
Eat the home cooking of #Giant Rice #Taian fish can not forget, the family can not stand the fragrant

author:Bean and fruit delicacies
Eat the home cooking of #Giant Rice #Taian fish can not forget, the family can not stand the fragrant

Sichuan Tai'an fish, this is a dish that only Sichuan people know - Tai'an fish, it is not a kind of fish but a dish of the practice, this practice combines the authentic flavor of Sichuan spicy and fresh, simply eat it can not stop the mouth, the aftertaste is long.

By Lu Kitchen cuisine


One dobao fish

Half an onion

A pinch of garlic and ginger

A pinch of shallots and vanilla

1 egg

Light soy sauce, dark soy sauce 2 scoops

1 scoop of oyster sauce

Sweet potato starch 3-4 scoops

A pinch of sugar, salt

Pepper a little

<h2>Practice steps</h2>

Eat the home cooking of #Giant Rice #Taian fish can not forget, the family can not stand the fragrant

1. Prepare the above ingredients

Eat the home cooking of #Giant Rice #Taian fish can not forget, the family can not stand the fragrant

2. Change the multi-treasure fish into a lump and set aside

Eat the home cooking of #Giant Rice #Taian fish can not forget, the family can not stand the fragrant

3: After washing off the blood water, put it into a bowl, start seasoning, add 1 spoonful of soy sauce, dark soy sauce, oyster sauce, a little pepper, a little salt and sugar, mix well and then put aside for more than 20 minutes

Eat the home cooking of #Giant Rice #Taian fish can not forget, the family can not stand the fragrant

4: Take a small bowl, add 3-4 spoons of sweet potato starch, add an egg, mix well without particles

Eat the home cooking of #Giant Rice #Taian fish can not forget, the family can not stand the fragrant

5, add the mixed egg starch to the marinated fish to scrape the pulp, and think of the state of the scraping pulp in the video

Eat the home cooking of #Giant Rice #Taian fish can not forget, the family can not stand the fragrant

6, from the pot to burn oil, oil temperature 7 layers, bubbles can be put into the fish

Eat the home cooking of #Giant Rice #Taian fish can not forget, the family can not stand the fragrant

7: Fry until golden brown and set aside

Eat the home cooking of #Giant Rice #Taian fish can not forget, the family can not stand the fragrant

8, take a piece of lard in the pot and pour a little vegetable oil, (rapeseed oil can be used to use rapeseed oil) the dried chili peppers, ginger rice, garlic rice stir-fried onions also stir-fry, add a spoonful of watercress sauce and then add peppercorns and soaked ginger and soaked red pepper crushed, stir-fry evenly out of the aroma

Eat the home cooking of #Giant Rice #Taian fish can not forget, the family can not stand the fragrant

9: Add the right amount of water at the end

Eat the home cooking of #Giant Rice #Taian fish can not forget, the family can not stand the fragrant

10: Boil the water in the pot and cook the fried fish pieces for 2-3 minutes, add the garlic sprouts pepper and salt, and add a small amount of balsamic vinegar.

Eat the home cooking of #Giant Rice #Taian fish can not forget, the family can not stand the fragrant

11: Put on a plate and sprinkle a few pieces of parsley, perfect.

Eat the home cooking of #Giant Rice #Taian fish can not forget, the family can not stand the fragrant

12, today this, see you in the next issue!


This dish looks very complicated, but it is really simple and can be tried

<h2>Nutritional benefits of multi-treasure fish</h2>

1. Nourishment

Fish meat contains folic acid, vitamin B2, vitamin B12 and other vitamins, which have the effect of nourishing and strengthening the stomach, reducing swelling, milking, detoxification, detoxification, and anti-coughing, and are effective for various edema, puffiness, bloating, oliguria, jaundice, and milk failure;

2. Safe tire

Eating fish has a good effect on fetal restlessness and gestational edema in pregnant women;

3. Protect the cardiovascular system

Fish is rich in magnesium, which has a good protective effect on the cardiovascular system and is conducive to the prevention of cardiovascular diseases such as hypertension and myocardial infarction;

4. Nourish the liver and replenish blood

Fish meat is rich in vitamin A, iron, calcium, phosphorus, etc., often eat fish and also have the effect of nourishing liver and blood, skin and hair.

5. Supplement protein

Rich in complete protein. Fish contains a lot of protein, such as yellow croaker contains 17.6%, striped fish contains 18.1%, mackerel contains 21.4%, silver carp contains 18.6%, carp contains 17.3%, and crucian carp contains 13%. The protein contained in fish meat is complete protein, and the amount and ratio of essential amino acids contained in protein are most suitable for the needs of the human body and are easily digested and absorbed by the human body.

6. Lower cholesterol

It is low in fat and is mostly unsaturated fatty acids. The fat content of fish meat is generally relatively low, most of which are only 1%-4%, such as yellow croaker containing 0.8%, striped fish containing 3.8%, mackerel containing 4%, silver carp containing 4.3%, carp containing 5% crucian carp containing 1.1% bighead carp (fathead fish) containing only 0.9%, cuttlefish containing only 0.7%. The fat of fish meat is mostly composed of unsaturated fatty acids, and the carbon chain of unsaturated fatty acids is long, which has the effect of lowering cholesterol.

7. Supplement nutrients

Inorganic salts and vitamins are high. Marine fish and freshwater fish are rich in sulphur, but also contain phosphorus, calcium, iron and other inorganic salts. Fish also contains a lot of vitamin A, vitamin D, vitamin B1, niacin. These are the nutrients that the human body needs.

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