
(Lunar) Claire_ January 2022 Horoscope


You enter the new year with confidence, thank you lucky star! Families need to be in control, and you already know that because it's time to teach them that your life is your rule. Stick to your position because only you know how to achieve your dreams, otherwise you may end up missing out on the opportunity you've been waiting for for more than five years. Spend the weekend with your planned friends and let your footsteps breathe spring again.


Home Affairs will stand out (you've felt them bubbling up for weeks!). The things you didn't talk about before Christmas will now be laid out for all to discuss and dissect. The good news is that Mercury is right around, and it will give you some vocabulary that you couldn't find before, and you finally say it from the heart. Someone wants to get back into your life, but you and I both know that the boat has set sail. Avoid conflict where you know you are weakest.


A new job offer isn't what it seems. Remember who you are and remember everything you fought for this time last year, my friend. Be careful not to sign anything that leaves you without time to rest. If you do, this may prove your failure. The 2-day Capricorn Crescent tells you what to do, you just have to listen to your own intuition and not the advice of others. Mercury can even help you change your career. It's time to do what you want to do.


It turns out that the older people in the family are demanding, and in fact, to be fair, one of them really exhausts you, but this month they'll make independent decisions that will give you the freedom you need again. You'll be able to get your life back! The issue of currency was highlighted. It's best to meet your bank manager early, or open the letters you've been putting aside. If you face life head-on, life becomes under your control and becomes interesting. Solutions you thought you couldn't find, you can and will find now.


Venus retrograde makes it hard to express how you feel inside. The strong, sometimes arrogant, people around you let the tension prevail. Fortunately, the new moon forces you to make a choice. All you have to do now is take your long-term aspirations to heart and not be forced to do what others think must happen in the short term. You and I both know that some people act only in their own right.


Venus gives you the opportunity to make up for all the stress of the past year. Many people will say that you deserve a medal because you have to put up with everything and the support you have to show to others. As you enter the New Year, all you need to do is be honest about what you really want, which you haven't done so far. Uranus starts on the 18th to your advantage because you finally have the opportunity to be more open about which path will really make you happy. Others will be willing to invest in you from the 23rd.


Someone is lying to you, you can see through them. Then fool them, Libra. The sun gives you clarity and strength to get you back in the driver's seat and know your destination. Get all the written quotes and make sure you keep all the promises you made. The family will help solve these financial problems from the 12th. Those of you who have a partner; looking forward rather than backward, you are about to rekindle the spark. Pay attention to those attractive places. You know what you think, and you're ready to use it.


It seems to me that people avoid lying to you, because you will quickly realize that they really don't have to. In fact, honesty is the key to living your life the way you do, not living in the shadow of a dream that's close at hand, as you did last December. The sun illuminates you, allowing you to see who you are, and everything you think and feel is written on your face. This is a good thing because it helps you know where you are going.


Your fire element encourages you to tell secrets that don't belong to you. You find yourself more interested in other people's things than your own, but are you really avoiding dealing with your own? Don't be shy. What happens from the seventh house is a whole new perspective and opportunity to manifest and enter into something better, both personally and at work. Be wary of what excites you and ignites your passion. You will realize that life is for life, and that you are ready.


Schools, education, and written language are all important this month. You are ready to immerse yourself in the experience that life has to offer, and this month you can take on more tasks than you normally have for six months. The frustration of being canceled last year is now being replaced by bigger and better programs at your helm. Supportive people will surprise you because the new moon at the beginning of this month will help them pick themselves up and give you support again.


Saturn will better understand your choices. When you finally let go of those ghosts from the past, your life will feel better. Those of you who aspire to an ex will only see new options and will not even think about going back in time. You've grown up! The maturation of this new discovery is accompanied by an opportunity to start over. The idea of building a new home is beckoning. You're not afraid to explore life, ready to expose those who are holding you back or dragging you down.


The money you spend on the house gives you the foundation you need for the future. Your steps become lighter, and you are delighted to realize that others are no longer judging you. Don't ignore your text messages or phone calls this month, someone is going to tell you something that can make up for the frustration that December brings. The question is, are they too late? Don't let your stubborn nature stop you from working together and give up on the way you pretend to be good for going it alone. What happens next depends on whether you see them as long-term goals in your life.

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