
Many Mongolian and pro-princesses have no heirs, only because they have a bad habit, and they are moved by it after seeing it

Compared with the different ways of foreign trade exchanges in modern countries, in ancient times there has always been a competition of force, most of which is based on killing and aggression, but there is a way that has always been prevalent in ancient times, that is, marriage, weak countries choose to protect their countries by means of marriage and alliances with strong countries. When it comes to the marriage of ancient countries, everyone may think of the Princess Wencheng who married Tibet as far away, she used her identity to exchange decades of peace and contentment for her country and development, on the surface, the princess married, is a very beautiful thing, but in fact, it is not so, some princesses married to Tibet, even do not allow children, cut off children and grandchildren.

Many Mongolian and pro-princesses have no heirs, only because they have a bad habit, and they are moved by it after seeing it

Everyone knows that in fact, in ancient times, there were many princesses who went to marriage, especially during the Qing Dynasty, in the heirs of each emperor, there would be several princesses who were arranged to go to Mongolia for blind marriage, and the Mongols were a particularly tough nation, knights on the steppe, rough personality, grumpy, the princess came to Mongolia, basically did not have the opportunity to return to their hometown, and Mongolia compared to the Qing Dynasty, and more difficult, since it is a lifetime will live in Mongolia, why are they not allowed to have their own children?

Many Mongolian and pro-princesses have no heirs, only because they have a bad habit, and they are moved by it after seeing it

Because the Mongols pay great attention to blood, do not want to have the blood of outsiders, have a strong sense of nationality, although the Qing Dynasty's behavior is to avoid conflicts with the Mongols, but the Mongols are very clever, although they do not recognize the Qing Dynasty, do not let them give birth to their own children. But understand that this kind of behavior is the Qing Dynasty showing goodwill and seeking peace. Therefore, although the Qing Dynasty princesses in Mongolia were also kind to each other, they were still a lot worse than these Mongolian concubines in their own country.

Many Mongolian and pro-princesses have no heirs, only because they have a bad habit, and they are moved by it after seeing it

The fact that there are no offspring may be acceptable to the princess, but the real horror is that the Mongolian state has a particularly serious bad habit for women, which is completely different from the concept of the Qing Dynasty, in which women adhered to the concept of marrying chickens with chickens and dogs with dogs. If, after marriage, the husband leaves early, the wife must remain a widow. But in Mongolia, if a woman's husband dies, the woman must marry her husband's son, the son of another concubine. This was unacceptable and most painful for the princesses of the Qing Dynasty.

Many Mongolian and pro-princesses have no heirs, only because they have a bad habit, and they are moved by it after seeing it

During the Qing Dynasty, the three from the four virtues, male superiority and female inferiority is the view that everyone recognizes, a person's identity is particularly important, absolutely can not be regarded as a tool, abandon their dead husbands, marry others, which in the Qing Dynasty is to be spurned and tortured. Therefore, those princesses in Mongolia have actually been living a fiery life, but they cannot get in touch with the Qing Dynasty in any way, and can only sacrifice themselves in exchange for the peace and contentment of the Qing Dynasty, but for the princess herself, her life, she is buried here.

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