
Bao Zheng: Do you know how much he gave up for the "faith in his heart" and how many tears he shed?


Everyone admired Bao Zheng's iron-faced selflessness, envied Bao Zheng's famous history, admired Bao Zheng's integrity, and admired Bao Zheng's courage in "impeaching the nobility".

In the blood of every young person with strong flesh and blood in modern times, there is a part of the Bao Zheng complex, and every young person with a righteous heart more or less hides the courage of Bao Zheng to dispel the darkness and shine in the light.

Bao Zheng: Do you know how much he gave up for the "faith in his heart" and how many tears he shed?

The worship of a person, especially the ancients, should not only stay in the historical labels and historical medals, but should go deep into the texture, dig into the hundreds, and use a sharp hoe to plan out the spiritual core of virtue and virtue.

Bao Zheng should also not stay in the drama of book criticism, but should enter the daily life of the general public. This article takes everyone into Bao Zheng together, trying to restore the three-dimensional Bao Zheng, pursuing, Bao Zheng for the pure faith in his heart, his sacrifice and gain.

Iron-faced selflessness is the evaluation of society, as a flesh-and-blood person, Bao Zheng's human virtues and human touch cross the long river of history, fragrant and timeless, and the aftertaste is long.

Bao Zheng: Do you know how much he gave up for the "faith in his heart" and how many tears he shed?

Bao Zheng was a 28-year-old middle-aged soldier, gave up entering the DPRK as an official, gave up the material pursuit of adults, and raised his parents for 10 years?

Confucius said: Thirty and standing, forty without confusion, fifty knowing the Destiny of Heaven, sixty and obedient, seventy from the heart and not exceeding the rules! The Master regards every ten years of his life as a step, and only after ten years does he become a saint! Bao Zheng, on the other hand, directly gave up the essence of life for ten years and lived in his hometown of Hefei, Anhui Province, and his inner ambition was completely transformed into serving his parents in front of the bed.

What are we doing between 28 and 38 years old? Lest the workplace fall into the inferior position, panic that classmates and friends are progressing too fast, and they can't catch up. Entangled in the parents can not create a good material foundation, in the process of social struggle often compared with high-quality family children, complaining that the starting line created by parents is not the same, resulting in today's social discourse is not equal.

Even extremist netizens believe that poor parents should not have children, and they do not have the qualifications to continue their offspring, which is to ruin the child's life! After reading the bag, I was ashamed. Shame on me, I have also blamed my poor parents for my mediocre abilities at certain times.

I am ashamed that I can't ask for worldly materials, and the elasticity of "planting stolen goods" in the "rocker" of the family situation is not strong enough. There are many views on the Internet, that the fall of the original family is strong, all of which are dragging you down, the sooner you know, the sooner you spread your wings and take off, and the original parents are broken off, and the native sisters are broken, in order to help you fly yellow Tengda.

Bao Zheng: Do you know how much he gave up for the "faith in his heart" and how many tears he shed?

Tracing back to the source, I don't know whether the netizens with this view are reasonable and reasonable. If it weren't for the life given to you by your poor parents, would you have the opportunity to overlook the mountains and rivers and participate in the great times?

What about Bao Zheng? Bao Zheng is a cold window hard to study for more than ten years, repeatedly the gold list is not named, 28 years old is about to stand in the year, extremely difficult to pass the first rank into the soldier, a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, met the wise and enlightened emperor Song Renzong.

Bao Zheng's parents want Bao Zheng to accompany him at home, which is in the modern elite education, self-interest under the society, such parents are simply and selfish.

And Bao Zheng chose to serve his parents, and Bao Zheng shed many tears before making this decision, and the tears wet the bed. Adults know that what did Bao Zheng give up? Bao Zheng did not give up an official position and the lifelong treatment of "royal employees", not gave up a beloved in his heart, Bao Zheng gave up his life or even all.

According to the greatest common divisor, the essence of life is calculated according to 60 years, learning equipment before the age of 30, and retiring from the second line after the age of 50. The 20 years from 30 to 40 years old are the essence of life.

The 10 years that Bao Zheng gave up and the 10 years that broke the ladder could not be followed up. Some small disciples say that Bao Zheng is a gambling psychology, and wins the future of official luck in the name of "filial piety". Bao Zheng is not a gamble, but a renunciation. The "willingness" in Lao Tzu culture and the "yin and yang" in Taiji contain profound wisdom in sinology.

Bao Zheng: Do you know how much he gave up for the "faith in his heart" and how many tears he shed?

Bao Zheng gave up the future of the world, but "Dao" chose Bao Zheng and arranged a special opportunity to enter the imperial court as an official, and even achieved the high position of prime minister. This is in stark contrast to the fly camp dog gou and the speculative drill camp in the last two empty hands.

Ouyang Xiu discovered Bao Zheng, a worldly talent, in the vast sea of people, and introduced him to the dynasty, allowing Bao Zheng to enter the world. In the later period of Bao Zheng, he impeached the emperor's relatives six times at the Golden Ruan Palace, and confronted Song Renzong and corrupt officials endlessly. People who are upright and brave are not cultivated in a day. The bitter heart of the day is not worthy, and the three thousand Yue Jia can swallow Wu.

Does Bao Zheng really have no "human touch"? Is Bao Zheng's personality like this, or is he deliberately "disguised"?

Bao Zheng is a pure and complete adherence to justice and light, and the human touch in front of the trial is the "dereliction of duty" and "injustice" of the law. As a famous inspector in history, Bao Zheng is a model of rigidity and strict observance, all words and deeds in politics are out of the public heart, private morality is also decorated without flaws, and he is invincible inside and out. Is Bao Zheng so personality, but also deliberately "disguise"?

Of course, Bao Zheng is pretended, who does not know that pleasure is more serious and comfortable, who does not know that corruption is more incorruptible and happy? But this is Bao Zheng's choice, and since Bao Zheng has chosen light and justice, Bao Zheng must deliberately "disguise" it. Because Bao Zheng knew very well that the "human touch" in the Dali Temple trial was the "key" for the "inspector" to enter the abyss of prison.

Bao Zheng: Do you know how much he gave up for the "faith in his heart" and how many tears he shed?

Those who belittle Bao Zheng's inhumanity are because Bao Zheng does not give the other party the opportunity to "pay bribes". Blocking any opening that could lead to "corruption" causes resentment among those who fail to pay bribes. Whoever is alive and does not arouse the wrath of man must be a traitor and a treacherous person.

Thieves hate the police is the norm in society, and if the police don't let the thieves be afraid and resentful, the police should have a problem. If the good satisfies the disgust, the good follows the evil, and the good is the accomplice of the evil. If the wicked do not envy you, you are the wicked.

Good people must be cursed by bad people. Those who enforce the law impartially must be hated by those who have been bribed. Human nature is "evil" like this, I receive red envelopes, you do not accept, you are my enemy, slandering you, cursing you is my daily work.

Therefore, the people who say that Bao Zheng is impersonal are generally official colleagues and wealthy businessmen. Bao Zheng's impersonality is the abandonment of Bao Zheng.

Bao Zheng: Do you know how much he gave up for the "faith in his heart" and how many tears he shed?

It was because of Bao Zheng's vigilance that the integrity of the legal system of the Northern Song Dynasty was guaranteed. We look at Bao Zheng's "absolute integrity" through a small case. Duanyan (Duanzhou Yantai) is a local precious specialty, among the four treasures of the literary room, along with xuan paper (Anhui Xuancheng paper), Lake Pen (Zhejiang Huzhou pen), Hui ink (Anhui Huizhou ink), in the Song Dynasty is one of the important tributes.

In the past, local officials often levied taxes everywhere in the name of paying tribute to the imperial court, and when they had good goods, they were privately owned in case of bribery or gifts in the future. When Bao Gong was in Office in Duanzhou, he ordered the craftsmen to manufacture according to the quota of tribute, and did not overcharge one, so when he left office, he dared to say "do not hold Duanzhou yiyan return", which was a good story for a while.

Let's look at the bag through a story without humanity?

Bao Zheng knew to stay away from material temptations when he was not an official, and Bao Zheng deliberately stayed away from the local rich. After becoming an official in the later period, he deliberately kept a certain distance from the rich and his colleagues, which was Bao Zheng's wisdom and Bao Zheng's respect for the law.

Bao Zheng once studied in a monk's house with a classmate surnamed Li, and Bao Zheng often traveled back and forth between the monk's house and his home with a classmate surnamed Li, and had to pass through a rich man's house on the way. In order to cultivate connections, the rich man set up a good dinner bureau and tried his best to invite the two, but Bao Zheng categorically refused. Another day, the rich set up a banquet.

Bao Zheng: Do you know how much he gave up for the "faith in his heart" and how many tears he shed?

Passing by again, the classmate surnamed Li felt warm and embarrassed, accepted the invitation, Bao Zheng immediately changed his face, said, he is a rich man, we may become officials in our hometown in the future, if we interact with him now, will not we be burdened by this love debt in the future?

As the saying goes, eating people is soft in mouth, and taking people with short hands. Bao Zheng already knew the rich man's little calculation and did not give him any chance, so that he would not be burdened by human emotions in the future. Many years later, Bao Zheng was indeed arranged by the imperial court to be an official in Luzhou as originally said, at this time, Bao Zheng was able to free his hands and feet to do a great job, maintain honesty and self-preservation, and enforce the law impartially without being involved.

Bao Zheng: A good father-in-law with a human touch

Bao Zheng's life was bumpy, his eldest son Bao Qi, who died of illness at a very young age, and the eldest daughter-in-law, Cui Shi, married into the Bao family at the age of 19 and became a widow at the age of 21. Bao Gong took pity on her and persuaded her to remarry, and Cui Shi wanted to raise his young son and did not want to remarry. However, it was very unfortunate that after 4 years, the young son fell ill and died.

Bao Gong and his wife not only persuaded the Cui family to remarry, but also mobilized their mother, Lü Shi (cui's mother), to persuade them. Lü Shi advised Cui Shi, "When your husband dies, you keep the child; now that the child is gone, what are you keeping?" Cui Shi said firmly: "Thank you for your mother's kindness, now that my mother-in-law is old and there is only one younger brother in the family, how can I leave them!" ”

Bao Zheng: Do you know how much he gave up for the "faith in his heart" and how many tears he shed?

Later, after Bao Zheng's death, Cui's mother asked her to remarry, but she still refused, although her father-in-law died, but the young uncle needed to be taken care of, she raised the little uncle Bao Shou to adulthood, and then married Bao Shou, fulfilling the responsibility of a mother, the word "elder brother such as mother" that everyone knows is derived from this, and this allusion has been passed down to this day.

Bao Zheng has no friends in his life? He also did not interact with relatives and did not write poetry articles

Bao Zheng learned five cars and was admitted to the first rank at the age of 28. The Song Dynasty was heavy on literature and light on martial arts, so why didn't Bao Zheng write articles? Why not write poetry? Why is bao Zheng's spirit and morality still of practical significance in modern times?

Some officials will never show people when writing articles, but as long as they write them, they will have the day of showing people, otherwise how can officials who write articles and never show people know that they never show people?

Bao Zheng was exemplary in this regard, As a high-ranking cultural intellectual, Bao Zheng was recommended as an official by the Northern Song Dynasty scholar Ouyang Xiu and worked with Wang Anshi, another literary hero of the Northern Song Dynasty.

Bao Zheng: Do you know how much he gave up for the "faith in his heart" and how many tears he shed?

Let's first look at Ouyang Xiu's cultural attainments, not at official positions.

Bao Zheng: Do you know how much he gave up for the "faith in his heart" and how many tears he shed?

Ouyang Xiu was the first literary leader to create a generation of literary styles in the history of Song Dynasty literature, and together with Han Yu, Liu Zongyuan, Su Shi, Su Xun, Su Rui, Wang Anshi, and Zeng Gong, he was collectively known as the "Eight Great Masters of the Tang and Song Dynasties", and together with Han Yu, Liu Zongyuan, and Su Shi, he was collectively known as the "Four Great Masters of Ancient Articles". He led the Northern Song Dynasty Poetry Reform Movement, inheriting and developing Han Yu's theory of ancient literature.

The high achievement of his prose creation complemented his correct ancient literary theory, thus creating a generation of literary styles. While changing the style of writing, Ouyang Xiu also innovated the style of poetry and the style of words. In terms of historiography, he also has high achievements, he has majored in the New Book of Tang, and wrote the "History of the New Five Dynasties". There is the "Ouyang Wenzhong Gongji" passed down.

Let's look at Wang Anshi's cultural attainments again, not at official positions.

In literature, Wang Anshi has outstanding achievements. His prose is concise and concise, short and concise, the argument is clear, the logic is rigorous, there is a strong persuasiveness, give full play to the practical function of the ancient text, ranked among the "Eight Greats of the Tang and Song Dynasties"; his poems "learn du to get his skinny and hard", good at reasoning and rhetoric, in his later years the poetic style is subtle and deep, deep and unhurried, with a style of fengshen and distant rhyme in the Northern Song Dynasty poetry circle, known as "Wang Jing Gong Body"; his lyrics and writings are nostalgic for the ancient, the artistic conception is empty, and the image is faint and simple. There are works such as "Linchuan Collection" that have survived.

Bao Zheng worked in the same room as Wang Anshi and Ouyang Xiu, and if Bao Zheng did not have literary talent, how could he enter Ouyang Xiu's eyes. If Bao Zheng has no literary talent, how can he pass the first rank of jinshi. It is just that Bao Zheng has done something and not done anything, Bao Zheng has chosen judicial integrity, chosen thorough purity, dedicated his life to the spirit of independent rule of law, and avoidance of suspicion and extremely high vigilance are the first meaning of Bao Zheng becoming "Bao Qingtian".

"Sheath the knife" and "seal the talent forever"

When Bao Zheng was not yet an official, Bao Zheng kept a distance from the rich, and after becoming an official, he gave up the opportunity of his articles to flow for hundreds of years, "sheathed the knife" of the literary collection, "permanently sealed" the talent, and did not give "Ya bribe" a little leeway.

Even if the colleagues and the imperial magnates are not bribes of real money and silver, the praise of the colleagues for Bao Zheng's poetry, and the respect of the imperial relatives for Bao Zheng's literary collection, are essentially part of the bribe, and they invisibly close the opportunity with Bao Zheng.

Opponents with different views suggest that they should not engage in judicial work in this life. Is it possible that taking a picture together is "bribery", and is "drinking tea" together a bribe? Yes, that's right.

Bao Zheng: Do you know how much he gave up for the "faith in his heart" and how many tears he shed?

Bao Zheng is well aware of this, so Bao Zheng has achieved Bao Zheng's legendary reputation. Through Bao Zheng's deeds, we can see how morality and morality and good reputation can be obtained. It is at the cost of giving up, at the cost of giving up their normal rights and interests. Bao Zheng's writing of poetry and song is not illegal, but it is easy to give people the opportunity to pay bribes.

In the Northern Song Dynasty, correspondence was the only way to communicate with relatives and friends in his hometown, and Bao Zheng did not write private letters in his lifetime

The history books record that he did not write personal letters in his lifetime, had no friends, and had no contact with relatives. The only texts he handed down were a short poem from his early years and a family training in his later years, and the rest were all music.

Modern people have instant messaging software, and bao zheng of the Northern Song Dynasty communicates with relatives hundreds of miles away, only letters. Bao Zheng's appointment is subject to many criticisms, even close relatives. Bao Zheng was in a high position, but he had never written a single letter, still in the ancient Northern Song Dynasty.

Bao Zheng: Do you know how much he gave up for the "faith in his heart" and how many tears he shed?

Bao Zheng's writing is only to the emperor

The only surviving volume of Bao Zheng is the fifteen volumes of the Gongshu Discussion, and the ten volumes of the Bao Xiaosu Gong gongshu (Bao Zheng Ji) are now preserved, which are included in the 427th volume of the "Siku Quanshu" "Shibu Zhao Ling Gong Discussion Class", which has been published in all dynasties and is deeply valued by later generations of researchers. "Bao Xiaosu Gonggong Discussion" contains almost all the folds, clichés, and various suggestions and opinions of Bao Zheng's life, and comprehensively presents Bao Zheng's political views and his attitude toward reading the world, especially his suggestions on opposing increasing the peasants' burdens and streamlining the government.

Bao Zheng knows that he will offend and hurt his relatives and friends by not writing private letters, but if Bao Zheng replies to his relatives and friends, he will bring about the hidden danger of corruption. First, Bao Zheng is a high-ranking official in the capital, and the recipient of the reply letter is likely to use this as a show-off, not abiding by the law and discipline in the local area, and the local county official hinders Bao Zheng's relatives, and it is very likely that he will bend the law for personal gain.

Second, when a mouth is opened, there will be a second writer, and not replying to the letter will bring injustice. The reason why Bao Zheng is great and the reason why he shines through the ages is mainly to "burn himself" and illuminate the rule of law and integrity.

I am extremely disgusted by this argument of society, when a high standard stands there, like Bao Zheng, Bao Zheng is a standard of rule of law and integrity. When a person does not meet the standards of Bao Zheng, he says that Bao Zheng's standards are problematic and contrary to human nature.

Bao Zheng: Do you know how much he gave up for the "faith in his heart" and how many tears he shed?

Why do we say that this kind of person is the most hateful, and if they can't reach it, they frankly admit that they can't reach it, but they are unwilling to admit it, but instead they lower the high standards and distort the high standards, and this kind of person is a social moth and a national scum.

Just like the spirit of Lei Feng, it is not selfish and specializes in benefiting others. If you can't do it, I can't do what Lei Feng did. There is no shame in this, but you can't say that the Lei Feng spirit is outdated, that the Lei Feng spirit is problematic.

The author is very frank, I can't do what Lei Feng did, but I respect and admire Lei Feng, I am willing to learn Lei Feng, learn Bao Zheng, and slowly approach the light.


May there be more "packages of green sky" in the world, and may there be fewer distorted "benchmarks" in the world

Bao Zheng: Do you know how much he gave up for the "faith in his heart" and how many tears he shed?

Bao Zheng's abandonment seems stubborn, but isn't the "human touch" of corruption the shackles of prison? The belittler of Bao Zheng is invariably because bao zheng's brilliance illuminates the darkness of his heart.

Bao Zheng's honest life is a beam of many lights of the Chinese nation, real knives and real guns fight corruption, and fiercely and bravely confront the imperial family, is this not lacking in this era?

Bao Zheng gave up the pleasures and emotions of ordinary people, and Bao Zheng gained the reputation of "Qingtian". May there be many "packages of green sky" in the world, may the world not reach the "benchmark", and there will be fewer people who slander and distort the "benchmark".

I firmly believe that Bao Zheng's incorruptible life has shed many tears, and the tears have wet the bed.

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