
Director Wan Ma Tsedan: Have a good trip!

Director Wan Ma Tsedan: Have a good trip!

There was a man in Tibetan history named Tang Dong Jebu. Tang Dong Jebu vowed to build bridges over Tibet's rushing rivers, and in order to raise funds he started Tibetan opera, inviting seven girls from Shannan who could sing and dance as actors, writing their own plays, writing lyrics, designing costumes, and performing everywhere. Tibetan opera is particularly beautiful and loved by the common people, so wherever the troupe performs, the surrounding people flock to it, and the money from acting has built a total of 58 chain bridges in Tibet.

The story depicts the scene when the bridge was built as follows: "Tang Dong Jebu made an iron bowl, distributed the collected rice dumplings to everyone to eat, and also distributed the mutton and beef sent from various places to everyone. "A Qushui Iron Cable Bridge, which was considered impossible to build, successfully crossed the Brahmaputra River.

When the last bridge was repaired, Tang Dongjieb, who was full of effort, sat down.

In a sense, Wan Ma Tseidan is a person like Tang Dong Jeb. He not only made movies, wrote novels, but also built bridges.

Anyone who has met Wan Ma Tseden has experienced his peace and humility, perhaps related to his hometown. His hometown of Qinghai Guide belongs to the scholar-rich Amdo Tibetan region, which, unlike the traditional image of wilderness Tibet, sits on the clearest and calmest section of the Yellow River, and the scenery is beautiful, like the south of the river. He not only writes excellent Chinese novels, but also excels at writing in Tibetan, which is full of sophisticated and rich rhyme, which is often difficult to express in translation. He has expressed concern about the decline in the use of Tibetan, a concern that has urged him to retain his mother tongue writing with a greater sense of crisis, and has inspired lonely and apprehensive other native language creators to alert young people who have forgotten their native culture.

Director Wan Ma Tsedan: Have a good trip!

(Image from the Internet)

Tibetan New Wave films are bridges he has built with his exploration. Prior to this, there were no pure Tibetan films in China, and there were no Tibetan-themed films led by the main Tibetan creative team. There are many excellent Tibetan actors, and they can only play supporting roles in their own stories. The impression of this people is more of a lively and noisy song and dance, a touch of colorful Tibetan clothes in a group photo, and a red cherry dotted on a cream cake. Backward, simple, happy and optimistic. In the main theme literary and artistic works, this is enough. When Wan Ma Tseden led the creators of this group to start telling stories themselves, people found that behind the blurred faces there was a specific life, the place where the Tarlos lived was not a peach blossom source, and the peaceful female shepherds like Tara were also deeply trapped by patriarchy, husband's power and theocracy, removing the filters of scenery and religion, what people here were thinking, and only then was it paid attention to.

Under extremely limited conditions, Wan Ma Tseden insisted on using all Tibetan dialogue, almost all Tibetan actors, from "Quiet Mani Stone" to "Balloon", and worked tirelessly to cultivate a group of Tibetan filmmakers. Matsutaika, who has participated in the shooting of "Quiet Mani Stone", "Looking for Tomomi Genden", "Old Dog", etc. as an artist and photographer, has now exported films with a Douban score of more than 7.6 such as "The Sun Is Always on the Left", "Alajang Color" and "River". Nortel graduate Lahuaga, Wan Ma Tseden as the producer, he has his own directorial work "Wangza's Rain Boots". Derg Tserang, Wan Ma Tsedan's film sound engineer, Wan Ma Tseden as a producer, he also exported his own work "He and Royerdale".

Like Tang Dong Jebu who built the bridge, he generously distributed the rice in the bowl to everyone around him. He did not focus on building his magnificent bridge, but helped others lay the foundation, add steel bars, and build bridges intertwined on all sides for everyone, and since then, a large number of vibrant Tibetan films have gushed out, and young Tibetan filmmakers have taken to the stage, providing an unprecedented perspective on Chinese films and world cinema.

Taking young people who love movies seriously is the most important bridge built by Wan Ma Tsedan.

Wan Ma Tseidan is not only a filmmaker who supports his own nation, he has been a producer and producer for many young filmmakers, Chen Xinyuan's "Dusk Circus", Zeng Jiangui's "Hezhou", Luo Runxiao's "Second Child". Zhang Dalei, the director of the drama "Moses on the Plain", was previously filming "August", the funds were gone, forced to interrupt, Wan Ma Caidan came to be his producer, and finally, "August" won the 53rd Golden Horse Award for Best Picture. Looking at his social media, you can see that he is responsive, he never skimp on his retweets, and even the last circle of friends is congratulating the young filmmakers who won the award.

Today's article of condolences is written to commemorate many young people around the world who love movies, some of whom have participated in the venture capital of the Wandao judge, recalling that he listened attentively, provided advice and help without reservation, and took the initiative to brainstorm with himself outside of the event, helping young people who had nothing; Some are film critics who generate electricity for love, and some are ordinary fans who watch the film scene, Wan Ma Tseidan seems to love to participate in face-to-face communication with the audience, and he will patiently answer every question that is asked repeatedly; Some were editors who had commissioned his articles, and Harvest magazine held a challenging double-blind writing contest, and he readily accepted the appointment, submitted anonymously, and enthusiastically recommended other writers; Some reporters who have interviewed him, Pan Li, a reporter who once interviewed him in "City Pictorial", wrote a text: "The first time I saw such a serious interview reply, I answered every question one by one, sentence by sentence, word by word, all seriously, just like his novels and movies." Obviously a stranger in the social sense, why am I so sad? It was my self-talk and self-interpretation of other people's works that were taken seriously and answered. In our lives, which of these many questions have been seriously answered? Thank you, Director Wanma. ”

This night was a real sadness, he never considered himself a godfather, but he had long become a beacon. Many people have not met him, but they have benefited from him. He is a spiritual role model and soul figure. Like Tang Dong Jeb, he worked tirelessly to make plays, build bridges, and carry a connection far away. Now, for the audience, there is a loss of a perspective, for a group, there is a loss of a certain right to speak. This loss is "a major fall of China's film map" (Douban @Grump)

The Douban entry shows that Wan Ma Tseidan plans to shoot a movie in 2024, the name is "I wish you a happy journey", which seems to be a saying, then, teacher, I wish you a happy journey.

The rest of the story, let's finish it.

Director Wan Ma Tsedan: Have a good trip!

(The picture shows Wan Ma Tseidan and the author)

In 2019, director Wan Ma Tseidan came to [Fujii Tree Viewing Group] with the new film "Hit and Killed a Sheep", and after the screening, he had a detailed and sincere sharing and exchange with the audience, and he also sent us a book signed by us.

Director Wan Ma Tsedan: Have a good trip!
Director Wan Ma Tsedan: Have a good trip!
Director Wan Ma Tsedan: Have a good trip!
Director Wan Ma Tsedan: Have a good trip!

Director Wan Ma Tsedan, almost single-handedly, has enhanced the social influence and professional reputation of Tibetan themes and Tibetan cultural expressions.

Continue to create, and not alone, but with a group of Tibetan filmmakers. Teach young filmmakers hand-in-hand, give them job opportunities, and promote them on the platform. His continuous filming has brought Tibetan culture to the world in the form of films.

The director is modest, sincere and polite, gentle, a true gentleman, and has left good memories for everyone who has interacted.

I hope that the director will continue to make movies in heaven and tell Tibetan stories well. We will miss you forever!

                                                                        【Fujii Tree Viewing Group】

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