
The 3 people who did not exist in history, each of whom was a household name, were the first to deceive us for thousands of years

China's five-thousand-year-old historical civilization, in the long history of civilization, wireless a lot of outstanding people, these people have made great achievements, so that future generations of people firmly remember them, many of them are familiar with the people, in fact, in history is not real, just people fabricated, but did not expect that when it can be handed down, today we will take a look at three of them.

The 3 people who did not exist in history, each of whom was a household name, were the first to deceive us for thousands of years

First, Chen Shimei;

Mention this name, the first thing people think of is the three words of negative heart han, it can be said that it is a well-known character, the story that has been handed down is that this person after the examination of meritorious name, the capital married the daughter of a high-ranking official, he forgot his wife who was far away in his hometown, and what is even more hateful is that the original partner came to the capital thousands of miles to find him, and almost died in his hands, and later Bao Zheng presided over the trial of this case, that is, the so-called Zhenmei case, in fact, in history, this character is a fictional fictional character, not real, It is estimated that there are no such ruthless and unrighteous people in history, and tiger poison is still not eating children!

The 3 people who did not exist in history, each of whom was a household name, were the first to deceive us for thousands of years

Second place, the mink cicada;

Mink cicada is china's ancient four beauties, in the three levels of the yanyi of the character of the mink cicada is described as follows, his uncle in order to alienate Dong Zhuo and Lü Bu, first let Lü Bu and the mink cicada contact, the so-called hero sad beauty Guan flesh and blood Lü Bu soon fell under the pomegranate skirt of the mink cicada, and then dedicated the mink cicada to Dong Zhuo, so that Dong Zhuo and his righteous son Lü Bu between the separation, and finally Dong Zhuo did die at the hands of Lü Bu, and the mink cicada is said to have died at the hands of Cao Cao, this woman is also a fictional character in the novel, Nor has it ever existed in history.

The 3 people who did not exist in history, each of whom was a household name, were the first to deceive us for thousands of years

Third place, Mulan;

Who said that women are not as good as men, she as a girl, but can bear hardships and stand hard work to train a good skill, and then the country recruited, the father should have gone to the call, but due to physical illness, Mulan decided to serve in the army for her father, in the military camp, Mulan fought bravely and was not afraid of blood sacrifice, quickly rose in the army, and later the officer worshiped the general, people knew that this was actually a woman, to know that women were not allowed to join the army at that time, but at this time people were more admiring for him, and women were not necessarily inferior to men. And we turn over the history books, there is really not a little record of Mulan, only a woman named Mulan Ci is similar to it, perhaps the ancients are based on this woman's fiction of Mulan.

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