
Why was Hitler so disgusted with the Jews? Not for personal reasons, but for other purposes

When it comes to Jews, many people have a thought in their minds: they are the smartest race in the world. But in fact, this kind of thinking is very naïve and wrong, and there is no distinction between the various races in the world, but the environment and position are different, and the things they are engaged in are very different.

Why was Hitler so disgusted with the Jews? Not for personal reasons, but for other purposes

Why people always associate Jews with businessmen, even now, many rich people in the United States are born of the Jewish people, mainly because as early as the Roman Empire, Jews were difficult to integrate with the locals after they were exiled around the world, and they were also excluded by the locals, so they could only obtain survival capital by engaging in the lowest status of commerce at that time, which also created the wisdom of the people in business and became one of the most business-minded races in the world. But why did such a deeply understanding and cunning race arouse Hitler's disgust, and even launched a genocide campaign to eliminate the Jews of the world?

Why was Hitler so disgusted with the Jews? Not for personal reasons, but for other purposes

First of all, religious beliefs are different. Jews practice Judaism, while most Europeans practice Christianity. Although the two religions have a great relationship in their roots, they are very different in their specific content, especially with regard to Jesus. Judaism does not recognize Jesus as the Son of God, while Christianity considers Judas, the ancestor of the Jews, to be the culprit for the betrayal of Jesus, so the two groups of believers have irreconcilable antagonisms almost from birth. In addition, the Jews have always been very arrogant, and almost everywhere they go, there are few peoples who like them, so it is not surprising that Hitler carried out the Holocaust.

Why was Hitler so disgusted with the Jews? Not for personal reasons, but for other purposes

Second, Germany lacked sufficient funds for development after the looting of World War I. At that time, the Jews in Germany took advantage of the opportunity of war to make a lot of money, and because they had been engaged in business for a long time, they had a strong air of mercenary intentions, which caused many German people to be dissatisfied. Hitler took this opportunity to eliminate the Jews, on the one hand, to establish his own prestige in the hearts of the people, on the other hand, to put a large amount of money in the hands of the Jews into the German treasury and use it to achieve his great cause. Therefore, many people attribute Hitler's massacre of Jews to his own eccentric temperament, but in fact, it is not, and his step out of this step is definitely after his own careful consideration, but no matter what the purpose, the genocide itself is a most heinous thing, the world is composed of a variety of nationalities and races, naturally we must respect and tolerate the conflict between different civilizations, only a hundred flowers bloom, can we achieve a hundred schools of thought.

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