
Before Kong Rong died, he begged Cao Cao to spare his son, and his 9-year-old son said 8 words, which have been passed down for thousands of years

Many times, a person's age and a person's achievements, a person's conduct, the value that a person can create, or a person's understanding of the world are not necessarily positively correlated. Some people have been confused all their lives, have not found the meaning of their own lives, and have not lived a life that makes themselves or others feel happy, while some people, although they are not old, but have experienced more things, received more education, and have their own opinions, and have created some very surprising theories, and even influenced generations of people, such as Kong Rong's son.

Before Kong Rong died, he begged Cao Cao to spare his son, and his 9-year-old son said 8 words, which have been passed down for thousands of years

For Kong Rong, most of people's understanding is limited to the matter of letting pears, and in fact, Kong Rong was also a very powerful figure in the Eastern Han Dynasty, he was known as one of the "Seven Sons of Jian'an", and he only knew people. However, it is a great pity that Kong Rong was later disposed of because of his disagreement with Cao Cao's political views, and even implicated his own son.

The story takes place in the last years of the Eastern Han Dynasty, when Kong Rong took the position of Beihai Taishou and was a relatively important figure in the dprk, and it was precisely because of this that when Cao Cao was in charge of the government, it was inevitable to deal with him.

Kong Rong was a very straightforward person, and if there was something he was not accustomed to, he would directly point it out, such as when Cao Cao defeated Yuan Shao and forcibly married Yuan Shao's daughter-in-law, Kong Rong could not bear to see it, and immediately wrote a letter to Cao Cao, in which he mocked the style of Cao Cao's family, and also mocked Cao Pi with "The King of Wu cut down the silk and gave himself to the Duke of Zhou". This story comes from the Book of the Later Han Dynasty.

According to the Book of the Later Han Dynasty, The Biography of Kong Rong:

Cao Cao attacked Tuye City, and Yuan's wives and sons were often invaded, while Cao Zi Pi took Yuan Xi's wife Zhen privately. Rong Nai and Cao Shu said, "The King of Wu cut down the silk and gave the Duke of Zhou by himself". unconscious, I asked what the classic was. Right: "Take it for granted." ”

Before Kong Rong died, he begged Cao Cao to spare his son, and his 9-year-old son said 8 words, which have been passed down for thousands of years

Cao Cao was not a person who swallowed his anger and swallowed his voice, nor was he a person who was good at receiving advice, so after seeing the letter, he did not reflect on his own behavior, but instead hated Kong Rong because of it. It was precisely because of this that when Cao Cao issued a ban on alcohol, but Kong Rong obstructed it many times and accused Cao Cao of not being worthy of real power, Cao Cao was completely angry.

At first, Cao Cao may still be jealous of the power of the Kong Rong family, but at this time the relationship has stiffened, and in 208 AD, cao Cao, who could not bear it, began to impeach Kong Rong, pointing out his various transgressions, and also imposed some false charges and convicted him. As a result, Kong Rong was executed, and even the three tribes were exterminated.

Before Kong Rong died, he begged Cao Cao to spare his son, and his 9-year-old son said 8 words, which have been passed down for thousands of years

Kong Rong dared to speak out and confront the powerful ministers, which in a sense reflected his attitude of not being afraid of death. But people love their children, although Kong Rong is not afraid of his own death, but still hopes that the children can live, so when the officials came to arrest him, Kong Rong begged: "I still have two children, can you save them?" ”

These two children, both relatively young, one eight years old and one nine years old, are still innocent and old. However, they showed unusual child-like abilities, and when they saw the change in the family, they did not panic and be afraid, but one of the children said: "Under the nest, there is a finished egg." This sentence shocked Kong Rongdu, and in the end he could only accept this fact.

Although Kong Rong and his son have long since died, this story has been passed down, and this sentence has become a famous saying throughout the ages, which has been quoted by future generations.

Before Kong Rong died, he begged Cao Cao to spare his son, and his 9-year-old son said 8 words, which have been passed down for thousands of years

References: Book of the Later Han Dynasty, Biography of Kong Rong, Chronicle of the Three Kingdoms, Biography of Cui Yan, Pei Notes, New Languages of the World

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