
The new character of "Original God" Yunyan sang Peking Opera and was shocked by foreigners, and the cultural output was full of points

Not long ago, Mihayou's "Original God" opened the 2.4 version of the global forward-looking live broadcast, and "Original God" took advantage of the trend to appear on the global hot search. On the Twitch platform, the number of viewers of the original god channel reached nearly 540,000, occupying the first place in the whole channel. On Twitter, the characters who appeared in live broadcasts such as "Gan Yu", "Shen He" and "Yunyan" were all on the hot search trend list.

The new character of "Original God" Yunyan sang Peking Opera and was shocked by foreigners, and the cultural output was full of points

Surprisingly, the character "Yunyan", which is based on Chinese theater culture, also landed on the 5th place in Twitter's global hot search this time, and then once climbed to the 3rd place. The reason is that Yunyan sang an unexplored Peking Opera in front of players around the world, and this singing drama is uniformly dubbed Chinese no matter which language version of the world.

The new character of "Original God" Yunyan sang Peking Opera and was shocked by foreigners, and the cultural output was full of points

Caught off guard, Peking Opera has caused heated discussion abroad, and in the domestic Zhihu and other communities, it has also once been on the sixth hot topic list. The global adoption of Chinese dubbing is the first of its kind in Protos, and although there are still some negative comments, there are not a few players who express support and respect.

The core of the topic controversy lies in the implantation of Peking Opera by "Original God", and during the live broadcast of version 2.4, many original god channel anchors turned on the synchronous broadcast mode. After the broadcast of the Yunyan singing part, many anchors were basically still talking and laughing with the audience a second ago, and then they were shocked. At this time, some people have begun to take the rhythm of cultural discrimination.

The new character of "Original God" Yunyan sang Peking Opera and was shocked by foreigners, and the cultural output was full of points

Some players posted that they could not accept Peking Opera, and this singing made them "almost dead". Others have simply become "cultural prisoners" and bluntly say that they "will not expose themselves and their children to non-American culture." ”

Of course, there are also reasonable players who say: "We are playing a Chinese game, are these people who scold Yunyi expect her to sing Little Sweet Britney", and some people say that "this play is for people who really like Yunyi". Many people are very much in favor of Miha Tour for adding authentic Peking Opera. In addition, some players are upset about Yunyi, believing that many people will naturally resist when they contact unfamiliar things, but this should not be a reason for discrimination, and should be more understood.

As early as the end of November this year, when "Original God" had just announced the two new characters of Yunyan and Shen He, Yunyan rushed to the second place on the Twitter trend list, four places higher than the more advanced five-star character Shen He (ranked sixth). Because of the emergence of Yunwei, many foreign players have also begun to discuss Chinese opera culture.

The new character of "Original God" Yunyan sang Peking Opera and was shocked by foreigners, and the cultural output was full of points

Although Yunyan is a four-star character, she is no worse than five stars in the detail design, and her standby actions and skills have added Elements of Peking Opera. Under the interlocking design and marketing of gameplay, not only foreign players, but also domestic players can learn about traditional opera culture through Yunyi.

The new character of "Original God" Yunyan sang Peking Opera and was shocked by foreigners, and the cultural output was full of points

At the moment of China's rapid development, cultural self-confidence has been raised to a new height, and in the process of emphasizing cultural self-confidence, the external export of culture is an important part of it. But many times, art dissemination and acceptance is a very subjective behavior, there is a like there must be dislike, in this process, the collision of domestic culture and foreign culture is inevitable, the subjective aesthetic difference is also objective existence, it takes a certain amount of time to run in.

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