
Long spots on the face, easy to lose hair, is it premature ovarian failure? Stop being fooled!

I don't know if you have ever brushed an "ovarian age self-test" on the Internet, it is said that as long as you face these symptoms, you can roughly determine what kind of aging state your ovaries are in.

Let's taste a pint together

Self-test table for premature ovarian failure

How many of the symptoms mentioned in this self-test form did you hit? The following are the test results of this self-test form:


The appearance of 1-2 symptoms indicates that "ovarian decline" has begun;


The appearance of 2-3 symptoms indicates that the "ovarian recession" begins to accelerate;


The appearance of 4-6 symptoms indicates that the "ovarian recession" is more severe;


The appearance of more than 6 symptoms indicates that the "ovarian recession" is very severe.

Many girls are directly anxious after doing this problem, and the test form is followed by no matter what the product link, they will not hesitate to buy and buy.

Long spots on the face, easy to lose hair, is it premature ovarian failure? Stop being fooled!

(Source: soogif)

In fact, if these symptoms are really followed, it is estimated that most of the girls' ovaries are "laid-off".

After all, symptoms such as dull complexion, rough skin, decreased physiological function, etc., are related to many aspects of the body.

Some people have long since lost their ovaries but can't see abnormalities, and some people seem to have all been recruited, but they are actually very healthy!

Therefore, inferring ovarian function through symptoms can only be used as a reference.

To know the true age of the ovaries, you have to go to the doctor and do a test!

The ovaries are a mysterious part that we can't see and touch, and if we want to understand her in depth, we must also rely on the judgment of professional doctors.

Generally speaking, the doctor will look at your ovarian state, in addition to the symptoms, will also look at these items:

1. Age

As we age, the function of our internal and external organs declines. For most women, the aging of the ovaries is basically in line with age.

After the age of 30, the ovarian function begins to decline in women, manifested by a decrease in the number of follicles and a decrease in the quality of oocytes.

After the age of 35, the rate of ovarian aging is significantly accelerated, which is an irreversible natural process.

Long spots on the face, easy to lose hair, is it premature ovarian failure? Stop being fooled!

(Source: Network)

But this is not absolute, because there are individual differences, and many women have caused ovarian aging to come earlier due to genetic factors, environmental exposures, increased stress, unhealthy lifestyles, etc.

Therefore, a woman's age cannot be an absolute indicator of the state of the ovaries.

2.B Super

Ultrasound B provides a clear view of the volume of the ovaries and the sinus follicles in the ovaries, both of which clearly reflect the functional state of the ovaries.

Long spots on the face, easy to lose hair, is it premature ovarian failure? Stop being fooled!

First, the length, width and thickness of the ovaries can be measured by B ultrasound, and 3 values are multiplied by 2 to obtain the number

Sinus follicles develop from basal follicles in the ovaries during each menstrual cycle.

Ultrasound B shows a bilateral ovarian sinus follicle count of less than 6, indicating that the reserve function of the ovaries has decreased [1].

3. Basal sex hormones

There are three main types of hormones secreted by the ovaries: estrogen, progesterone, and also secrete a small amount of androgens.

Hormones can reflect the age of the ovaries to some extent [2]. It is usually tested on the 2nd to 4th day of menstruation.

Long spots on the face, easy to lose hair, is it premature ovarian failure? Stop being fooled!

Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), luteinizing hormone (LH), and estrogen (E) in the six tests of sex hormones can reflect the "age" of the ovaries to a certain extent. thereinto:

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An increase in follicle-stimulating hormone best reflects a decline in ovarian reserve function, and if follicle-stimulating hormone is higher than 40mu/ml, it proves a serious decline in ovarian function;

If follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH) are combined, if FSH/LH ≥2, it indicates poor ovarian reserve function, especially infertile patients in women aged ≥ 35 years, indicating that ovarian function may decline;

The base value of estrogen is 25 to 45 pg/ml. If basal estradiol levels

The above paragraph does not matter if you can't understand it for a while, but it is strongly recommended to collect it, and if you or the people around you have done a hormone examination, you can analyze it by comparison.

4. Anti-Miller tube hormone (AMH)

In recent years, anti-Miller tube hormone (AMH) has been shown to be closely correlated with ovarian reserve function [3].

Some young women have decreased ovarian reserve, which manifests itself as a decrease in AMH.

Anti-Miller tube hormone is a more accurate reflection of "ovarian age" than follicle-stimulating hormone, and anti-Miller tube hormone can be checked at any time, largely unaffected by the cycle of the female body.

I don't know when the business of beauty salons has become more and more extensive.

Not only to make a fuss about women's faces, but also to make projects that can make female friends pull out their wallets, including ovarian maintenance projects that sound very attractive.

The ovarian maintenance routine of the general beauty salon is that as long as the essential oil massage, some medicinal ingredients can be transported to the ovaries.

So as to delay ovarian aging, rosy color, pink and tight, husband come home early... Efficacy.

Long spots on the face, easy to lose hair, is it premature ovarian failure? Stop being fooled!

This project, Zhimei can definitely tell everyone: it is iq tax!

Ovarian massage is unreliable because the ovaries themselves are very small and hidden deep in the female pelvis.

There are other organs and tissues in front of the obstruction, the hand alone can not be massaged, how to achieve the effect of maintenance?

Besides, essential oils can only play a role in moisturizing the surface layer of the skin, and even the dermis layer of the skin cannot be reached, let alone can enter the inside of the body.

For more information, you can watch this video

So far, the cause of premature ovarian failure has not been fully determined medically.

Common causes include autoimmune and genetic factors; viral infections; and physicochemical factors such as radiation, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, and drugs.

In addition, premature ovarian failure is also associated with excessive dieting and weight loss, excessive mental stress, and poor lifestyle habits [4].

Therefore, the first element of ovarian maintenance is to avoid doing things that harm the ovaries!

No beauty program can really maintain the ovaries, and if you really want to be good for the ovaries, do these things:

Maintain good eating habits: eat everything, don't live anything.

Maintain a healthy weight, but also don't over-diet to lose weight.

Quit hobbies such as tobacco and alcohol, and do it no matter how hard it is!

Not staying up late and sleeping less will cause endocrine disorders and double the pressure on the ovaries.

Stick to proper exercise, the ovaries like to actively move you!

Learning to adjust mood, anger and anxiety will only make hormone regulation more confusing.

Finally, what Zhimei wants to say is that the natural aging of the ovaries is a lesson that every woman cannot avoid.

I hope that we can face it positively, not be trapped by the anxiety created by the business, and do not do the ovaries "hate" things.

If you have any confusion about premature ovarian failure, please leave a message to zhimei, hoping that we can help you.


Wang Shixuan. Ovarian aging[M].Beijing:People's Medical Publishing House,2021.]

[2] Li Man,Wen Dongmei,Wang Weijia,Xu Shengnan,Zhao Jin,Zhong Wanting. Predictive value of combined AMH, FSH, LH and E2 detection in ovarian reserve function in infertile patients[J].Laboratory Medicine and Clinical,2017,14(12):1729-1731.

Li Ying,Yang Xiaoqing,Yang Xiaokui. Clinical study of anti-mullerian hormone and inhibitor B predicting ovarian reserve function[J].Journal of Practical Obstetrics and Gynecology,2014,30(01):26-29.

Xie Meiqing. Causes of premature ovarian failure[J].Journal of Practical Obstetrics and Gynecology,2003(04):193-195.

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