
Bian Que was killed in his later years by jealousy, and he invented Yunnan Baiyao, but he also ended up in a miserable situation

Bian Que was killed in his later years by jealousy, and he invented Yunnan Baiyao, but he also ended up in a miserable situation

A good doctor can save countless lives, there is a saying in Buddhism, saving a person's life is better than creating a seven-level floating massacre, and saving many patients, how much merit should there be? But how many doctors in history have ended up well? The origin of the healer is probably the Shennong clan, the story of Shennong tasting hundreds of herbs has been heard by many people, and finally Shennong died because he tasted the broken intestinal grass; the famous doctor Hua Tuo and Bian Que in the Three Kingdoms period, which got a good ending? Hua Tuo was tortured to death because he was suspicious of Cao Cao, and Bian Que was killed in his later years.

Yunnan Baiyao, which we all use in our daily lives today, is probably not an exaggeration to say that its inventor is a famous doctor. But such a good doctor did not end up well, and finally died tragically in prison. He is Qu Huanzhang, a good doctor worthy of respect.

Treat diseases and save people, invent Yunnan Baiyao

Qu Huanzhang was born in Yunnan as a member of the Yi ethnic group, and his life was very poor when he was a child, losing his father at the age of seven, his mother at the age of nine, and his 12-year-old sister. After his sister got married, he could not bear to let Qu Huanzhang be at home alone, so he took him to the home of her husband Yuan Huai. Yuan Huai studied medicine, so Qu Huanzhang followed his brother-in-law to learn the department of injury. Soon after, Qu Huanzhang also got married and developed wound medicine and white medicine with his wife.

Bian Que was killed in his later years by jealousy, and he invented Yunnan Baiyao, but he also ended up in a miserable situation

Compared with the doctors in the clinic, Qu Huanzhang is a traveling doctor who travels all over the mountains and rivers to treat many people. At the same time, it also studies various types of injury medicines. The jianghu doctor is not necessarily worse than the doctors in the regular places, he is like the previous Shennong, collecting herbs, and at the same time, he is not ashamed to ask the local villagers and local herbalists what the effects of the herbs here are.

His conditions were already much stronger than Shennong's, and many times he did not need to take the medicine himself, otherwise there would be no later Yunnan Baiyao. He saved many people and was known as a healer in the generation he lived in. After he studied wounds, he seriously studied wounds and healed wounds for people, kind and benevolent.

He was not born to plan to take the road of medicine, once he had a stomachache rolling on the ground, almost dying, thanks to the herbal medicine doctor Yao Lianjun saved him in time, so he made up his mind to learn from Yao Lianjun, learn his medical skills, cure diseases and save people. Under his unremitting insistence, Yao Lianjun finally taught him, Qu Huanzhang learned very thoroughly, and then later walked the mountains and rivers to save people, and when asking about herbs, he made BaiBao Dan (the predecessor of Yunnan Baiyao). However, the original Bai Bao Dan was not so in line with Qu HuanZhang's imagination, so after his own many experiments and improvements, Bai Bao Dan could reach the point that Qu Huan Zhang imagined.

Bian Que was killed in his later years by jealousy, and he invented Yunnan Baiyao, but he also ended up in a miserable situation

Yunnan Baiyao is famous

Bai Bao Dan made by Qu Huanzhang has a strange effect on external wounds, especially for gunshot wounds and knife wounds. As long as the injured person is not dead, Qu Huanzhang first lets the injured person use BaiBaodan, and then cooperates with the tiger force to disperse, under normal circumstances, the injured person will stop bleeding, and the breath will gradually stabilize.

That generation of bandits often haunted, because they often fought, so the bandits and the people were easily injured. Wu Xuexian, a Bandit of Yunnan Province, was shot in the chest during a fight, and seeing that he was already dying of incurable disease, he was forcibly invited by other bandits to heal Wu Xuexian's wounds, and Qu Huanzhang used Bai Baodan and Hu Lishan to cooperate. Since then, Qu Huanzhang's Baibaodan has also become famous.

However, Qu Huanzhang had a new dissatisfaction with Bai Baodan, so he returned home to study day and night, and finally studied Qu's white medicine. Qu's Baiyao and Baibaodan have also been approved by the Yunnan Public Security to be sold, not only that, but also listed as superior in various types of drugs. Because of this, he was appointed as a regular doctor in Donglu Hospital, and never again continued to wander around in the mountains and rivers.

Bian Que was killed in his later years by jealousy, and he invented Yunnan Baiyao, but he also ended up in a miserable situation

After he became a regular doctor, he met Wu Xuexian again in a fortuitous situation. Because Wu Xuexian was injured in the leg during a fight with people, it was very serious. Other experts have seen it and said they had to have their limbs amputated to save their lives. So qu huanzhang was summoned, and Qu Huanzhang not only did not have to amputate his limbs, but after curing him with Qu's white medicine and tiger lisan and baibaodan, he became a famous divine doctor.

Later, Qu Huanzhang and his family moved to Kunming and opened their own clinic. In his clinic, he once again improved Qu's BaiYao, Bai Bao Dan was also upgraded again, and his medicine was also sold from Home to Abroad, and his medicine was bought in Singapore, Japan and other places. But some people just like to make such ill-gotten gains, even people's life-saving drugs can be forged, in order to prevent this situation, Qu Huanzhang made an article in the medicine box, marked with The unique symbol of Qu Huanzhang.

Qu Huanzhang's medicine was so effective that it became famous among warlords and even exported abroad. Slowly, it reached the ears of the Kuomintang, and in 1935, even Mr. Jiang wrote an inscription for him with the inscription "Ten Effects.". In 1938, he donated 30,000 bottles of Bai Bao Dan to an army, making a great contribution to the victory of the xxx battle.

Bian Que was killed in his later years by jealousy, and he invented Yunnan Baiyao, but he also ended up in a miserable situation

However, Qu Huanzhang's contribution has aroused the eyes of others. His medical skills want to be appropriated by others, even the formula of Bai Bao Dan Bai Yao? Coveted.

Refusing to hand over the recipe and dying in prison

Some people say that you can only watch half the movie because the rest is sad. Qu Huanzhang's life was probably the first half of the film before 1938, and after he was taken to Chongqing, he was coerced and seduced and even imprisoned, and ended in anger.

After calling Qu Huanzhang to Chongqing, the Nationalist government appointed him as the director of the Central Chinese Medical Center. Jiao Yitang, the president of the Supreme Court at that time, treated Qu Huanzhang very kindly, and Qu Huanzhang also thought that he was very close to her, and both of them held a heart to save the country. I don't know that the real crisis is coming. Jiao Yitang had long been red-eyed about Qu Huanzhang's medical skills, and wanted to get the formula of Qu Huanzhang's Baibaodan, so he tricked Qu Huanzhang into co-establishing the Zhonghua Pharmaceutical Factory with him, and the way was to let Qu Huanzhang hand over the formula of Baibaodan to him.

Bian Que was killed in his later years by jealousy, and he invented Yunnan Baiyao, but he also ended up in a miserable situation

Qu Huanzhang had already sensed that something was wrong at this time, and resolutely refused to tell anyone about the formula of Bai Bao Dan. Jiao Yitang and Qu Huanzhang had already torn their faces, so they coerced Li to induce Qu Huanzhang to let him hand over the Baibaodan formula. Perhaps with the idea that he could not get what others could not have, he actually put Qu Huanzhang in prison under the condition that coercion and inducement could not be achieved. He did not torture Qu Huanzhang, but he forced Qu Huanzhang out of his illness.

Such a divine doctor who had saved countless people was actually forced out of the disease, and in prison, Jiao Yitang did not allow anyone to take care of him, and did not give Qu Huanzhang medicine when he was sick, and in the case of extreme heat in prison, Qu Huanzhang's body became weaker and weaker. In August 1938, Qu Huanzhang, a generation of divine doctors, unfortunately died tragically in prison at the age of 58.

Bian Que was killed in his later years by jealousy, and he invented Yunnan Baiyao, but he also ended up in a miserable situation

However, the formula of BaiBaodan was still not obtained by Jiao Yitang, and Qu Huanzhang's wife continued to use Baibaodan to save people in her hometown, and even after the founding of New China, she continued to play the effect of Baibaodan in Qu's white medicine. In February 1956, Qu Huanzhang's wife donated Baibaodan and Qu's Baiyao prescription to New China, and Yunnan Baiyao was officially sold in Kunming Pharmaceutical Factory in 1971.

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