Lu Su as a close friend, first, to explain that he undertook his will, Haosheng did his best for Dongwu, and second, he actually entrusted Xiao Qiao and his daughter to him, so that he could take good care of her mother and daughter.

The letter said: "Zi Su, my best friend, now that my destiny is over, it is my regret that I have not been able to sweep the four seas and unify the country and mountains for the Lord, and I hope that you will not live up to my trust and serve the Lord on my behalf to unify the four seas, and do not be mistaken."

Another little Qiao is my beloved, in this life can not protect her thoroughly, my second regret, Xiao Qiao Xian is beautiful, wise, and has feelings and righteousness for me, I do not want her to become a political chip of Eastern Wu, if you can mediate between her daughter Zhou Fei and Prince Wu Deng, her mother and daughter are worry-free. Zhou Yubai declined the pen. "

To this end, Lu Su comforted Zhou Yu's family one by one, and reported Zhou Yu's legacy to Sun Quan, who tearfully agreed. Little Joe has been carefree ever since.

Xiao Qiao guarded the tomb for Zhou Lang for a hundred days, and once he was so distressed that he wanted to go with Zhou Lang, but thinking of his husband Jun's dying trust, he had to force his spirit to obey the arrangement to move to Jiangnan, and Haosheng educated his daughter to become a talent, and taught her piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, and the days were not too sad.

After his daughter arrived at Heping and married the crown prince Wu Deng, Xiao Qiao moved to Lujiang, because Zhou Lang died of illness and was buried in the tomb lane of Hengjie Street, East Gate of Lujiang.

At the age of 47, Little Joe died of illness, finally free from the pain of longing, ending a lonely life.

"What was the final outcome of Little Joe of the Three Kingdoms?" Little Qiao kept his husband's promise, raised his daughter to adulthood, and also kept the love of the two, although the two failed to stay together until their twilight years, but the love between the two of them was timeless in people's minds. In my opinion, Little Joe's final ending is actually not without regrets:

First, the feelings of Zhou Yu and Xiao Qiao are sincere, but it is a pity that Xiao Qiao is only Zhou Yu's concubine, not the only one, which is also a pity.

I think that in Anhui City, Er Qiao was used as a trophy to let Sun Ce and Zhou Yu "na" go home, which was a big regret for Xiao Qiao.

Second, Little Joe's talent can only be used because he was born in ancient times, and this two regrets are also regrettable.

Zhou Yu came because he was afraid that the lady at home would not tolerate Xiao Qiao, and secondly, because Xiao Qiao was very intelligent, he attached great importance to Xiao Qiao, so every time he marched in battle, he took Xiao Qiao with him, took care of him to eat and live, and shared his worries and difficulties, so Xiao Qiao's insight into human affairs far exceeded that of ordinary women, but after Zhou Yu's death, she could only live in simplicity, and she could not and had nowhere to show, which was a pity.

Three, three kingdoms, in this era that belongs to heroes, no matter how beautiful and talented women are, once they show their faces, they become political chips for men, and Sable Cicada and Sun Shangxiang have not escaped, and Xiao Qiao's life is really envied by Zhou Yu's protection, but it is a pity that Heaven is jealous of talents, and her husband died early, which is three regrets.

In my opinion, Xiao Qiao's final ending is not miserable, although it is not very satisfactory, but also because of Zhou Yu's mutual knowledge and pity, mutual love, this life is also worth it, how many people can meet true love?

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