
138 pieces (sets) of cultural relics tell the story of the "Twin Cities" of Chongli in Beijing

The theme exhibition "Ice and Snow, Twin Cities, Grand Event - From 1202 to 2022" opened on the 31st at the ruins of Prince City in Chongli District, Zhangjiakou City. This exhibition is a key project of cultural activities at the Beijing Winter Olympics and the first large-scale cultural exhibition in Chongli District.

The exhibition is divided into three units: about tu weicheng, Shengzhi Wenhua, and competition with the wind, bringing together Beijing, Hebei, Shanxi, Inner Mongolia, Jilin, Heilongjiang and other provinces, autonomous regions and cities, as well as the Palace Museum, the National Museum, the Chinese Cultural Heritage Research Institute and other cultural and museum units collection of 138 pieces (sets), covering ceramics, jade, bronze, gold and silver, sculptures, architectural components, etc., in the form of time and space dialogue, systematically display the construction of prince city, social life in the Song and Jin dynasties, the integration and development of various ethnic groups, the history of exchanges and mutual learning between Chinese and foreign civilizations, and tell the story of "twin cities." "Stories, spreading Chinese civilization, helping the Beijing Winter Olympics."

138 pieces (sets) of cultural relics tell the story of the "Twin Cities" of Chongli in Beijing

The ruins of Prince Edward City at the exhibition site found important relics such as the city wall, moat, and palace building site

One of the partridges on display is the only one found that can be repaired intact. The middle of its forehead is engraved with the words "Tianzi Three Feet", and "Tian" should be the position number, because the site has also found architectural components marked with the word "Earth". "Three feet" refers to the size of the snout, which coincides with the standard size recorded in the "Construction French Style" and is one of the important bases for determining the construction ruler of the ruins of Prince Edward City.

More than 800 years ago, after the Jin Dynasty moved its capital to Yanjing (present-day Beijing), it built the "Taihe Palace" in Chongli Prince City as a palace for royal nomadic archery. The southern arch of the prince city and the northern control of Shuo Desert are connected with the Yanjing landscape, the humanities are connected, and the blood is integrated, and the story of the "Twin Cities" is jointly written in history. In order to cooperate with the Beijing Winter Olympics, since 2017, Hebei Province has organized a joint archaeological team of provinces and municipalities to carry out archaeological excavations on the ruins of Prince Edward City, and found important ruins such as city walls, moats, and palace building sites. In 2019, the ruins of Prince Edward City were selected as "Top Ten New Archaeological Discoveries in China in 2018" and were approved and announced by the State Council as the eighth batch of national key cultural relics protection units. The ruins of Prince Edward City have cleared the fog of history and returned to the world, and Chongli has also become a joint host of the Beijing Winter Olympics.

Guan Qiang, member of the Party Group and deputy director of the State Administration of Cultural Heritage, attended the ceremony and delivered a speech, and jointly unveiled the exhibition with Wu Weidong, member of the Standing Committee of the Hebei Provincial Party Committee and secretary of the Zhangjiakou Municipal Party Committee.

138 pieces (sets) of cultural relics tell the story of the "Twin Cities" of Chongli in Beijing

The guests jointly unveiled the exhibition and Photographed by Li He

Guan Qiang said that while displaying Chinese culture, this exhibition is also an important witness and participant of the Beijing Winter Olympics, and is a new model for China to promote the organic combination of cultural relics protection and Winter Olympic events and create Olympic cultural heritage. Through the innovation of display means, the exhibition deeply excavates the value connotation of the ruins of Prince Edward City, tells the story of the "Twin Cities" of Beijing and Chongli, strives to show the world the charm of China's excellent traditional culture and the achievements of contemporary cultural relics protection, and contributes to the successful holding of the Beijing Winter Olympics.

It is reported that in order to cooperate with the Beijing Winter Olympics, the State Administration of Cultural Heritage also coordinated more than 20 ice and snow culture exhibitions and activities in Beijing, Hebei, Shanxi, Liaoning, Jilin, Heilongjiang and other provinces and cities. At present, more than 10 exhibitions have been officially opened, receiving millions of visitors.

Text/Ying Ni

Source/China News Network

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