
Summer Dream of "Love Is Delicious": There is nothing wrong with being excellent in itself, and what is wrong is that people who cannot appreciate it are wrong

Summer Dream of "Love Is Delicious": There is nothing wrong with being excellent in itself, and what is wrong is that people who cannot appreciate it are wrong

01, the summer dream in the eyes of others

When I was studying, there was always a kind of girl in the class, just like Hermione in Harry Potter, who said Xia Meng.

Xia Meng is the typical top student, trying to be self-motivated, but every time she is prone to over-performance, but often self-defeating.

So that the people around her, more or less, hate her a little, think that she loves to influence others too much, and likes to show off her rights too much.

During the study period, when students mention Xia Meng, everyone will only say that Xia Meng is good at studying. After growing up, this sentence becomes, Xia Meng works well, Xia Meng is excellent. Beyond that, there are no other advantages.

Summer Dream of "Love Is Delicious": There is nothing wrong with being excellent in itself, and what is wrong is that people who cannot appreciate it are wrong

02, Xia Mengqi people

All along, Xia Meng has been very hard and motivated. Whether it is academic performance or various competitions, the most important thing is to win, and as for what the prize is, she never cares or cares. Even if a girl has a menarche, she doesn't want to be left behind.

Xia Meng has two good friends, who have been classmates since junior high school. Mention Fang Xin, classmates will praise her for her beautiful appearance and gentle personality.

Speaking of Liu Jing, her classmates think she is very interesting, and there are always many strange ideas in her head, so staying with her will never be boring.

But Xia Meng, when others mentioned her, there were no other advantages besides excellence, so she would always work so hard and be self-motivated.

Xia Meng spent a lot of effort to meet the standards of this world, has been losing weight since junior high school, and has been constantly trying to climb up after work.

In the end, in fact, she does not have much confidence in herself, and she does not have much confidence in her appearance, figure and personality, so she can only work her only good product.

Sometimes people only see a person's arrogance and strength, but they can't see her inferiority that she desperately hides. Xia Meng is like this, she actually has some inferiority in her heart.

Summer Dream of "Love Is Delicious": There is nothing wrong with being excellent in itself, and what is wrong is that people who cannot appreciate it are wrong

03, it turns out that Wang Jichong is not an exception

When she was in college, Xia Meng had a boyfriend Wang Jichong. She was relieved that she had finally found someone who could fully accept her excellence.

From college to graduation to working for the same company, they sweetly interacted for several years. Until one day, Xia Meng was promoted to vice president of the company, and the vice president could always have stocks and equity.

Xia Meng was very happy and couldn't wait to share this good news with Wang Jichong, thinking that they would soon be able to buy a house. But his reaction was clearly out of sync with hers, and he only noticed that her income would be several times his.

Xia Meng realized at this time that although Wang Jichong could accept her excellence, it was obviously limited. He had always had a clear standard in his heart, and now she had exceeded the limit he had drawn.

Much later, Xia Meng looked back at the relationship, and it turned out that at that time their relationship had already planted a thunder, and one day it would break out, sooner or later.

Summer Dream of "Love Is Delicious": There is nothing wrong with being excellent in itself, and what is wrong is that people who cannot appreciate it are wrong

In fact, she should be glad that this thunder exploded early, and if she waited until they got married, maybe she would be hurt even more.

After Wang Jichong proposed to break up, Xia Meng also tried to save this relationship, but he has not been appreciative, and slowly Xia Meng has dispelled this idea.

Eight years of emotional run-in, in fact, is not an emotional consumption, as if love disappeared little by little.

In fact, this relationship, Xia Meng is very tired, she spent a lot of effort to get to the position of vice president, but always taught by her parents, in Wang Jichong' place not to be too strong.

But at the end of the day, their question was never whether she was strong or not, but whether he could fully accept her excellence, and the results showed that he was not the exception at all.

Summer Dream of "Love Is Delicious": There is nothing wrong with being excellent in itself, and what is wrong is that people who cannot appreciate it are wrong

04, it turns out that being yourself can also be liked

After breaking up with Wang Jichong, Xia Meng was once very unconfident and reflected on whether he should not behave too well.

Xia Meng also did not expect that he would know Lu Bin so quickly and intersect with Lu Bin. Lu Bin's appearance was the most beautiful accident in Xia Meng's life.

Under the wrong circumstances, she set up a poor girl for herself in front of Lu Bin, who worked two jobs a day in order to live.

And after catching the ducks on the shelves, it has not been able to get off, and then there are many opportunities, Xia Dream wants to open his mouth to tell the truth, but it has not been too late, and finally overturned the car in a caught off guard.

But even so, Lu Bin still liked her, whether it was the girl who was molded before, or Xia Meng, who was already more excellent, he liked the strength in her body.

Summer Dream of "Love Is Delicious": There is nothing wrong with being excellent in itself, and what is wrong is that people who cannot appreciate it are wrong

In this relationship with Lu Bin, Xia Meng felt cherished and cared for like never before. In Lu Bin's eyes, she is beautiful, in good shape, and she is very confident.

In fact, Lu Bin did not know that in her eyes he was completely different from others, he looked at many things very simple, and he would not deliberately cater to others, in fact, in this life she wanted to live like him.

It was Lu Bin who let her know that it was not too much to show herself, only to be herself, but also to be liked by others. Even if she is not the Xia Zong of Max Video, she can still be liked by others.

And she never thought that her appearance could also be liked by others. In Lu Bin's eyes, she is worthy of being appreciated and liked, and such a Lu Bin is so precious to her.

In this life, she has lived very tired and hard, and she is destined to continue to walk like this. But there was another person who regarded her as a treasure and had nothing else to do with her.

At the end of the day, there is nothing inherently wrong with being excellent, and it is those who are wrong who cannot appreciate it.

Summer Dream of "Love Is Delicious": There is nothing wrong with being excellent in itself, and what is wrong is that people who cannot appreciate it are wrong

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