
Chiang Kai-shek assassinated Li Zongren 3 times, why did he suddenly terminate twice? After 18 years, Shen Drunk personally apologized

One day in August 1966, Li Zongren bored to the front of the bookcase, drew a copy from a large stack of "Selected Literary and Historical Materials", sat on a chair in the study, put on reading glasses, and slowly read it. When Li Zongren casually opened the table of contents, "Chiang Kai-shek's Conspiracy to Assassinate Li Zongren", under this title was signed a familiar name, Shen Drunk. Li Zongren couldn't help but be surprised, it turned out that old Jiang was already ready to start in Nanjing 18 years ago! Although the name Shen Drunk is very familiar, but he has never been known, but he has often heard Mao Renfeng talk about it, there is a young and brave major general under him named Shen Drunk, but Li Zongren has always had no communication with the military command, so he does not know what kind of person Shen Drunk is.

Chiang Kai-shek assassinated Li Zongren 3 times, why did he suddenly terminate twice? After 18 years, Shen Drunk personally apologized

The Shen family

Li Zongren was self-aware and elected vice president, and in early 1949, after Chiang Kai-shek stepped down, he was acting president, and Chiang Kai-shek and his concubines were naturally not happy. However, Li Zongren has always been respectful of the military command, and rarely asked what the military command bureau was doing. Later, living overseas, I heard a friend say that the agents of the military command were cunning, treacherous, violent, and murderous, but after all, it was hearsay, such as this article, which is the drunken oral memoirs of the major general of the military command, which is naturally more urgent and true, so Li Zongren seriously read this article "Chiang Kai-shek's Conspiracy to Assassinate Li Zongren."

In July 1947, Li Zongren, the director of the Northern Parallel Yuan, was preparing to run for vice president when the National Assembly was convened the following year, when the Kuomintang army was defeated everywhere and the People's Liberation Army had already entered the Kuomintang area. Under the pressure of pro-Chiang Kai-shek Congressman Zhou Yide, the United States sent Wei Demai to China to investigate the Nanjing government. While leaving China, Wei De read a statement on his visit to China, which was full of extreme contempt and insult to Chiang Kai-shek and his Nanjing government, accusing the Chiang kai-shek government of being "insensitive" and "corrupt and incompetent," and also said that "China's rejuvenation awaits a leader with inspiration." After Wei Demai returned to the United States, Marshall recommended Li Zongren to the Chinese government to replace Chiang Kai-shek, which is enough to show that Li Zongren's decision to run for vice president was entirely due to the planned arrangement of the Truman administration.

On the night of April 4, 1948, Chiang Kai-shek summoned Li Zongren at the official residence on Huangpu Road in Nanjing and told him: "Candidates for president and vice president are nominated by the central authorities. The vice presidential candidate, Sun Zhesheng (Sun Ke), has been set within, and I hope that you will take into account the overall situation and withdraw from the election. ”

Li Zongren did not heed Chiang Kai-shek's advice and said with a straight face: "Half a year ago, I had already asked the president for instructions, and if you did not approve, of course I would only listen to your orders; unexpectedly, you have not expressed anything, so I have actively prepared everything." By now, I can't stop. ”

Chiang Kai-shek assassinated Li Zongren 3 times, why did he suddenly terminate twice? After 18 years, Shen Drunk personally apologized

In the end, Li Zongren broke through the obstacles set by Chiang Kai-shek and was successfully elected as the "first vice president of the Republic of China" after the constitution was established. After that, he moved from Dafang Lane in Nanjing to Fu Hougang, which was originally a residence of Bai Chongxi, a colleague of the Gui clan, and the road in Dafang Lane had fallen into disrepair, dusty on sunny days, and full of water on rainy days.

Fu Hougang Li Mansion is still about 100 meters away from the main road, and the asphalt road leading to the Li Mansion is in the shape of a "D" with the main road. The car entering and leaving the Li Mansion must slow down and turn at the T-shaped intersection, which naturally gives the military command agents a good opportunity to spy on the situation inside the car. After receiving mao Renfeng's urgent telegram that year, Shen Drunken rushed from Yunnan to Nanjing to preside over the assassination of Li Zongren. Chiang Kai-shek personally summoned Shen Drunk and said to him: "The Communist Party has only one enemy, so it can win the battle." However, we have two or three enemies, and we have to deal with them in several aspects, and the difficulties are much greater, and in order to unify the internal and external forces, I have decided to adopt the method of assassination to get rid of the scourge of Li Zongren. This matter concerns the security of the party and the state and must be kept absolutely confidential. ”

After Shen Zui accepted the task, he personally conducted a survey in front of And behind Li Zongren's house and arranged a heavenly net, and all of Li Zongren's whereabouts were completely under the close surveillance of Shen Zongren. He sent people to open an old book stall at the T-junction, under the guise of operating old books and periodicals, on the one hand, to monitor Li Zongren's entry and exit; on the other hand, he could use the old book stall to cover people's eyes and ears, so that he could do something to Li Zongren at any time. Old book stalls are often stocked with high-spirited bombs, carbines with sights and bullets with high-potent poison, and when a car turns, whether it is a bomb or a shot, the life of the person who falls in the car is a piece of cake. After Shen Drunk finished the old book stall, he sent Wu Dehou, a secret agent of the military command, to take charge of the book stall.

At the same time, in order to prevent Li Zongren from suddenly leaving Nanjing, Shen Zui also sent people to open a foreign miscellaneous shop near the airport, and if he found that Li Zongren had arrived at the airport, he immediately reported to Mao Renfeng and informed the Air Force to crash Li Zongren's landline in the air with a fighter jet. In order to prevent Li Zongren from leaving Nanjing by train, Shen Drunk bought a small wooden house near the Jiangnan Railway Station and sent someone to set up a small cigarette stand to monitor Li Zongren's actions. In addition, next to the highway leading to Hangzhou near Tangshan, he also sent people to open a small hotel to act as a surveillance.

According to The Dictation of Li Zongren's secretary, Cheng Siyuan, at that time, because Chiang Kai-shek supported New York Governor Dewey's candidacy for president, the result of the US election on November 7 was Truman's victory and continued to sit in the White House. As a result, Chiang Kai-shek panicked. On November 28, when Soong Mei-ling was sent to the United States to handle the aftermath, Chiang Kai-shek had to make preparations for going down. In this case, there is no need to attack Li Zongren. If Li Zongren died, he could not find a second person who was more suitable than him to serve as acting president, so Li Zongren was the one who gave Chiang Kai-shek the back of the pot, and it just so happened that Li Zongren had been coveting the presidency for a long time, and Chiang Kai-shek went down the slope and gave him the presidency. Although Chiang Kai-shek canceled the assassination, he regretted it very much afterwards and missed this good opportunity.

Chiang Kai-shek assassinated Li Zongren 3 times, why did he suddenly terminate twice? After 18 years, Shen Drunk personally apologized

Cheng Siyuan (left)

After reading this dangerous goosebump-inducing historical material, Li Zongren's heart beat faster, and he was amazed at the thorough preparation of the assassination campaign narrated by Shen Drunken, and even more amazed at the sinister intentions of Chiang Kai-shek, a giant traitor. Unexpectedly, his own life was almost sent to the poison bullet fired by the small book stall. Li Zongren took off his glasses, closed the historical material, and clipped it into the bookmark. He didn't want to look any further, he wanted to take a break, to sort out his thoughts that had been disturbed for a while.

One afternoon three days later, Shen Drunken stepped into the door of Li Mansion on time, and Li Zongren came downstairs to the living room early to wait for his new friend who was almost killed by him. "Mr. Lee, I'm here to plead your sins!" After Shen Drunken stepped into the living room, without Yin Bingyan's introduction, he stood respectfully in front of Li Zongren, bowed deeply at 90 degrees, and said apologetically, "18 years ago, Mr. Li's life was almost lost in my hands!" Li Zongren greeted him and shook hands with Shen Drunk, saying, "Don't be polite, things have passed and let it become a thing forever." Besides, the matter itself is not your idea, you are just carrying out the orders of your superiors. It was not easy for us to meet in Beijing today and become a family. You and I didn't even think of it, did you? Shen drunk to see Li Zongren a kind of elder demeanor, generous, accommodating, originally thought that li Zongren's strange concerns were dissipated, sat down, calmly sat down, and Li Zongren talked about the past, the 2 people talked very speculatively.

At dinner, Li Zongren smiled and said, "The first time we met was in Nanjing. At that time, although I didn't know you, I knew me very well! At that time, I counted as the vice president under one man, above ten thousand people. But if I had invited you to dinner, you would not have gone. Now that I am a commoner, please you have actually come, which means that you still look up to me! Shen Drunk did not drink much wine, but his face turned red, and he hurriedly responded, "It is my disrespect!" Mr. Li has been back to China for more than a year, and I should have come to plead guilty a long time ago. ”

This was chiang kai-shek's first attempt to assassinate Li Zongren, who did not know until 18 years later, but not the last.

On June 13, 1965, Li Zongren arrived in Zurich first in the name of traveling to Europe for a vacation according to the pre-agreed plan. Mrs. Guo Dejie arrived in Zurich on the 23rd after dealing with various matters such as the sale of house property in the United States.

On June 28, Cheng Siyuan came to Zurich with a transit visa from Rome. Of course, Cheng Siyuan was entrusted by Zhou Enlai to go to Switzerland to pick up Li Zongren and return to China. Because Li Zongren's second son, Li Zhisheng and Wu Shangying, were going to return to the mainland together, they waited in Zurich for two more weeks. Seeing that Li Zhisheng and the others had not come, Li Zongren planned to stay in Lausanne first.

Just then, they suddenly received a notice from China that Li Zongren and they must leave Zurich on July 13, and it turned out that the Chinese security agencies had deciphered the telegram sent from Taiwan to Geneva, Switzerland, and Taiwan would send someone with Bai Chongxi's letter to meet Li Zongren, and in consideration of his safety, the urgent notice was issued.

Li Zongren was a leader of the Gui clan and served as vice president of the Nationalist government. With his position, the influence of his actions and ideas on the Kuomintang was enormous. It was precisely because of his importance and the fact that he did not have the same heart as Chiang Kai-shek that after he arrived in the United States, he was monitored by agents in Taiwan and reported to Chiang Kai-shek every move.

At the same time, it is also monitored by the United States, and although there is freedom of movement, it is not easy to achieve the purpose of returning home. On the same day that Mr. Lee took action, the Washington government gave instructions to the stalking agents to find out where Mr. Lee was, but by the time they found out, Mr. Lee was already on the plane to Hong Kong. When the agents informed Taiwan of the situation, a few more hours passed.

Taiwan immediately ordered Ankara's agents to go to the airport and find Li Zongren. At that time, the aircraft had a relatively short range, and to take this intercontinental flight, you had to refuel in the middle of the way, and Ankara was the first stop. Zhou Enlai and Li Zongren had long expected that Taiwan would do it halfway through. Therefore, when Li Zongren got on the plane, he repeatedly warned Li Zongren not to get off the plane when refueling in the middle of the way, and not to go to the rest hall under any circumstances.

Therefore, as soon as the plane stopped, Li Zongren and his party of 3 people sorted out their luggage, sat there, and insisted on the plane, and the flight attendants had no choice but to let them stubbornly sit in empty seats. After refueling, the plane continued to fly toward Karachi, and Taiwanese agents were ordered to carry guns to the Karachi airport day and night, staring at every pedestrian passing by, as soon as Li Zongren appeared, he immediately shot and killed him.

Taiwan agents finally waited for Li Zongren's plane to land, but as soon as the passenger plane slid into the airport runway, two heavily armed Pakistani military policemen took 3 people to the police car, and then the siren sounded, the police lights flashed, and the police car sped out of the airport, passing through everywhere without obstacles...

It turned out that Zhou Enlai had received reports from Zurich and Turkey that someone had attempted to sabotage the plane on which Li Zongren was riding, and Zhou Enlai instructed the embassy in Karachi to use our good relations with Pakistan to protect Li Zongren's safety.

After that, Li Zongren returned to the motherland safely, and it was very difficult for Chiang Kai-shek, who had defeated Taiwan, to do anything more. According to Shen's recollection, Chiang Kai-shek had originally planned to take action against Li Zongren before he defeated Taiwan, but because he heard reports from his subordinates, Li Zongren and Bai Chongxi first had a conflict, and he wanted the two of them to contain each other, so he canceled the assassination.

On January 1, 1949, in the face of the Kuomintang's gradual defeat on the battlefield of the civil war, Chiang Kai-shek had no choice but to issue a "peace statement", and soon after announced his resignation, Li Zongren became the "acting president" of the National Government in Nanjing. On January 25, Li Zongren issued the first presidential decree, announcing that he would proceed to release Zhang Xueliang, Yang Hucheng, and all the political prisoners in custody from now on... Although Chiang Kai-shek resigned from all his posts, in fact, the military and political power of the Nationalist government was firmly in his hands.

In response to Li Zongren's first presidential decree, Chiang Kai-shek was very annoyed. First, sun Ke was sent to Guangzhou to refuse to carry out the decree issued by Li Zongren; then, he ordered Tang Enbo to transport all the gold, silver, and foreign exchange of the central bank to Taiwan; finally, the Beijing-Shanghai-Hangzhou Garrison Headquarters was established, with the support of Tang Enbo's 450,000 men and horses, and Li Zongren could be solved by force at any time.

Li Zongren's first presidential decree induced Chiang Kai-shek's inner killing chance, and Chiang Kai-shek quickly summoned Mao Renfeng, director of the Military Command Bureau. Mao Renfeng was asked to draw up a detailed list of those "dangerous elements who have different intentions and endanger the party-state by extraordinary means, and punish internal traitors and foreign thieves." As a result, an assassination list of 87 zhishiren was released.

Li Zongren became the number one target of Chiang Kai-shek's assassination, and mao Renfeng summoned four important figures in the military command, Mao Sen, director of the Shanghai Police Bureau, Major General Shen Drunk, Ye Xiangzhi, director of the Operations Department of the Military Unification Department, and Pan Qiwu, director of the Bureau's office, to secretly formulate three sets of plans for the assassination of Li Zongren under the orders of Mao Renfeng.

However, at this time, Li Zongren looked very glamorous on the outside, but in fact, whether it was economically or militarily, there was not much power to speak of. Since he became acting president, there have been very few manpower and material resources that can be mobilized in his hands.

Although Li Zongren was the leader of the New Gui clan, he could not mobilize the army of the New Gui clan at all. Bai Chongxi brought the New Gui forces to Zhongnan and completely controlled the new Gui forces. Even the guard regiment that Li Zongren brought to Nanjing was a regiment transferred from the Gui clan after repeated communication with Bai Chongxi. When Chiang Kai-shek in Fenghua, Zhejiang Province, heard that there was a contradiction between Li Zongren and Bai Chongxi, he was overjoyed, and the internal contradictions of the Gui clan made Chiang Kai-shek decide to abandon the assassination of Li Zongren. In this way, the plan of the secret killing of Li Zongren by the agents of the military command came to an end.

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