
The Seal in Jin Yong's Novel: "Flying Fox on the Snowy Mountain"

I have written a series of articles before, introducing the seal attached to the front of Mr. Jin Yong's novel, because "Snow Mountain Flying Fox" is a novel in one volume, and the whole novel is only attached to one seal, which is not enough to write a separate text, so I omitted to write this side of "Snow Mountain Flying Fox", recently sorted out the old text, I feel that since I want to write, I can't leave regrets, so I simply make it up.

"Snow Mountain Flying Fox" tells the entanglement of the four families of Hu, Miao, Fan and Tian, compared with the archery trilogy and "Tianlong Eight Parts", "Deer Ding", "Laughing Pride of the Jianghu", its length is much shorter, in fact, it is more like a story similar to Rashomon (also called LuoChengmen), the parties to the event have their own opinions, according to their own favorable way to express proof or weave lies, everyone's position is different, the story becomes confusing...

The Seal in Jin Yong's Novel: "Flying Fox on the Snowy Mountain"

(Cover of "Snowy Mountain Flying Fox")

Provoked by the adulterers, the great hero Miao Renfeng accidentally killed another great hero Hu Yidao, and because of the misunderstanding, Miao Renfeng and Hu Fei, the son of Hu Yidao, fell into a life-and-death situation... Of course, this is also the biggest feature of this novel, and Master Jin Yong left everyone with a big suspense of examining human nature at the end of the novel.

The Seal in Jin Yong's Novel: "Flying Fox on the Snowy Mountain"

(Illustration of the original book)

Perhaps because there is a word "fox" in the name of the novel, Mr. Jin Yong placed the seal of Master Qi Baishi in front of the book "Flying Fox on the Snow Mountain", which is also related to "fox", that is, this side "Wu Fox Also", as shown in the picture:

The Seal in Jin Yong's Novel: "Flying Fox on the Snowy Mountain"

(Qi Baishi and his "Wu Fox Ye" seal)

This fang seal is now in the Beijing Painting Academy, and the side section is also very interesting, he carved: "I am suspicious by nature, it is my shortness, and I am self-deprecating to publish this." May of the year of C, the time guest. White stone"rough as shown in the picture:

The Seal in Jin Yong's Novel: "Flying Fox on the Snowy Mountain"

(Rough side)

The phrase "My Fox Also" comes from "Liaozhai Zhiyi" "I Fox Also", Qi Baishi quoted this sentence and published it in stone to remember, of course, the purpose is not to laugh at his own suspicious personality, but has another deep meaning!

Qi Baishi's seal carving has a strong innovation and subversion, he is characterized by a single knife rush, the text line is light on one side, one side is hairy, and "a knife passes, never return to the knife", which is completely different from the traditional double knife painting in the seal carving industry, and the exquisitely carved technique is completely different, so at that time, most of the critics of the seal carving circle reported ridicule and derogatory, calling Qi Baishi "Wild Fox Zen", "Hu Lai", and "Left Road Side Door".

Therefore, this square seal carved by Qi Baishi is not self-deprecating, but more of a ridicule and counterattack, "Wu Fox Ye" is his maverick, confident declaration!

In fact, the technical characteristics of this square seal also fully reflect the characteristics of Qi Baishi's printing style:

1. Single knife punch. In terms of knife technique, this square seal is not a representative work of Qi Baishi, but it is enough to show his knife technique characteristics of single knife rushing, one knife and one painting, no longer returning to the knife, the printing style is refreshing and strong, coming and going freely, not restricted by the stone surface, just like the "Snow Mountain Flying Fox" that comes and goes freely, and it is also as fast as the wind and indulgent as the Hu family knife method. Therefore, Mr. Jin Yong's choice of such a party seal is enough to represent the characters in his book;

2. Big loose and dense. In terms of chapter law, this square seal adopts the strong contrast chapter method of the big sparse and dense, and even in order to make the left part of the seal surface more comfortable, the word "also" adopts the ancient seal method (seal law serves the chapter law) to pursue further simplification. It is precisely because of the adjustment of this key part that a large area of red on the left side of the printing surface is in strong contrast with the full strokes on the right part of the printing surface.

(Some of the pictures come from the Internet, and the copyright belongs to the original copyright owner)

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