
The German soldiers wanted to bury the little girl alive, and the little girl asked to be buried shallow, and what happened?

Today's human beings basically live in a peaceful and stable environment, but now the war is still causing some harm to people in some areas, the leaders of the war are some ruthless military experts, they plunder the resources of other countries through war, this practice is illegal and humanitarian, now the world's most tragic war experienced by mankind is the Second World War, in this war, the German Nazis brought a huge blow to the world, the entire European battlefield is full of killing, blood, violence, More importantly, because Hitler's prejudice eventually led to the death of 6 million Jews in World War II, many of them innocent people, even women and children, there was a very touching scene in this massacre, that is, when the German soldiers wanted to bury the little girl alive, the little girl asked to be buried shallow.

The German soldiers wanted to bury the little girl alive, and the little girl asked to be buried shallow, and what happened?

At that time, after the little girl said this sentence, even the heartbroken German Nazi soldiers were moved, what was the final result of this little girl? The cruelty of the German Nazis in World War II we can see through film and television materials and photos, they are very cruel in the face of the enemy, and often indiscriminately kill innocents, Germany was very hostile to the Jews at that time, and Hitler issued a very cruel order shortly after the invasion of Poland. That is, the German army arrested all the Jews in the city, and then sent all these men, women and children to concentration camps, many of these Jews are children, they have just witnessed the beauty of this world.

The German soldiers wanted to bury the little girl alive, and the little girl asked to be buried shallow, and what happened?

After the German army arrested the Jews, they would be tortured in different ways every day, and every day they would be dealt with in a different way, although each person died in a different way, but it was very cruel and inhuman, and these German troops were simply inhuman in the face of these unarmed Jews, they had lost the basic moral bottom line of mankind, and they had also lost their conscience, and among the captured Jews was a very innocent and lovely little girl. Her father was killed by the Germans in the war, and she and her mother were imprisoned by the Nazi Party in the concentration camp, but unfortunately, the little girl's mother was unfortunately selected by the Nazi Party to leave the little girl first.

The German soldiers wanted to bury the little girl alive, and the little girl asked to be buried shallow, and what happened?

After that, the little girl kept asking the people around her where her mother was, and the surrounding Jews could not bear to tell the truth to the cute and innocent little girl, so they told the little girl that her mother was sick and went to find her father, the naïve little girl really believed this white lie made up by people, and had been waiting for her mother, but the little girl finally did not hide from the Nazi Party massacre, the German army took him to a big pit, they chose to bury these people alive, The little girl also panicked at this time, and she looked at the German army with her innocent eyes and said, "Uncle, can you bury me shallow, so that my mother can come back and find me." ”

The German soldiers wanted to bury the little girl alive, and the little girl asked to be buried shallow, and what happened?

Countless people present at that time were moved, and everyone was left in tears, but the little girl was not able to survive in the end, because even if the Nazi Party in Germany was moved, they were still the evil people with a cruel heart, so they directly buried the little girl and others alive, but the little girl's words made the conscience of everyone on the scene sting, which was also a soul torture of these conscienceless Nazi Parties, although the little girl did not know what death meant. But her words gave her dignity before she died.

The German soldiers wanted to bury the little girl alive, and the little girl asked to be buried shallow, and what happened?

The war to the Jews hurt very much, because the Jewish nation is the world recognized as the most intelligent people, but in World War II Jews were slaughtered in large numbers of caused great losses to the whole world, but the innocent and lively image of this little girl has always remained in people's hearts, where there is oppression, there is resistance, although the German Nazis were invincible in World War II, but in the end evil can not defeat justice, Germany finally collapsed, now our lives are very stable and harmonious, Everyone's life is getting better and better, and we hope that the war will leave us forever.

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