
The internal strength is not as good as Guo Jing, the defense is not as good as the sweeping monk, is the "invincible" Zhang Sanfeng overestimated?

Most of the famous masters in the jianghu have received the guidance of famous teachers (more than one), and the probability of self-taught talent is very low, and the only one who can open a sect after becoming famous and continue to be "touted" by his fellow jianghu is probably Zhang Sanfeng.

Unlike the growth mode of other masters, Zhang Sanfeng learned martial arts relatively late. Master Jueyuan only selected some of the Internal Gong Mind Methods from the Nine Yang True Sutras to teach.

The young Zhang Sanfeng had internal strength, but there was no matching move, and with the iron Luohan given to him by Guo Xiang, he learned a set of "strict law" Luohan fists to narrowly defeat He Zudao.

The internal strength is not as good as Guo Jing, the defense is not as good as the sweeping monk, is the "invincible" Zhang Sanfeng overestimated?

Zhang Sanfeng

Because of violating the door rule of "learning martial arts without a teacher", Zhang Junbao fled the Shaolin Temple, relied on one-third of the Jiuyang Divine Gong to begin to travel through the rivers and lakes, and for more than ten years, he actually made great progress in internal strength, and then read more Daozang, and had a deeper experience in practicing qi in Taoists...

It cannot be denied that Zhang Sanfeng is a highly talented martial arts wizard, and in the absence of "reference materials", he can realize the Wudang Gong Fa of Yi Rou Kegang, and establish his status as a "martial arts master"——

If Zhang Junbao had some understanding, he pondered bitterly in the cave for seven days and seven nights, suddenly penetrated, understood the supreme reason of Yi Rou Kegang in martial arts, and couldn't help but look up to the sky and smile... With his self-enlightened fist theory, the Taoist way of Chong Xuan Yuantong, and the internal gong xiang invention contained in the Nine Yang True Scriptures, he created a martial art that reflects future generations and shines through the ages!

The internal strength is not as good as Guo Jing, the defense is not as good as the sweeping monk, is the "invincible" Zhang Sanfeng overestimated?

Wudang Seven Heroes

After becoming famous, Zhang Sanfeng founded Wudang around the age of 70, successively took 7 apprentices, left Shaolin from the age of thirteen or fourteen, with a gap of nearly 60 years in between, and when he became the first leader of the Wudang Sect, the legend of Zhang Sanfeng's "invincibility" has been widely spread in the jianghu.

Zhang Sanfeng has been famous for seventy years, and the people who touched him in those years have died cleanly, and there is no one in the world. How his martial arts were really accomplished, there were only all kinds of magical legends circulating in the martial forest, and no one had seen it with their own eyes except the seven disciples he had passed on...

Zhang Sanfeng, who lacks real records, how "invincible" has been known, perhaps this "invincible" has certain limitations, placed in the "Book of the Dragon Slayer in the Sky", called "invincible in the world" may be more appropriate, if compared with other predecessors, there may be exaggerated components, it is not too much to say that it is "overrated"!

The internal strength is not as good as Guo Jing, the defense is not as good as the sweeping monk, is the "invincible" Zhang Sanfeng overestimated?

Guo Jing

First of all, Zhang Sanfeng stressed several times that on the cultivation of martial arts, it may not be as good as Guo Daxia, who was guarding Xiangyang in the past, especially when he was a hundred years old and created his own Taijiquan to instruct Zhang Wujie, Mr. Jin Yong conveyed Zhang Sanfeng's true thoughts in the form of narration -

Only a few people, such as Master Jueyuan and The Great Hero Guo Jing, have such cultivation behaviors, and as for the high-ranking people in the world, in addition to themselves, they really can't think of a second person who can attain this realm! My hundred years of cultivation may be comparable to Guo Daxia......

Most readers, out of admiration for Zhang Sanfeng, deliberately "explain" this description, believing that Zhang Sanfeng is "humble and humble", and that the statement that he can only be compared with Guo Jing in a hundred years of cultivation is just "self-modesty", but is this really the case?

The internal strength is not as good as Guo Jing, the defense is not as good as the sweeping monk, is the "invincible" Zhang Sanfeng overestimated?

Zhang Wujie

The second clue that Zhang Sanfeng thought was inferior to Guo Jing was that Zhang Wuji mentioned to Zhou Zhiruo on the Ice and Fire Island, which proved from the side that Zhang Sanfeng was indeed overrated.

It is said that Guo Jing daxia, the father of Guo Nüxia, the founding ancestor of the Gui Sect, was very blunt in his qualifications, but his martial arts cultivation was shocking the ancient and modern, and Master Tai said that he himself or he had not yet been able to achieve Guo Daxia's skills...

Zhang Sanfeng, who has been famous for 70 years, has a sober judgment about his martial arts cultivation, and may not have been able to reach Guo Daxia's skills that year, nor is it a self-effacing statement.

The internal strength is not as good as Guo Jing, the defense is not as good as the sweeping monk, is the "invincible" Zhang Sanfeng overestimated?

Sweeping monks

From the perspective of internal strength (skill), Zhang Sanfeng is not as good as Guo Jing, if you look at the defensive effect of fighting the enemy, Zhang Sanfeng is not as good as the sweeping monk in the "Eight Parts of the Heavenly Dragon"...

The low-key and mysterious sweeping monk can almost be regarded as an "invincible" existence in "Tianlong Babu", in the face of the calmness and calmness of Xiao Feng, Xiao Yuanshan, Murong Fu, Murong Bo, and Jiu Mozhi, can others easily "reduce the dimension and suppress"?

Lightly defusing the sneak attack of Jiu Mozhi with a 3-foot "air wall", one move after another "killed" Xiao Yuanshan and Murong Bo, who were broken by the eighteen palms of the descending dragon and could also perform light work to calmly exit the scene——

The internal strength is not as good as Guo Jing, the defense is not as good as the sweeping monk, is the "invincible" Zhang Sanfeng overestimated?

Xiao Feng

Under the push of the two people's palm wind, the old monk floated forward like a paper kite, his hands still grasping two corpses, and the three bodies fluttered lightly, not like flesh and blood... The old monk's light feats were something he had never seen before in his life, as if he had a magic trick!

After being hit by a dragon eighteen palms, he was able to run rapidly in an injured state, Xiao Feng was always two or three inches away from the old monk's back, and he slapped his palms continuously, but he always hit an empty...

The injury of the sweeping monk had little impact on the combat index, could Zhang Sanfeng maintain his combat ability in the wounded state? Unfortunately, he couldn't do it, Zhang Sanfeng, who had just been attacked by Xiang Xiang, the force value instantly returned to zero, from the perspective of defense, the gap between him and the sweeping monk was obvious——

The internal strength is not as good as Guo Jing, the defense is not as good as the sweeping monk, is the "invincible" Zhang Sanfeng overestimated?

Rigid phase

Only to see Zhang Sanfeng sit down with his eyes closed, and in a few moments, a trace of white qi rose above his head, slammed his mouth shut, and spewed out several mouthfuls of blood... Zhang Sanfeng slowly opened his eyes and said: The power of the Shaolin Sect's King Kong-like palm is indeed extraordinary, it seems that it is necessary to recuperate for three months, and the injury is difficult to heal!

The sweeping monk was slapped, he could pull two people to run at full speed, Zhang Sanfeng was slapped but needed to rest for 3 months, the comparison of defense power, Zhang Sanfeng "completely defeated"...

The internal strength is not as good as Guo Jing, the defense is not as good as the sweeping monk, is the "invincible" Zhang Sanfeng overestimated?

The skill is not as good as Guo Jing, the defense power is not as good as the sweeping monk, from these 2 levels of analysis, Zhang Sanfeng's so-called "invincible" does have exaggerated elements, specific to the era he is in, the older generation of masters lost due to the Xiangyang battle, the new generation of masters grew slowly, objectively providing Zhang Sanfeng with a more relaxed environment, the competitive pressure is relatively small.

Zhang Sanfeng, who is self-taught and self-employed, has a very inspiring process of success and is worthy of the title of grandmaster, but it is a bit far-fetched to forcibly put on the hat of "invincible" for him, and the reason for this view is that some readers deliberately "overestimate" Zhang Sanfeng!

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