
This dish of radish stewed fish is so fragrant, delicious and simple, delicious and cheap

author:Han tofu

Fish meat is really a good thing, not only delicious and delicious, but also the price is relatively cheap, in our place ordinary tilapia is only 9 yuan a pound, the better big head fish is only 10 yuan a pound, which is the cheapest meat in the chicken, duck and fish meat.

It just so happens that I grew up eating fish, and every method of fish meat is also cooked, and my favorite fish is braised fish and radish stew.

This dish of radish stewed fish is so fragrant, delicious and simple, delicious and cheap

Just as the so-called winter eat radish and summer eat ginger, in this season when the weather is getting colder, make a pot of fresh and delicious radish stewed fish, and the family is steaming around the steaming food, that feeling is really very refreshing.

Today I will share this dish of radish fish to everyone, this home-cooked dish is simple, the taste is also very good, delicious and nutritious, like can be collected first, you can try it when you have time.

This dish of radish stewed fish is so fragrant, delicious and simple, delicious and cheap

【Radish fish】

Ingredients: fish, daikon radish, chili pepper, green onion, ginger

Seasoning: salt, cooking wine, pepper, egg white, starch, peanut oil, soy sauce

【Detailed method】

1. Prepare a fish, after processing it clean, remove the fish head, the fish head can keep its own stew, I use tilapia, this fish has no small spines, it is very convenient to eat. Cut the prepared fish into fillets, which can be thinned so that they are easy to cook. Cut the fillets, rinse them with water, then squeeze out the water. Finally, let's marinate, add half a spoonful of salt, a little pepper, a little cooking wine, stir the fish fillets evenly, then beat an egg white to stir well, then add a spoonful of dry starch, continue to stir the fillets evenly, and finally pour in a little peanut oil, stir the fillets and marinate for more than 30 minutes.

This dish of radish stewed fish is so fragrant, delicious and simple, delicious and cheap
This dish of radish stewed fish is so fragrant, delicious and simple, delicious and cheap
This dish of radish stewed fish is so fragrant, delicious and simple, delicious and cheap

2. Prepare a white radish, after peeling, rub it into strips for later, you can also cut the radish into small pieces, but it is easier to cook it into radish shreds. Add peanut oil to the pan, add a little ginger and sauté until fragrant, then put the fish bones in and fry them, fry them on both sides, and finally pour hot water and cook on high heat for 2 minutes.

This dish of radish stewed fish is so fragrant, delicious and simple, delicious and cheap
This dish of radish stewed fish is so fragrant, delicious and simple, delicious and cheap
This dish of radish stewed fish is so fragrant, delicious and simple, delicious and cheap

3. When the time is up, adjust the flavor again, add a spoonful of light soy sauce, a small half spoon of salt, a little pepper, then pour the radish shreds into the pot, turn on medium heat and let it cook for 2-3 minutes. After the shredded radish is cooked, the fish bones and shredded radish are fished out and put into the casserole or dish, and the remaining soup continues to boil, and then the marinated fish fillets are put in, and the fillets are scattered as much as possible. After the fillets are set, gently push them with a large spoon to heat the fillets evenly, and after the fillets are boiled, continue to cook for about 1 minute to get out of the pot.

This dish of radish stewed fish is so fragrant, delicious and simple, delicious and cheap
This dish of radish stewed fish is so fragrant, delicious and simple, delicious and cheap
This dish of radish stewed fish is so fragrant, delicious and simple, delicious and cheap

4. Put the cooked fish fillets on top of the radish shreds, and then sprinkle some green onions and peppers, those who do not like to eat peppers can not put it, and finally pour a little hot oil, this fragrant radish stew fish is even done. Delicious and nutritious, the taste is great, my family likes to eat a home-cooked dish, like can try it.

This dish of radish stewed fish is so fragrant, delicious and simple, delicious and cheap
This dish of radish stewed fish is so fragrant, delicious and simple, delicious and cheap
This dish of radish stewed fish is so fragrant, delicious and simple, delicious and cheap

I am tofu, specially to share with you detailed home-cooked recipes, Cantonese cuisine, home-cooked snacks, etc., there are deficiencies, welcome to give you more advice! If you like it, you may wish to pay attention to it.

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