
When Japanese war criminals were tried in 1945, chiang kai-shek personally ordered that Sakai must be shot

After the victory of the War of Resistance in 1945, the Allies began to organize the trial of war criminals who had started World War II. In addition to the Nuremberg Trials and the Jingdong Trials, on November 6, 1945, a war criminals handling committee was set up in China to arrest and try Japanese war criminals in various places, of which the Nanjing trial was the largest.

Among the criminals tried in Nanjing, there were many notorious, heart-rending, and inhuman Japanese war criminals, such as the chief evil of the Nanjing Massacre, Tani Shoufu, who was then a lieutenant general of the Japanese Sixth Division, and Toshiaki Xiangjing and Takeshi Noda, who organized the killing competition. Among them was even a man whom Chiang Kai-shek hated so much, and he was Takashi Sakai.

Throughout the trial of war criminals, due to the influence of the United States, the Nationalist government adopted a policy of leniency toward many war criminals, and even Ninji Okamura was not convicted. However, Chiang Kai-shek never spared Sakai Takashi, and even directly ordered interference in the trial, instructing that this person must be shot.

When Japanese war criminals were tried in 1945, chiang kai-shek personally ordered that Sakai must be shot

On September 13, 1946, when the news of Sakai's execution at Yuhuatai in Nanjing came, Chiang Kai-shek let out a long sigh of relief, as if he had laid down a burden in his heart. Why did Chiang Kai-shek hate Takashi Sakai? It started 17 years ago.

In March 1928, Chiang Kai-shek, then commander-in-chief of the Northern Expedition, sent his second army to the Northern Expedition, directing Jinan, which was divided by the Beiyang warlords Zhang Zongchang and Sun Chuanfang. At that time, the whole of Shandong was Japan's sphere of influence, and in order to protect its own interests, Japan, at the suggestion of Sakai Takashi, sent troops to Jinan on the grounds of protecting the overseas Chinese.

When Chiang Kai-shek heard about the Japanese soldiers, he did not know that the purpose of the Japanese was to hinder the revolution, but believed that the Japanese army was really to protect the overseas Chinese, so he decided to use the word "forbearance" and not to clash with the Japanese army.

When Japanese war criminals were tried in 1945, chiang kai-shek personally ordered that Sakai must be shot

In his diary dated 20 April, Chiang Kai-shek wrote: If the Northern Expedition is blocked and abandoned halfway, how can the future of the party-state be envisaged? However, I bear the burden of humiliation and hard work to the end, as for success or failure, I just listen to it.

Chiang Kai-shek even had illusions about the Japanese army, believing that the Japanese would not interfere in the Revolution of the Northern Expedition.

"They only want to protect the overseas Chinese and will never hinder the military operations of the National Revolutionary Army, not only in Shandong, but also in the three eastern provinces in the future, and this is what they have guaranteed."

What Chiang Kai-shek did not expect was that the Japanese side had a tough attitude and continued to send troops to Jinan. By May, both the Northern Expeditionary Army and the Japanese Army had entered Jinan and were facing each other, and the situation was in danger, and Chiang Kai-shek did not know what to do for a while.

On May 3, Sakai Takashi and three others suddenly came to visit Chiang Kai-shek, falsely claiming that the Chinese army had entered Jinan, "military discipline is very good, very orderly", the Japanese army is going to evacuate Jinan today, and specially came to resign.

When Japanese war criminals were tried in 1945, chiang kai-shek personally ordered that Sakai must be shot

When Chiang Kai-shek heard this, he was naturally very happy and personally sent Sakai Takashi and 3 other people out of the house. What I never expected was that this was just Sakai Takashi's ruse, just to make Chiang Kai-shek let his guard down, and then the Japanese army seized the opportunity to launch a sneak attack on the Chinese army. Fifteen minutes after Sakai Takashi left, the Japanese army launched an attack, wantonly hunting down our people and robbing money, known in history as the Jinan Massacre.

The Jinan massacre killed 6,123 Chinese soldiers and civilians. More than 1,700 people were injured, and what was even more appalling was that the Japanese army actually ignored international law and brutally killed 27 people, including Cai Gongshi, the diplomatic commissioner of the Field Affairs Committee.

This incident made Chiang Kai-shek unforgettable, and also made him remember the culprits of the Jinan incident, Such as Takashi Sakai and Yansuke Fukuda.

After the Jinan massacre, Chiang Kai-shek wrote in his diary on May 9: "If there is a single heart, it can forget this shame!" Why snow, just self-improvement. ”

On May 10, Chiang Kai-shek again mentioned snow shame.

"I can't help but feel sorry for my subordinates. Yu set a daily lesson - After getting up at six o'clock every day, he will be commemorated once as a national shame, without interruption, until the national shame is washed and cleaned. ”

In August 1927, the National Government in Nanjing was established, and looking back on the difficulties of entrepreneurship and the experience of the Northern Expedition, Chiang Kai-shek was once again heartbroken.

"In May this year, the Jinan incident was considered unprecedented national shame by the whole country. However, the humiliation that Yu waited for himself to experience on the front line was even more unimaginable to the Chinese people. The world's affairs, indirect feelings, it is better to experience the situation as a thorn in the bone. If any comrade experiences Yu's situation first-hand, Yu Zhi will have the same feeling as Yu Huai. ”

Chiang Kai-shek repeatedly mentioned the Jinan incident and vowed to be ashamed, which shows how much Chiang hates Xijing and others. As the saying goes, a gentleman takes revenge, and ten years is not too late. Seventeen years later, Takashi Sakai was put on trial and executed, and Chiang Kai-shek avenged the national vendetta and shame.

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