
Original God T0 Permafrost Team Shenhe Wanxin, strong output technique, and outfit recommended!

The second half of the 2.6 version of the pool of Kanari Ayahua is finally online, for many players in the god of smoke must be rushing to the version of T0's permafrost team. Below I will introduce you to the two Frozen Teams and their output methods and outfit recommendations.

Original God T0 Permafrost Team Shenhe Wanxin, strong output technique, and outfit recommended!

The first is the T0 permafrost team Shenhe Wanxin (神里绫華 + Shenhe + Wanye + Heart Sea), the main C Shenli Ayahua with 4 ice sets, if you match the special martial fog cut back to the light, remember to switch Ayahua first flat A and then open the big, if you take the Heavenly Eye Shadow knife is to use the elemental combat technique to trigger the Yin species passive and then open the big. Shen He is a gladiator with %attack power and a 2+2 set of remembrance, the weapon is first dedicated to extinguishing the disaster, the holy relics panel element charge is best 170%-200% or so, if it is charged, it can also use the four-star weapon to break the wave, the charge is not fast enough to match the four-star weapon West Wind Spear, if there is 1 life Shen He can be around 130%-140%, Manyo with 4 wind sets are fully proficient, and the Heart Sea Eternal Freeze recommends 4 thousand rocks with the Dragon Book.

Original God T0 Permafrost Team Shenhe Wanxin, strong output technique, and outfit recommended!

Then there's the Permafrost's output: starting with the Crane Short EQ, which provides the team with 5 ice plumes per person, while providing 10% of the elemental combat skills and elemental bursts for 10 seconds. Then quickly cut the manoe short E spread ice element to make the enemy reduce resistance, if the enemy is more scattered, you can use the long E gathering monster, and then in order to save the time of the big move animation for 2 seconds, Manyo does not open Q directly to change the heart of the sea out of the E jellyfish hanging water, and then cut Ayahua out, see the weapon AQ or EQ he is holding, and then cut the Shen Crane out of the short E after some heavy blows, at this time the Q big move in the god is still in continuous output, plus 5 times of ice plume and increased damage.

Original God T0 Permafrost Team Shenhe Wanxin, strong output technique, and outfit recommended!

If Shen He, who is 1 life at this time, has one more E skill to use, he can take another E long press, and then add 7 ice plumes to Ayahua's big move, a total of 17 ice plume bullets. At this time, the same as cutting the leaves out of the short E reduction and Q open large, and then cutting the heart sea, because the E skill jellyfish is still cooling, so the happy sea big move, with the many leaves big move synchronous ice and water element diffusion reduction, while continuing to freeze, and then cut the god out of the ground + flat A + heavy blow, there is E on the release, wait for Shen He to enter the next wave of the next wave after the big move is ready.

Original God T0 Permafrost Team Shenhe Wanxin, strong output technique, and outfit recommended!

It is worth noting that the Permafrost team is extremely expensive as a full five-star lineup, and there are other subordinate options except for Ayahua Shinri. For example, without Manyo, sugar can be selected. Without the sea of hearts, you can choose Xingqiu and Barbara, and without Shen He, you can choose Mona. If you don't have such a high configuration in the team just now, there is also a group of civilian configurations below that can be used for your reference: Ayahua Kamiri + Rosalia + Sugar + Heart Sea. Rosalia with the Clan Room 4-piece set and high refining Zephyr Lance, energized sand, ice wound cup, critical hit head, elemental charge is about 170-200%. Sugar and Manyo are all proficient in 4 wind sets.

Original God T0 Permafrost Team Shenhe Wanxin, strong output technique, and outfit recommended!

The output method of this set of civilian permafrosts is similar to that of the Crane Wanxin, but because it does not have to consider the effect and duration of the ice plume, it can be compared to the simple Rosalis EQ Sugar E Heart Sea E Shenli AQ or EQ, if the elemental energy of who is not enough in the middle can use rosalis E skill to produce elemental particles to give the characters whose energy is not yet full, the main thing is to ice for the enemy, the wind element spreads, the Manyo move can spread the ice and water elements at the same time, and after the god gets rid of Q, he can attack + hit hard to make up for the damage, such a cycle.

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