
Liu Yudi, the commander of the North Air Force, encountered hooligans at the hotel to give up his seat, and the general said: Are you qualified?

Liu Yudi, the commander of the North Air Force, encountered hooligans at the hotel to give up his seat, and the general said: Are you qualified?

Liu Yudi, commander of the North Air Force, was an air combat hero who once fought with the U.S. Air Force in the air battle of the Volunteer Army, shot down and wounded eight American fighters, and after the war, was awarded the title of Combat Hero by the Volunteer Command.

In 1953, after returning from Korea, he successively served as the head of the air force, the deputy division commander, the division commander, the commander of the Seventh Air Force, and the commander of the air force of the military region.

In August 1964, the U.S. government instructed the U.S. military to create the Gulf of Tonkin Incident that shocked the world, and used this as an excuse to brazenly launch a large-scale air strike on North Vietnam.

Liu Yudi, the commander of the North Air Force, encountered hooligans at the hotel to give up his seat, and the general said: Are you qualified?

In order to safeguard china's territorial security and support Vietnam's struggle to resist the United States and save the country, our army sent air force and anti-aircraft artillery to support Vietnam, and Liu Yudi also participated in the operation, shooting down several US military planes in the air battle.

After leaving South China, the general was transferred to Beijing and served as the commander of the air force of the Beijing Military Region, contributing to the construction and development of the air force of the Beijing Military Region.

Liu Yudi, the commander of the North Air Force, encountered hooligans at the hotel to give up his seat, and the general said: Are you qualified?

The general often went deep into the front line of the troops to inspect and guide the work, once. The general went to a certain unit under the North Air Force to guide the work.

Halfway down the road, when the general was eating at the hotel, a group of hooligans came in and asked them to give up their seats and let them move to other private rooms to do it.

The general was disgusted with the hooligans, so he said to the hooligans, "What qualifications do you have for me to make room for you?" Let's go! ”

Liu Yudi, the commander of the North Air Force, encountered hooligans at the hotel to give up his seat, and the general said: Are you qualified?

The leader of the goons threatened: "We are the gangsters here, the ground snakes, you are passing by from out of town, the strong dragon does not suppress the ground snakes, hurry up and give way, otherwise you will look good." ”

The general smiled coldly and said calmly, "I didn't say you were a gangster, it was Du Yuesheng who came!" I'm going to beat him to the teeth too. ”

The leader of the rogues became angry and instructed his accomplices: "Throw these gang out of the private room." ”

Liu Yudi, the commander of the North Air Force, encountered hooligans at the hotel to give up his seat, and the general said: Are you qualified?

As soon as the general waved his hand, the guards and fighters rushed forward and engaged in hand-to-hand combat with these hooligans, and beat these hooligans to cry and cry, and they could not stand it, and one by one they were beaten into panda eyes.

The leader of the rogues was also captured, and the general instructed the guard squad leader to notify the police station to come and bring people.

Liu Yudi, the commander of the North Air Force, encountered hooligans at the hotel to give up his seat, and the general said: Are you qualified?

Public security cadres and policemen quickly arrived at the scene and took the social scum of the endangered party away from the scene.

Afterwards, it was found that these hooligans were local social unemployed people, who were gathered together to claim hegemony, to breed right from wrong, and to do no evil, and the public security organs severely cracked down on and punished them according to the crimes they had committed.

Liu Yudi, the commander of the North Air Force, encountered hooligans at the hotel to give up his seat, and the general said: Are you qualified?

The general said to the soldiers: "Usually, the results of your training have been tested today, and you have played well, and the food will come up in a while!" Everybody's full of food! The warriors replied forcefully, "Yes." ”

After eating, the general led the guards on a journey, and along the way, the soldiers sang cheerful battle songs.

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