
PlayStation DB leaks "Ossenfrey 2" release date: February 8 next year

Ossenfrey is a creepy adventure game that has been on the market for six years. And now, Twitter netizens @PlaystationSize revealed that according to the information leaked by the PlayStation database, the sequel "Ossenfrey 2: The Vanishing Signal" will be officially released on February 8, 2022, that is, after about 5 weeks, we can play it.

PlayStation DB leaks "Ossenfrey 2" release date: February 8 next year

Of course, Night School Studio hasn't announced any news about the game's release date at this time, and this date may also be a placeholder for the PlayStation database, but considering that the approval of the console game requires more time, this more recent date may also be accurate.

PlayStation DB leaks "Ossenfrey 2" release date: February 8 next year
PlayStation DB leaks "Ossenfrey 2" release date: February 8 next year

Ossenfrey 2: Vanishing Signals will be an all-round upgrade of the original Ossenfrey, and the villains in this game will also enter the storyline of the original game.

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