
The ten greatest sinners in China's history, they have brought calamity to the country and the people, and have set China back hundreds of years

Many people believe that the sinners who talk about history must be eunuchs who control the government of the dynasty and courtiers who endanger the country, but in fact, it is not all, among the sinners who have harmed China, there are even emperors who have been famous for thousands of years.

So which ten sinners are they?

The ten greatest sinners in China's history, they have brought calamity to the country and the people, and have set China back hundreds of years

First place: Zhao Gao

Zhao Gao's name is simply unknown to everyone, and everyone knows it, and it is necessary to ask Zhao Gao what ability he has, that is, he can completely bury a powerful Great Qin Empire.

As a eunuch, Zhao Gao pushed the tyrannical color of the Qin Dynasty to the peak, and Qin Shi Huang could get the "prestige" of tyranny, which was inseparable from the courtier Zhao Gao and Hu Hai of the pit father.

After the death of Qin Shi Huang, Zhao Gao colluded with the chancellor Li Si to tamper with the edict and forced fu su, the eldest son of the emperor, who was supposed to ascend the throne, to death, and then supported Hu Hai to take the throne.

Hu Hai, because he favored Zhao Gao, indulged him to monopolize power, and personally dug a grave for himself, and soon after Zhao Gao killed Hu Hai again and made him the King of Qin.

Unfortunately, the unified regime established by Qin Shi Huang eventually became a powerful dagger for Zhao Gao to climb to the top, and Zhao Gao single-handedly harmed three generations and pushed the empire with its peak national strength into the abyss.

The ten greatest sinners in China's history, they have brought calamity to the country and the people, and have set China back hundreds of years

Second place: Sima Lun

The name Sima Lun is not common, but people must be familiar with the "Rebellion of the Eight Kings" and "Wuhu Chaohua".

It is said that the culprit of the "Rebellion of the Eight Kings" is Empress Jia Nanfeng, and here, people ignore Sima Lun, who has been stirring up in muddy waters.

Sima Lun first divided the relationship between the crown prince Sima Suo and Jia Nanfeng, asking Jia Nanfeng to kill Sima Suo, and then he killed Jia Nanfeng to avenge the prince's old forces.

After this, he killed the king of Huainan, took the power into his own hands, and finally claimed the title of emperor without authorization, but Sima Lun, who claimed to be the empress, was even more resentful.

After he ascended the throne, in order to cultivate his power, he wantonly sealed officials, because the rewards and punishments were unknown, which triggered a rebellion between the Qiang and The Qiang, and the government and the opposition were in chaos.

Soon after, the kings of Qi, Hejian, and Chengdu rebelled successfully, and Sima Lun was forced to abdicate and was eventually given death.

The ten greatest sinners in China's history, they have brought calamity to the country and the people, and have set China back hundreds of years

Third place: An Lushan

There are many insurrections in Chinese history, but An Lushan is more special, such as the Huangchao and the like all revolts in the last years, but the An Lushan uprising was in the most prosperous period of the Tang Dynasty.

An Lushan was originally a Hu person and was originally rejected by the imperial court, but because An Lushan was brave and good at war, and he had real ability, he gradually received attention.

For the sake of his status, An Lushan had no bottom line at all, he recognized Yang Yuhuan as his mother, zhang Shoujue as his righteous father, and from then on he called the wind and rain in the court.

In 755, An Lushan launched the Anshi Rebellion that shocked ancient and modern times, and after he entered Chang'an City, he killed a large number of people in the city, burning and looting without evil.

Many women are tortured after being abducted, and those with good postures are enjoyed, and those with bad postures are directly eaten, and their behavior is worse than that of animals and animals.

Because the influence brought by An Lushan was too great, the eunuch dictatorship, the serious division of the feudal towns, and the continuous border turmoil were an important node in the decline of the Tang Dynasty.

The ten greatest sinners in China's history, they have brought calamity to the country and the people, and have set China back hundreds of years

Fourth place: Shi Jingyao

Shi Jingyao was the founding emperor of the Later Jin Dynasty, and a single comment on him as "dimwitted" was not enough to express one-tenth of his absurd behavior. Shi Jingyao was originally Li Siyuan's son-in-law, and taking advantage of the chaos in the government and the public, he directly rebelled.

In order to defeat Later Tang, he invited the Khitan as foreign aid, which was undoubtedly an act of attracting wolves into the house, and in order to sit on the throne, he directly bowed to the Khitan and submitted to him.

He called Yelü Deguang, who was 10 years younger than himself, "Father Emperor" and "Er Emperor", ceded Youyun Sixteen Prefectures, paid tribute to the Khitan every year, and willingly called himself "Erguo".

Even his cronies despised Shi Jingyao's absurd act of betraying the country and seeking glory and recognizing thieves as fathers.

The ten greatest sinners in China's history, they have brought calamity to the country and the people, and have set China back hundreds of years

Since youyun Sixteen Prefectures were an important barrier to the Central Plains, Shi Jingyao's move was to completely expose the Central Plains to the iron hooves of the Khitan and let them be slaughtered.

Later, when Chengde Jiedushi once said that he would fight the Khitan to the death, Shi Jingyao heard about it and directly cut off his head, and Baba sent it to the Khitan to please.

Of course, Shi Jingyao's deeds did not receive much respect at all, and when he was 51 years old, because he was in humiliation for many years, he eventually died of depression into illness.

The ten greatest sinners in China's history, they have brought calamity to the country and the people, and have set China back hundreds of years

Fifth place: Zhao Tuo

The "shame of Jingkang" of the Song Dynasty is known as the most humiliating annihilation in history, and everyone knows that it was the Jin State that launched this campaign, but the reason for this is that the weak and incompetent emperor is the culprit.

Zhao Tuo was already extremely absurd during his reign, he was extremely proficient in poetry and song, and he greatly admired those literati and inkers, because the government was in the hands of the empress, he not only quickly managed to grab it back, but even ran out of the palace to participate in the poetry and song contest.

Zhao Tuo's way of cultivating power was also very thunderous, and he chose some outstanding "talents" of Mo Bao, who would not do anything but chant poetry, and eventually turn chao Gang upside down.

After the Jin people attacked, Zhao Yao directly passed the throne to his son and ran away, that is, his fainting and incompetence, single-handedly created the most humiliating "shame of Jingkang" in history.

After Zhao Tuo's father and son were abducted by the Jin people, they did not forget to have children in the humiliating captivity, which shows that Zhao Tuo's psychological endurance is very strong.

The ten greatest sinners in China's history, they have brought calamity to the country and the people, and have set China back hundreds of years

Sixth place: Qin Juniper

Qin Juniper's great name is well known at home and abroad, and he is a famous courtier in the history of our country.

There are many courtiers in history, but why can Qin Juniper become one of the ten evil people? That was because Qin Ju had killed the last general who could resist the foreign tribes, Yue Fei.

When the Jin Dynasty invaded the Song Dynasty, many ministers advocated war, but the chancellor Qin Ju was biting to death to advocate peace, and the policy he advocated was to cut off the land and pay compensation and submit to the subject.

In order to curry favor with the Jin Kingdom, he framed Yue Fei, killed Yue Fei and went to the Jin Kingdom to ask for credit, and finally the last general who could resist foreign enemies was gone.

Qin Juniper has now been on his knees for a thousand years, and has been scolded by the world, and what he has done deserves such retribution.

The ten greatest sinners in China's history, they have brought calamity to the country and the people, and have set China back hundreds of years

Seventh place: Qianlong

The Qianlong Emperor was one of the monarchs of the prosperous world, and many people liked to describe Qianlong as "the emperor of the ages", but what many people overlooked was that Kangxi created the prosperous world, and Yongzheng dragged the Qing Dynasty forward with difficulty.

After Qianlong ascended to the throne, he wantonly squandered the prosperity left by the two generations of emperors, in fact, the Qing Dynasty began to decline, which began with Qianlong.

Qianlong Daxing destroyed many Confucian classics, and because of his preference for luxury, he wantonly built imperial gardens and hollowed out the treasury left by Kangxi.

Of course, this little thing alone is not enough to call him a sinner, and if you want to say how he misled the country, it is naturally the implementation of the policy of closing the door to ghosts.

Qianlong was extremely conceited, and during his reign, the British once sent envoys to the Qing Dynasty to conduct trade exchanges, but Qianlong believed that the Qing Dynasty had everything and did not need to trade with foreign countries.

At the same time, he implemented a policy of closing the country to the outside world, immersed himself in his own Great Qing Dynasty, and did not care that Western countries had risen from the ground, which was enough to mistake the country for 300 years.

The ten greatest sinners in China's history, they have brought calamity to the country and the people, and have set China back hundreds of years

Eighth place: Wu Sangui

As an important general of the Ming Dynasty, Wu Sangui took the initiative to release the Qing army into the customs during the period of Changshan Customs, not only cooperating with the Qing army all the way south, but also helping the Manchus to eliminate the Han.

We all know that since Zhu Di moved the capital, Shanhaiguan has been an important barrier for Beijing, and when the Chongzhen Emperor hanged himself, Wu Sangui actually opened the pass in order to find a new patron for himself to please the Manchu Qing.

After the Qing army entered the customs, the Han people who were still resisting were killed, and the people were forced to shave their hair and braids, destroying the foundation of the Han people for thousands of years and completely destroying the cultural customs of the Chinese nation.

After the Three Massacres of Jiading, I don't know how many Han people were slaughtered, and Wu Sangui was a bottomless person and a literal historical sinner.

The ten greatest sinners in China's history, they have brought calamity to the country and the people, and have set China back hundreds of years

Ninth place: Cixi

Cixi is one of the most important female rulers in history, throughout history, women in power, such as Lü Hou and Xiaozhuang are all discredited, but Cixi's special place is that her body is full of stains.

After she obeyed the government, she successively supported 2 puppet emperors to ascend to the throne, because they were not obedient, and eventually they were all poisoned by Cixi, and after the Japanese army entered the Qing Dynasty, Cixi strongly advocated peace with her own strength.

Under the persecution of Cixi, Li Hongzhang signed a treaty with Japan to lose power and humiliate the country, and the land was lost on a large scale, which not only cut the land to pay compensation, but also led to the wanton slaughter of the countrymen by the great powers.

Although Cixi was not the real cause of the fall of the Qing Dynasty, cixi was so humiliated that Cixi "contributed an indispensable contribution."

The ten greatest sinners in China's history, they have brought calamity to the country and the people, and have set China back hundreds of years

Tenth place: Wang Jingwei

Wang Jingwei's name is also very bright, he is a well-known big man in our country -- the number one traitor.

Wang Jingwei threw himself into the revolution in his early years, and at the beginning he followed Yuan Shikai, Wang Jingwei received a good education in his early years, he not only studied in France, but also had a very deep relationship with Japan.

After the outbreak of the "918 Incident", everyone was struggling to resist Japanese imperialism, but Wang Jingwei had a unique idea, and he saw that Japan's powerful admiration was incessant, believing that "China's military economy is stubborn and backward, and cannot be compared with it."

In 1932, Wang Jingwei signed an armistice treaty with Japan that humiliated the country, and took the initiative to give the sovereignty of North China to Japan, and even after the outbreak of the War of Resistance Against Japan, Wang Jingwei also hyped up peace and went farther and farther on the road of traitor.

In the end, Wang Jingwei completely rebelled and established a so-called "regime" with the support of the Japanese, and such a face was scolded by people, but Wang Jingwei was overjoyed.

Such a traitor is a well-deserved national sinner, and even if it is another hundred years in the future, it will not be worthy of forgiveness from the Chinese people.

The ten greatest sinners in China's history, they have brought calamity to the country and the people, and have set China back hundreds of years

Many of these historical sinners are not temporarily powerful courtiers, nor are they all eunuchs who control the government, but what they have done has brought more harm to the country and the people and harmed the people.

So who do you think is not worthy of the name of these historical sinners? Which sinners do you know?

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