
The real appearance of the Japanese army invading China: strong and fierce, Figure 3 makes people angry, and Figure 5 is the Japanese army queuing up to enter the comfort station

The real appearance of the Japanese army invading China: strong and fierce, Figure 3 makes people angry, and Figure 5 is the Japanese army queuing up to enter the comfort station

[The Japanese Army Prepares to Break Through the Door (Taken During the Japanese Army's "Sweeping" of the Japanese Base Area Against Japan) This is an old photograph of the Japanese army invading China taken by a group of reporters accompanying the army. The Japanese soldiers in the photo are small and strong, but fierce, and they have committed countless heinous crimes in China. This old photograph is ironclad evidence of the Crimes of the Japanese Army in China, and truly reproduces the ugly face of the Japanese Army.

The real appearance of the Japanese army invading China: strong and fierce, Figure 3 makes people angry, and Figure 5 is the Japanese army queuing up to enter the comfort station

[The Japanese army is practicing] Some people may question, why are the Japanese army so strong? In fact, at the beginning of World War II, the Japanese army that went to the battlefield was extremely strong, which is why the Japanese conscription system strictly screened new recruits. At the same time, new recruits must undergo strict military training after enlistment, including cruel physical training and so on.

The real appearance of the Japanese army invading China: strong and fierce, Figure 3 makes people angry, and Figure 5 is the Japanese army queuing up to enter the comfort station

[The Japanese Army Prepares to Kill Innocent People (Practicing Knives)] In the anti-war drama, the Japanese army fights without rules, which is the biggest misunderstanding. In the Japanese historical materials on the invasion of China, we see this description: "Cadres and soldiers should jointly cheer up the spirit of attack, adhere to the belief in victory, strictly enforce military discipline and strengthen unity." At the same time, cadres should improve their combat command skills in various battlefields; soldiers should be proficient in martial arts in order to become the backbone of the battlefield. Therefore, cadres and soldiers should conduct various targeted training in peacetime to master various tactics and action essentials. ”

The real appearance of the Japanese army invading China: strong and fierce, Figure 3 makes people angry, and Figure 5 is the Japanese army queuing up to enter the comfort station

Many veterans of the War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression recalled, "The Japanese marksmanship is very hard-armored, and it may be shot at the slightest appearance." "What the veterans say is true, this is real history. In the early and middle of the war, the Japanese army practiced live-fire when they went to the battlefield. The Japanese may not have been sharpshooters, but within 200-300 meters it was really bulletless.

The real appearance of the Japanese army invading China: strong and fierce, Figure 3 makes people angry, and Figure 5 is the Japanese army queuing up to enter the comfort station

[Japanese troops queue up to enter the comfort station] This photo was taken during the Japanese occupation of Hangzhou, and it is an extremely angry scene. After the Japanese army occupied Hangzhou, they implemented the "three days of free travel", resulting in the heaven on earth becoming a hell on earth. During this period, the Japanese slaughtered people and looted everywhere, such as setting fire to houses, strafing people with rifles and machine guns, and setting up comfort stations.

The real appearance of the Japanese army invading China: strong and fierce, Figure 3 makes people angry, and Figure 5 is the Japanese army queuing up to enter the comfort station

[The Japanese Army Marched Forward] When I consulted the "Infantry Training Manual", I found that the Japanese army actually attached great importance to the bayonet, "The way to determine the final victory or defeat of the battle is the bayonet assault." "As we all know, the Japanese army was influenced by the masters of the military state, who believed that the charge and bayonet was the embodiment of the spirit of Bushido and one of the ways to pledge allegiance to the emperor.

The real appearance of the Japanese army invading China: strong and fierce, Figure 3 makes people angry, and Figure 5 is the Japanese army queuing up to enter the comfort station

[Japanese troops fishing in the river] In the early days of the war of aggression against China, the Japanese military department had perfect logistical supplies. With the expansion of the scope of Japanese aggression in Asia, the Japanese army began to implement the strategy of "feeding the war with war", especially in the Chinese battlefield. As we all know, China's land is vast, and the Japanese army began to plunder materials every time it occupied a place, and even transported some materials back to Japan.

The real appearance of the Japanese army invading China: strong and fierce, Figure 3 makes people angry, and Figure 5 is the Japanese army queuing up to enter the comfort station

[Captured Japanese] Several Japanese prisoners in this picture did not have arrogance, but they still did not obey. In addition, the Japanese prisoners also knew that China was mainly lenient with prisoners at that time, and they also knew that they would not be shot. However, the Soviet Union treated Japanese prisoners differently, and they sent Japanese prisoners directly to the cold regions of Siberia, and as a result, countless Japanese prisoners were frozen alive in one winter.

The real appearance of the Japanese army invading China: strong and fierce, Figure 3 makes people angry, and Figure 5 is the Japanese army queuing up to enter the comfort station

[The Japanese Army Launches an Offensive] "The essence of the Japanese Army's training and combat effectiveness can be said to be rare in the world, and when using troops to march, from the generals to the soldiers, they all fight in accordance with the principle of tactical combat, and there is no chaos at all, so that the enemy is not easy to take advantage of." This is Li Zongren's evaluation of the Japanese army invading China, which shows that the combat strength of the Japanese army is really amazing.

The real appearance of the Japanese army invading China: strong and fierce, Figure 3 makes people angry, and Figure 5 is the Japanese army queuing up to enter the comfort station

During the 14 years of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, Chinese soldiers and civilians were rarely able to capture Japanese prisoners, "Japanese soldiers refused to surrender their guns until they died, firstly because of Japan's Bushido education and fascist education, but also because they were too cruel to the Chinese military and people, I am afraid that Chinese retaliation." "For the Japanese army, even if they commit suicide by cutting their abdomen, they cannot be taken prisoner, because this is a manifestation of the emperor's disloyalty.

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