
Lost 2000 years of medical books, because of the excavation of ancient tombs to see the light of day, a thousand years ago can be a heart transplant?

Bian Que is a famous divine doctor in the history of our country, and it is said that he can perform heart transplantation, but he did not leave much literature, and his medical books have been lost for more than 2,000 years.

Because of the lack of literature, many people even have serious doubts about Bian Que's medical skills and deeds. Experts are very sorry for this and want to find an opportunity to restore Bian Que's works and benefit more people.

Unfortunately, because of the age, this wish has never really been realized. This is not to say, however, that the work of the experts has not progressed.

Lost 2000 years of medical books, because of the excavation of ancient tombs to see the light of day, a thousand years ago can be a heart transplant?

Because of the continuous development of archaeological work, our research on history has gradually deepened. The information about Bian Que has also been gradually enriched and improved because of the continuous efforts of archaeologists.

Previously, someone accidentally discovered the ancient tomb, and after carrying out protective excavations, Bian Que's medical books that had been lost for more than 2,000 years reappeared. Netizens learned of this matter and talked about it.

Some people even asked that Bian Que could have had a heart transplant a thousand years ago, is this true? This is a technology that is difficult to operate with modern technology. Bian Que lived in ancient times, where technology was relatively primitive, how could he do such a thing?

Archaeologists excavated the specific location of Bian Que's medical book, located at a station on Line 3 of the Chengdu Metro, and because of a project project, the construction team came to the local area for construction.

In the process of work, everyone was surprised to find that the water leakage speed in this place was unusually fast. Some people speculated that there might be something underground, so they temporarily stopped working and reported the news to the relevant departments.

Lost 2000 years of medical books, because of the excavation of ancient tombs to see the light of day, a thousand years ago can be a heart transplant?

The Chengdu area has a long history, and there are indeed many historical sites underground. The experts of the archaeological department, without negligence after receiving the clues provided by the construction team, quickly packed up their things and rushed to the scene to conduct an in-depth investigation.

As a result, everyone was pleasantly surprised to find that there was an ancient tomb under the ground. Unfortunately, archaeologists came a step late, and when they found traces of the tomb, there were already robbery holes underneath, and there was more than one.

People who are more familiar with cultural relics know that tomb robbers are some greedy people who have no profit and cannot afford to get early. In the past thousand years, there have often been some mercenary tomb robbers who have broken into ancient tombs without regard to morality and stole the contents without authorization.

Some despicable tomb robbers, in order to find valuable cultural relics, will even destroy the ancient tomb into a mess. The actions of these people have had a great adverse impact on the cultural inheritance of our country.

Among the ancient tombs of many dynasties, the ancient tombs of the Han Dynasty are the most vulnerable to poisoning, and the archaeological community even has the saying that "Han tombs have ten rooms and nine empty spaces".

Lost 2000 years of medical books, because of the excavation of ancient tombs to see the light of day, a thousand years ago can be a heart transplant?

The ancient tomb excavated by archaeologists near the Chengdu subway is a Tomb of the Han Dynasty. Looking at the robbery caves of different sizes, everyone immediately realized that the ancient tomb below must have been destroyed.

In order to protect the cultural relics in the tomb from secondary destruction, archaeologists immediately carried out protective rescue. In the process of cleaning up the debris, archaeologists were surprised to find that there were not only one ancient tombs in this place, but three. They are arranged in an orderly order and should be tombs of the same family.

During the protective excavation of Tomb No. 1, archaeologists found a large amount of green paste mud, which was delicate in texture and very viscous, not breathable or watery, and often appeared in the tombs of ancient nobles.

After opening Tomb No. 1, archaeologists found a lot of utensils. Among them, there are some things that are as bright as ever, and have not been greatly affected by the continuous changes of time.

Toward the end of the excavation, archaeologists noticed that several base plates had been damaged under Tomb No. 1.

Lost 2000 years of medical books, because of the excavation of ancient tombs to see the light of day, a thousand years ago can be a heart transplant?

Everyone suspected that there was something underneath, so they conducted an in-depth investigation, and found that under the floor was a mezzanine about 30 centimeters high, which contained some copper coins and wooden mules.

Copper coins were the common currency of the ancients, and the wooden tablets were the wooden janes used by the ancients to record the text. Compared with ordinary utensils, archaeologists actually pay more attention to the wooden mu excavated in the ancient tomb, and everyone can restore the scene of the historical period to a certain extent through the written record of the wooden mu, which is convenient for follow-up research.

Archaeologists found about 50 wooden sticks from the mezzanine of Tomb No. 1, and their written content, covering official documents and medical techniques, is extremely wide-ranging and has great research value.

Because of the excavation of these wooden mu, archaeologists have a deeper understanding and understanding of the historical system and customs of the Han Dynasty.

In the process of excavation, experts found that the style and style of the ancient tomb, very similar to the Chu tomb, the two places are quite far apart, in order to figure out this mystery, archaeologists have carried out more in-depth excavation of the ancient tomb, and the result is that in a relatively hidden corner, an instrument engraved with the word "Jing" was found.

Lost 2000 years of medical books, because of the excavation of ancient tombs to see the light of day, a thousand years ago can be a heart transplant?

According to this clue, experts traced back to the famous Jing family of the Chu State, after the fall of the Qin Dynasty, these nobles of the Chu State came out to become officials, their footprints spread throughout various regions, and it is not surprising that some people came to the Chengdu area.

Tomb No. 2 is similar to Tomb No. 1, and after excavating, archaeologists have found an instrument, which is a tool used by the ancients to weave. In addition, the experts found four flower looms from the bottom box.

Experts have used these instruments to restore the long-lost Shu jin manufacturing process. This is of extraordinary value to the cultural heritage of the country.

In fact, the most surprising to archaeologists is Tomb No. 3, in the process of excavation, experts found a lacquer man, there are some lines and text on it, a closer look is actually a human body meridian map.

Before this lacquer man was unearthed, the academic community generally believed that the relatively complete meridian instrument was something that was born in the Song Dynasty.

Lost 2000 years of medical books, because of the excavation of ancient tombs to see the light of day, a thousand years ago can be a heart transplant?

According to historical records, Song Renzong once ordered officials to cast human meridian bronze human instruments for future generations to study and study, but unfortunately, the instruments cast by the Song Dynasty have disappeared because of their age.

The excavation of the No. 3 tomb lacquer man meridian apparatus has changed people's concepts and has extraordinary significance for subsequent research.

In addition, experts also found more than 900 wooden sticks in Tomb No. 3, and the text on them was densely packed, and some of the wooden sticks were seriously damaged because of their age. However, experts still restored some of the literature records through technical means.

In these texts, a large number of medical terms are covered. Experts believe that these wooden tablets may be a medical work containing the wisdom of the ancients.

Lost 2000 years of medical books, because of the excavation of ancient tombs to see the light of day, a thousand years ago can be a heart transplant?

Its author's name is 敝昔, and many experts believe that the word 敝昔 is a common kanji for Bian Que, and the Former Character in the book is the legendary Bian Que of Chinese medicine books.

After the archaeologists translated and studied the wooden mu, they obtained a lot of information, and some of the content has great reference value for modern medicine. The excavation of these materials has proved with powerful facts that the wisdom of the ancients is actually not worse than that of modern people.

In some special areas, the technology of the ancients still maintains a leading position. While we are proud of this, we should strive to catch up, strive to be better than blue, and create a more brilliant future.

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