
From Hollywood porn star to "mother of mobile phones", she is the world's first actress to appear in full nude

author:Tan talks about the encyclopedia

One night in the autumn of 1937, in a villa on the outskirts of Vienna, the Austrian capital, a chaotic burst of gunfire mixed with the screams of women broke through the night sky, and the man in the house stormed into the hostess's bedroom with a shotgun in his hand, and after a few fierce quarrels, the man shot, and only a few minutes ago, there had just been a lively banquet here, and the appearance of a mysterious figure made the couple instantly tense.

From Hollywood porn star to "mother of mobile phones", she is the world's first actress to appear in full nude

The person in the photo is the hostess of the villa, her name is Heidi. Rama, born in 1914 in Vienna to a wealthy Jewish family, the father is a banker, the mother is a musician, the natural beauty of Heitilama, playing a star dream, at the age of eighteen, Heidi successfully appeared on the big screen, jumped to become a hot star, and then married into a rich family, became a well-bred Mrs. Kuo, but compared to the light on the big screen, her other invention is little known, you can never imagine, this Hollywood beauty is "FM" The founder of technology and the mother of mobile WIFI communication.

So, what happened in this villa on that late autumn night? Who is that mysterious guest? He was none other than Adolf, then the Fuehrer of Nazi Germany. How could Hitler, such a dictator, appear at an occasion for a private gathering? What was his purpose? What does this have to do with Hetilama?

In 1933, Hitler officially inaugurated as Chancellor of Germany, marking the beginning of the Nazi era, at this time, Germany defeated in World War I has long forgotten the "Treaty of Versailles", an ambition to conquer the world quickly unfolded in Europe, in September 1937, Italy joined Germany, Japan signed the "Anti-Comintern Pact", the fascist group Axis was formally formed, the world war was clouded.

At this time Hitler came to Heidi. Rama's home is to prepare for the arms, because Heidi Rama's husband Mandel is the largest arms dealer in Austria, and it is clear that Hitler's personal visit means that this is a big deal, and it is precisely because of this that the scene at the beginning of the film where the husband and wife are opposed.

From Hollywood porn star to "mother of mobile phones", she is the world's first actress to appear in full nude

At the end of the banquet, Heitilama persuaded her husband not to be in the company of the dictator who mutilated his compatriots, and her words instantly angered Mandel, who angrily grabbed a box of film film, threw it on the ground, and ridiculed Heidi, saying that your film is nothing more than a show of the wind in front of the camera, flirting, and even raising a gun to threaten Heidi, and in the future, Heidi is so frightened that she almost faints, after which Heidi's relationship with her husband has dropped to a freezing point.

You must be wondering, what was filmed on that film at that time? So much so that Mandel, as a husband, has always been angry? In fact, this is a black and white movie released in 1933, called "The Spirit of the Spirit", about a newly married girl, because of the wrong marriage to an ugly and stereotypical old man, life is extremely unsmooth story, which is very consistent with the experience of Haibed himself, fortunately, the heroine of the film finally boldly broke through the shackles of marriage and found true love, and the general love film is different, when heidi, who was fledgling, in this film there was a large-scale performance that was called a stone-breaking at the time. It is in this film that Heidi. Rama became the world's first actress to appear naked on the big screen) and "dedicated herself to the arts," though the film didn't bring Heidi the fame and fortune she imagined, but rather a mixed public reputation.

From Hollywood porn star to "mother of mobile phones", she is the world's first actress to appear in full nude

It is also because of this film that Heidi has become synonymous with sexiness and beauty in the hearts of many men, and has also had many fans, including the arms tycoon Mandel, in August 1933, with the help of her family, Heidi. Rama and Mandel are married, but unfortunately, this Mandel, like many vulgar men, only values Heidi's beauty, not her superior wisdom.

As a Jew, Heidi was very dissatisfied with her husband and the Nazis, coupled with Hitler's anti-Semitic movement intensified, Europe has no place for her, in desperation, Heidi fled to the United States and came to Hollywood, but what people did not expect was that there, she inadvertently became an inventor, and was respected by posterity as the "mother of mobile phones".

On October 1, 1941, the famous New York Times published a shocking news: Inventor Heitilama: an actress who designed the most cutting-edge military equipment for the U.S. Department of Defense, from the release of the 1933 "Haunted" to the 1941 New York Times, Heidi's identity changed from an 18-year-old actress to an inventor with a mysterious mission.

So, what prompted her to make such a transformation in these eight years?

Heidi ran away from marriage and left her hometown of Vienna to come to the United States, because of a chance, she was killed by MGM giant Louis. Meyer took a fancy to Hollywood, where the naturally beautiful Hitirama became the company's cash cow and was touted by MGM as "the most beautiful woman in the world".

Originally, Heidi could have made a great difference in Hollywood with her excellent appearance, but in her heart, she was always worried about the war in Europe, and she was also Jewish, empathetic to the fate of her compatriots being persecuted, and many of her relatives and friends in Vienna also died in the war. National hatred prompted her to have a bold idea: to develop new weapons and support the Allies in fighting the Nazis, but the question is, can a brainless vase in the eyes of outsiders really cross-border inventions? At the time, almost everyone thought it was a big joke.

In fact, Heidi wanted to invent is not a whim, her major major in student years is communication and mathematics major, so that time, in addition to filming on the set, Heidi spent most of her time in the design and development of a "warship torpedo remote control attack system", this "secret communication system" can effectively resist enemy signal interference when torpedoes are attacked from a distance, thus greatly improving the hit rate.

From Hollywood porn star to "mother of mobile phones", she is the world's first actress to appear in full nude

Illustration of Heidi's patent application

Of course, Heidi's road to research and development has not been smooth, and this talented woman has one person on the road to becoming an inventor, George, the man she calls "almost her husband". Ansel, who helped her, was a veritable business partner on Heidi's invention patent certificate, a man whose name followed Heidi's.

George. Ansel, a maverick German pianist, he likes to break the convention, transform the combination of traditional instruments and machinery, and produce special acoustic effects, it is this confidant who makes Heidi's lifelong confidant, with his best piano, to help Heidi find the key to cracking the secret communication system.

From Hollywood porn star to "mother of mobile phones", she is the world's first actress to appear in full nude

George. Ansel

At the beginning of the twentieth century, an automatic piano with a player was very popular, and the player controlled the keys remotely through a paper tape, and the paper tape was covered with large and small holes, like a series of complex codes, and the player issued instructions to the piano through these "codes".

Inspired by George, Heidi thought of drawing on the principle of automatic piano remote control torpedoes, the radio signal of the previous remote control torpedo attack, due to the single frequency unchanged, it is easy to be intercepted or interfered with by the enemy radio monitor, but if like the piano player, the program is programmed in advance, a set of changing frequency programs are designed, so that the control signal jumps between multiple frequencies, it is equivalent to attaching a code to the signal, if it is not mastered by the law of frequency modulation, it is impossible to crack, so that, The hit rate of the torpedo attack will be fundamentally increased.

This invention gave the Allied Navy, which was plagued by the "wolf pack tactics" of German submarines at that time, see the hope of victory, and high-precision torpedo attacks could make German submarines a "living target".

After the outbreak of the Pacific War, Heidi's invention was taken seriously by the US military, but unfortunately, the military eventually underestimated Heidi's ability, in their eyes, a beautiful "vase" is impossible to make a real invention, of course, there is another reason, that is, Heidi's former husband, that is, the relationship between the Austrian arms dealer and the Nazis, Heidi was implicated and became a possible object of suspicion.

Heidi's invention eventually came to naught, she herself also delayed her acting career because of her focus on invention, missed a series of classic films such as "Casablanca" and "Under the GasLight", and since then lost the Oscar little golden man, MGM originally gave the role that originally belonged to Heidi to the legendary superstar Ingrid, who had just emerged in Hollywood. Bergman, Heidi Rama's image of a "vase" on the big screen is difficult to turn over.

Although this beautiful face did not make Heidi suffer, but after all, she was born beautiful and difficult to give up, when she was forty years old, she could confidently play a young and sexy little girl, and her acting career was therefore regarded as a legend in Hollywood, and the famous Walk of Fame was also engraved with her name for posterity.

From Hollywood porn star to "mother of mobile phones", she is the world's first actress to appear in full nude

Although Heidi's invention did not show its might on the battlefield, it began to be valued by the military in the post-war fifties, and this "secret communication system" patent was used in many fields, such as sonar buoys for sea-air communications, remote control drones, confidential radios, etc. At that time, the technology had passed the patent protection period, for the sake of confidentiality, the name of the patent author was deleted from the technical documents, and Heitilama became an unsung hero.

It was not until the end of the Cold War, when the U.S. military lifted the control of related radio technology, that U.S. communications companies were able to use this patent to develop a wireless digital communication system for mobile phones that are inseparable from modern humans.

In 1997, in an apartment in Florida, usa, Heidi, who was 83 years old, was still alive. Rama received a call from the American Electronic Frontier Foundation, the institution dedicated to the protection of intellectual property rights, when learning that Heidi did not receive any awards for this patent, decided to award her a medal, hearing the news, the 83-year-old could not help but burst into tears, said a sentence, "it's about time, I still finally waited", fifty years later, Shaohua was easy to pass away, the heart was like water, but a late phone call, but inadvertently awakened the dusty past.

Soon, Heidi's young jade photograph was on the cover of the magazine, becoming the only actress in history to be selected as a cover character in "American Invention and Technological Heritage".

From Hollywood porn star to "mother of mobile phones", she is the world's first actress to appear in full nude

In 2014, Heitilama was inducted into the American Inventors Hall of Fame and entered the room with Edison, Bell and other scientific giants, and became famous in history.

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