
Another top three hospital in Xi'an was closed! The results of the traceability of the epidemic have finally been announced, but the infection process is still a mystery


If you are well, Chang'an is always safe!

Source: Medical Pulse

Author: Alyosha

This article is a comprehensive compilation by the editors of Medical Pulse, please do not reprint it without authorization.

The epidemic situation in Xi'an is still grim.

On December 29, He Qinghua, a first-level inspector of the Disease Control Bureau of the National Health Commission, said at a press conference of the joint prevention and control mechanism of the State Council that the epidemic situation in Xi'an, Shaanxi Province, is still in a stage of rapid development, and there are cases spilling over to the province and beyond.

In 20 days, a total of 962 locally confirmed cases have been reported, where did the current round of epidemic in Xi'an come from?

The source of the current round of epidemic in Xi'an has been locked in overseas imports, but the cause of infection is a mystery

On December 27, the Information Office of the People's Government of Shaanxi Province held a press conference on the prevention and control of the new crown pneumonia epidemic (the 41st session) to introduce that Shaanxi has increased its efforts to trace the source of circulation and make every effort to control risk groups. In terms of traceability, the Provincial Center for Disease Control and Prevention has completed the whole gene sequencing of 137 indigenous cases, all of which are highly homologous to the imported cases reported on pakistan's inbound flights on December 4.

Since the emergence of this local case in Xi'an city on December 9, Xi'an has rapidly adjusted the test and timely checked and controlled. The specific situation of close investigation and control in Xi'an is divided into three major transmission chains:

Another top three hospital in Xi'an was closed! The results of the traceability of the epidemic have finally been announced, but the infection process is still a mystery

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However, from the overall trend, more and more confirmed cases are generated from the community, and there is no clear relationship with the original chain of transmission.

According to the case information released by the Shaanxi Provincial Health Commission, the confirmed diagnosis of cases is divided into six major ways: directly related to the Chang'an transmission chain, found in the screening of key populations, screened because of cases in the area, screened as a close contact, detected in large-scale nucleic acid screening, and found on their own initiative or when they are found due to fever.

Among them, the largest number of infections as close contacts reached 160, while the number of confirmed cases confirmed through nucleic acid screening gradually increased from the 23rd, reaching a total of 148, close to a quarter of the total.

However, the number of cases directly related to the Chang'an transmission chain is gradually decreasing, and even if patients infected as close contacts, most of the traceability results are not directly related to the three transmission chains previously announced in Xi'an.

This means that the epidemic in Xi'an is not just three chains of transmission, but many "headless chains of transmission". Even after several rounds of large-scale nucleic acid screenings, there may still be infected people lurking in the community in Xi'an who have not been detected.

The source of the epidemic in Xi'an is believed to be the flight PK854, which entered from Pakistan, and the first chain of transmission is more related to it, and the infected person is the staff of the quarantine hotel, or infected by the damage of protective clothing.

However, the remaining two chains of transmission lack close links with flight PK854.

The second chain of transmission came from a medical institution in Qujiang New District, Guo Mou, a staff member of the Ziniu Outpatient Department Pharmacy, who was found in a periodic nucleic acid test on December 11. Judging from the official circulation information, Guo mou has not intersected with the personnel of the inbound flight PK854 since December 5.

The third chain of transmission occurred in the family hospital of the headquarters of Chang'an University, and from the information of the circulation, the infected person had traveled to Xianyang International Airport to send his relatives abroad, and Xi'an Xianyang International Airport may also be the source of infection.

At present, the official has not released a clear conclusion, and the infection process is unknown.

Another hospital was closed, why did the number of confirmed cases in Xi'an rise rapidly in the short term?

On December 20, according to the public number of the Fourth Hospital of Xi'an, the Aerospace City Branch of Xi'an People's Hospital (Xi'an Fourth Hospital) suspended outpatient and emergency reception work from now on due to the task of epidemic prevention and control. Opening hours will be announced separately.

Another top three hospital in Xi'an was closed! The results of the traceability of the epidemic have finally been announced, but the infection process is still a mystery

The scale of the current round of epidemic in Xi'an far exceeded the initial expectations, and on the afternoon of December 27, Xi'an held the 38th press conference on the prevention and control of the new crown pneumonia epidemic, at which the rapid rise of confirmed cases in Xi'an in the short term responded to the problem of the rapid rise of confirmed cases in Xi'an in the short term.

According to reports, there are two main reasons for the recent increase in cases in Xi'an: First, the city has increased the intensity of large-scale nucleic acid screening, and has carried out several rounds of nucleic acid screening since the 21st, thus finding more hidden cases, and the current round of epidemic cases found through nucleic acid screening accounts for one-third.

Second, because some of the new risk points, such as the high-tech zone photoelectric park, Baqiao District Jingdong Logistics Park, due to the high density of personnel and large mobility leading to a wide range of cases, in the short term the rapid growth of case reports, for these risk points Xi'an city has quickly taken control measures, with the implementation of various containment measures, will help these areas to effectively control the epidemic situation.

Zhang Yi, director of the Institute of Infectious Disease Prevention and Control of the Shaanxi Provincial Center for Disease Control and Prevention, reminded the public that there is no need to worry too much about the short-term rapid rise of confirmed cases, and the more discovered through nucleic acid testing at this stage, the better, which is also the purpose of nucleic acid testing.

According to reports, from 12 o'clock on December 27, Xi'an City launched a new round of nucleic acid screening. This is the fifth round of full-staff testing since the first round of nucleic acid testing was carried out by Xi'an officials on December 19.

On December 28, Xi'an released the trajectory of the 150 new confirmed cases on December 26, many of which were confirmed during the quarantine period. It is worth mentioning that many confirmed cases were isolated on December 24 with abnormal nucleic acid test results, and positive nucleic acid test results on December 25. In contrast, the confirmed cases announced in the previous few days have to wait for three or four days from abnormal detection to confirmation, and now Xi'an's testing capacity has been greatly improved.

Will the situation of the current round of epidemic in Xi'an be intensified? When does the inflection point occur?

From the perspective of case symptoms and vaccination degrees, we do not need to be too pessimistic about the subsequent development of the epidemic.

Although the number of new daily cases is still increasing, the current cases in Shaanxi Province are mainly mild. Of the confirmed cases (387) from the 24th to the 26th, 95.3% of the cases were mild and 4% were of the ordinary type.

Another top three hospital in Xi'an was closed! The results of the traceability of the epidemic have finally been announced, but the infection process is still a mystery

Moreover, according to data released by the Shaanxi Health Commission, as of November 22, the number of people vaccinated against COVID-19 in Shaanxi Province reached 33.156 million, the total population coverage rate reached 83.88%, and 1.065 million people completed enhanced immunization.

Shi Bingyin, a professor at the First Affiliated Hospital of Xi'an Jiaotong University, told the media that some potential infections have not been detected, so it is normal for the number to increase in the number of days or two. Shi Bingyin said that the situation of high confirmed cases should soon improve, and it is estimated that it will take about a week for the number of new confirmed cases to decline.

At present, the epidemic situation in Xi'an is grim, when will the inflection point appear? Academician Zhang Boli said that it is expected that the epidemic in Xi'an will be stopped by mid-January, and it is entirely possible to control it in late January.

Another top three hospital in Xi'an was closed! The results of the traceability of the epidemic have finally been announced, but the infection process is still a mystery

Image source: Video screenshot

Zhang Boli: "For the situation in Xi'an, because we still have to strictly guard against death, we must also actively do screening, control the patient, and block it as soon as possible." I estimate that it will take a cycle to a half cycle, that is, to block it around the middle of January, and to control it completely by January 20th, I think it is still entirely possible. ”

The 150-member medical team of the Air Force Military Medical University supports xi'an local hospital

At 20:00 on December 27, Xi'an, Shaanxi, the Air Force Military Medical University (Four Medical Universities) held a grand and brief expedition ceremony to bid farewell to 150 medical staff who urgently reinforced the designated hospital for new crown pneumonia in Xi'an.

Another top three hospital in Xi'an was closed! The results of the traceability of the epidemic have finally been announced, but the infection process is still a mystery

Recently, the new crown pneumonia epidemic broke out in many places in Xi'an, and the situation of prevention and control was complex and severe. In the early morning of December 27, the Office of the Leading Group of Shaanxi Province in Response to the Novel Coronavirus Infection pneumonia Epidemic sent a letter asking the Air Force Military Medical University to draw medical forces to support the local medical treatment of new crown pneumonia, and with the approval of the superior, the school set up a professional medical team to enter the Xi'an designated treatment hospital for the epidemic and take over the isolation ward.

It is understood that the members of the medical team set up by the Air Force Military Medical University come from Xijing Hospital, Tangdu Hospital, Stomatological Hospital, 986 Hospital and other affiliated units, covering doctors, nurses, and technicians from multiple departments such as respiratory, infection control, critical care medicine, traditional Chinese medicine, and laboratory.

13th expedition! Qiao Fu, an infection control expert at West China Hospital of Sichuan University, went to Xi'an to assist in the fight against the epidemic

Appointed by the National Health Commission, Qiao Fu, an expert of the Hospital Infection Prevention and Control Group of the Joint Prevention and Control Mechanism of the State Council and an expert in infection control of West China Hospital, will go to Xi'an City on the afternoon of December 29 to assist in the prevention and control of hospital infection in the new crown pneumonia epidemic.

This is the 13th time since 2020 that Qiao Fu has gone to the front line to fight the epidemic, and he is also the first person in Sichuan to support the frontline of Xi'an, Shaanxi. Qiao Fu stayed in Wuhan for 74 days, and then was assigned by the joint prevention and control mechanism of the State Council to carry out epidemic prevention and control work in Tibet, Xinjiang, Jilin, Yunnan, Henan, Jiangsu, Ningxia, Qinghai, Liaoning and other places, accumulating 12 expeditions, a total of 244 days.

Another top three hospital in Xi'an was closed! The results of the traceability of the epidemic have finally been announced, but the infection process is still a mystery

It is understood that this time to Xi'an, Qiao Fu mainly guided medical institutions to do a good job in disinfection and isolation, personal protection and other infection control measures, spread practical infection control knowledge and concepts, reduce the risk of infection in the hospital, and cultivate local infection control forces to build a "guardian wall" for patients and medical staff.

Medical Pulse Tong is comprehensively compiled from the surging news, people's daily health client, Jimu news, etc.

Editor-in-charge Alyosha Yiyi

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