
This person is the chief of the Kuomintang, who was punished by criticism and fighting after the founding of the People's Republic of China, and then turned the crisis into safety twice because of a note!

History has its own life, it is like a person, both easy-going and self-respecting. ——Yu Qiuyu

At the beginning of the founding of the People's Republic of China, the whole country was carrying out a vigorous three-anti movement. During this period, a villager in Jiangsu who had served as the chief of the nationalist army security, twice took out a note when the government was about to deal with him, and both turned the crisis into safety and saved the whole family. So what is the origin of this chief? What was written on that note? This person is Wang Ruqing, Wang Ruqing, a native of Huaiyin, Jiangsu Province. His second brother-in-law, Yang Hongyan, is an underground worker.

This person is the chief of the Kuomintang, who was punished by criticism and fighting after the founding of the People's Republic of China, and then turned the crisis into safety twice because of a note!

Under the leadership of Yang Hongyan, Wang Ruqing also secretly embarked on the road of revolution. Soon after, Wang Ruqing, assigned by the organization, came to the enemy war zone to serve as the Japanese and puppet security chief, and began his two-sided life. Since then, Wang Ruqing has repeatedly used his position as a baochang to send a large amount of intelligence and military supplies to the Huaiyin Enemy Works Department and local anti-Japanese troops, making many contributions to the War of Resistance. After the defeat of Japan, Wang Ruqing did not return to the organization, but continued to lurk in the national army to operate secretly and continue to serve as a security chief.

This person is the chief of the Kuomintang, who was punished by criticism and fighting after the founding of the People's Republic of China, and then turned the crisis into safety twice because of a note!

Once, while delivering goods for the New Fourth Army garrison in Huaihuai, the coachman accidentally missed the wind. The interrogating enemy soldiers found weapons and ammunition in the dung buckets used as cover, and immediately arrested and killed the coachman. After this incident, Wang Ruqing was very nervous, he was afraid that his identity would be exposed, and the whole family would be in danger of life. He immediately found Chen Huaming and Ma Jun, cadres of the New Fourth Army Office in Huaiyin, and when the two learned of the situation, they immediately wrote down a letter of guarantee for the Huaiyin County Office of the New Fourth Army, and at the same time arranged for soldiers to secretly protect Wang Ruqing, but Wang Ruqing could not have imagined that this letter of guarantee would turn his family into safety twice after liberation.

This person is the chief of the Kuomintang, who was punished by criticism and fighting after the founding of the People's Republic of China, and then turned the crisis into safety twice because of a note!

The first time was during the agrarian reform movement, when the Wang family was divided into middle peasants. According to the policy, a part of the wang family's property must be collected as state-owned and redistributed. At this critical juncture, Wang Ruqing took out the letter of guarantee, and the relevant departments did not touch a penny of his land and money after seeing it. The second time was in that special historical period, when all those who had served as baochang during the War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression and the Nationalist Government would be identified as black five categories and attacked by everyone. This time, that letter of guarantee rescued Wang Ruqing's family, and not only was not a single Wang family criticized, but the whole family was also loved by the local government and the people.

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