
People who really live freely usually don't get tangled up in these 3 things

We all want to live freely and willfully in this world, and even go to the end of the world.

However, life is full of tastes, not everyone can live the life they want to live, there will always be some regrets, there will always be some difficulties to make our lives become turbulent.

And as a wise person with great wisdom, who knows that people who really live freely, they will never dwell on these 3 things. The less entanglement, the more happiness, worthy of everyone's consideration.


Don't dwell on comparison, contentment

People who really live freely usually don't get tangled up in these 3 things

Master Nebula once said: "One life, one autumn of grass and trees." All things, contentment and happiness. ”

There is no absolute fairness in society, from birth, everyone begins to live a different life, the more they grow up, the more they find themselves becoming unhappy, because in our lives, everywhere is full of real things.

Compared with family situation, than grades, than work, than lovers, than children, it seems that there is no place to make yourself comfortable, and it is really difficult to want to live freely.

The reason for the lack of freedom is that there is no contented heart. You can never find the happiness you have, you just want more.

If you are not satisfied, you will feel lacking; if you are not satisfied, you will have greed and you will not be able to live freely. Therefore, with a contented heart, it is possible to have true joy, true tranquility, and true freedom.

People who really live freely usually don't get tangled up in these 3 things

There is such a story:

There is a young man who always laments his bad fate and worries all the time. So he went to the temple to ask the monks for guidance.

The old monk said, "Young man, you are obviously very rich!" The youth asked, "Rich?" I had nothing but annoyances. ”

The old monk continued to ask him, "If someone gives you five thousand taels of silver in exchange for your ten-year lifespan, will you change it?" The youth replied without hesitation: "Of course not!" ”

The old monk asked again, "Give you ten thousand taels of silver in exchange for your health, will you change it?" The youth said emphatically, "Don't change!" ”

The old monk smiled, "Young man, you have at least fifteen thousand taels of silver so far, aren't you rich enough?" ”

People who really live freely usually don't get tangled up in these 3 things

Therefore, everyone is bound by the dilemma in front of them, and there are many troubles, and the troubles of young people only see what they lack, but never see what they have. If you can be satisfied, then all your troubles will be solved. On the contrary, if you are insatiable and unsatisfied, you will feel anxious and uneasy from time to time, let alone live a free life.

In life, we see many unhappy people who have embarked on the road of crime precisely because of their insatiable greed. His own good hand was played poorly, and he did not know that in the eyes of others, he was the object of envy.

The so-called "cloth mulberry rice, cola for life", "tranquility and far-reaching, indifferent Mingzhi". In fact, a happy life is around you, the content of life is very chaotic, people's minds are too complicated and too annoying, life to live happily, you have to feel life in the plain.

"Under the eastern fence of picking chrysanthemums, leisurely see the South Mountain." Everything in the world is still flat in the end, if you want to live freely, don't be entangled in the envy and jealousy of Panbi, contentment and happiness, joy comes from itself.


Don't dwell on obsession, forgiveness is great

People who really live freely usually don't get tangled up in these 3 things

The Buddhist master and educator Master Shengyan said: "My persistence will bring us a lot of troubles, because the self-consciousness is too strong, the self-centeredness is too strong, it will insist on its own disposition or thoughts, the whole body is full of sharp thorns like a hedgehog, there are many 'edges', and the movement hurts people, and it is impossible to treat people harmoniously." ”

Many times, our unhappiness in life is not our own reason, but because others make us unhappy, which often happens.

For example, no one will not make mistakes, and people who know that they have made mistakes most want to be forgiven and forgiven by others, but often they are always sulking, living in the shadows, unable to extricate themselves, and naturally living unhappy and not free.

People who really live freely usually don't get tangled up in these 3 things

Why are some people always so happy, is it that they have no troubles? No, the real great wisdom is not to be too careful in everything, even if you are rude to others, you must forgive them, because to forgive others is to sublimate yourself. Don't care so much, don't care so much, you get far more happiness than anger.

"Put down the butcher's knife and become a Buddha on the ground", we all know the importance of forgiving others on the road of cultivating our minds in life. When we have not yet been able to completely forgive others, we may as well change our thinking, this kind of thinking, can help us to eliminate the sense of revenge, that is, to help ourselves live freely and happily, not entangled in obsession, forgiveness is great, why not enjoy it?


Don't dwell on difficulties and hone your mind

People who really live freely usually don't get tangled up in these 3 things

Mengziyun: "The heavens will descend upon the Scythians, and they will first suffer their hearts, strain their bones and bones, starve their bodies, empty their bodies, and confuse their deeds, so they will be tempted to endure and gain what they cannot." ”

It's not uncommon to hear people complaining ," why am I so miserable? Why am I suffering from all this suffering? Why do others always have to go smoothly? "In fact, you are not the only one who is tortured, no one will not suffer some difficulties in life, there are always unsatisfactory things."

Suffering is not a tool to destroy people, but a ladder that inspires people to grow. Throughout the ages, none of those who have achieved great things have been smooth sailing. This shows that God did not take special care of them, and it is fair.

People who really live freely usually don't get tangled up in these 3 things

The main reason why they have been able to achieve great achievements and go down in history is that when facing difficult circumstances, they do not have the same fear and retreat as ordinary people, but will face it with a strong heart.

On the contrary, those who will only be afraid and withdraw when they encounter difficulties and setbacks will naturally not become a big deal, let alone live a life freely and naturally.

In ordinary days, we always long to live a peaceful and free life, and once we encounter tribulations, we instinctively complain about the injustice and cruelty of fate.

People who really live freely usually don't get tangled up in these 3 things

In fact, in life, a good fate must rely on yourself to create and change, otherwise this life is too mediocre. Especially in the midst of the terrible plight of the great waves, we should always give the power to change our destiny, constantly telling ourselves: "I will definitely be able to cope with the past." "In this way, you can get happiness in life."

To sum up, life, there are too many things to tangle, always living in contradictions, will only make yourself more and more unhappy. Although it is really not easy to be free, as long as you stop dwelling on the above 3 things, happiness will naturally follow.

Finally, may you not be forced by the world, not disturbed by troubles, and good luck and happiness will come and go. (Author: Fei Lun Jun)

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