
An effective way to eat a man: stay away

An effective way to eat a man: stay away

Historian Zhang Kaiyuan once said: "Only by having the courage to maintain a rational distance from the mainstream can we think independently, not to be kitsch, and to find true knowledge." ”

Keeping a distance can we think independently, and we can have an independent space to calmly solve problems.

Women must not create too much pressure in love, and relaxation is the best way to get along.

To get a man's heart, a woman must slowly go deeper.

Step by step into the world of men, in order to better control the whole of men.

A happy life cannot be achieved overnight, and you must not be too hasty in the process of harvesting love.

Only by grasping the right balance is it conducive to the two people getting along.

Keep your distance to create just the right amount of comfort.

The days with women are easy and comfortable, and men will naturally give everything without reservation.

Women remain unmoved in love, and men will be curious about your life.

Driven by the desire to explore, men continue to enter the world of women, and the feelings of the two people are becoming stronger and stronger in the continuous running-in.

To eat a man is to keep your distance and stay away from him, you know?

An effective way to eat a man: stay away

Knowledgeable and talented, noble and priceless is innately calm

The writer Barbara Angeles said, "You are unique no matter your age, no matter what situation you are in, you are special, and you can still make a unique contribution." Your life is meaningful because of your true nature. ”

Keeping distance is to maintain a high posture.

Do not whisper in the feelings, so as not to let this love deteriorate variables.

Women who regard men as confidants and lovers cannot obey men's orders.

Don't be humble and begging and flattering, so that men will not be able to devalue you.

Noble women are unstoppable, and innate self-confidence is a woman's most powerful capital.

A woman's nobility has a source, and only by not being a vassal of feelings can we live a life that is highly anticipated.

Women are not appendages of anyone, and they do not have to sacrifice a great future for love.

If men don't understand, you don't have to pour too much enthusiasm into it.

If even the last dignity cannot be maintained, it is difficult for women to live out their own lives in love.

Women are always in a weak position and it is difficult to dominate their own lives.

Maybe a man will be obedient to you at the beginning, but he definitely can't stand the endless demands of women.

Only with independent capital can we talk about love.

If you can shine on your own, men will never forget you.

Attitude determines height, and women are using their own strength to prove to the world.

An effective way to eat a man: stay away

There is no need to argue in a hurry, the strong are relying on the strength of the amazing people to prove their lives

The thinker Marx said: "Instead of decorating yourself with a gorgeous coat, it is better to arm yourself with knowledge." ”

Looking pretty is a plus for women, and living beautifully is the decision in life.

Take the right to choose in your own hands, so that you will not go with the flow in the turbulent displacement.

To improve their own strength is to strive for more opportunities.

Even if you walk side by side with men, you can go down with confidence.

Life can't stand still, and happiness won't always be waiting for you.

If you are content with the status quo, men have to let go of your hand.

It is difficult for women who are not enterprising to be improved, and their short-sightedness can only linger in the same place.

Since you are still young, you should not give up easily. Haven't tried it yet, and women must not deny themselves.

A lot of times it's not that you can't do it, it's just that you don't want to.

As long as you take the first step bravely, every next step will go smoothly.

The thinker Rousseau said: "When a person is single-mindedly doing good things, he is bound to succeed in the end." ”

It's enough to do one thing to the extreme in a lifetime, you don't have to think too much.

To be consummated in one thing is not to live in vain in a lifetime.

You don't have the ability to take care of everything in the world, just do the best within your power.

When you do your best, God will bring you the answers you want.

It's not that you don't have enough strength, it's just that you don't want to stick to the end.

Choosing to give up at the beginning makes it hard for women to start over.

An effective way to eat a man: stay away

Keeping a distance will not hurt the innocent, and the lives of two people must be encouraged by the king

With the continuous improvement of strength, the pattern of women is also constantly developing.

If you have a broad mind, you will not be preoccupied, and you will not be cranky when you concentrate.

Having your own things to do, you won't focus all on men.

When a woman understands tolerance, the love life of two people is harmonious and harmonious.

The poet Wang Guozhen once said: "Tolerance is like freedom, but blind begging is not obtainable, only always vigilant, can have." ”

Love requires proper freedom, and women should not control men on their own.

Excess love is in the heart, and men also need proper rest.

Men can't stay enthusiastic all the time, and there must be plenty of leeway between them.

Men need room to go out alone, and women can't interfere too much.

Some things are his most difficult memories to talk about, and women must not expose his shortcomings.

Only with a broad mind can we tolerate the unpredictable changes in the heavens and the earth.

Men just want to take a break, so women don't have to bother themselves.

Suspicion and doubt can ruin this hard-won happiness, and you have to give men a little more trust and understanding.

Two people are unstoppable, better than one person's courage to go forward.

When the man regains his strength, he will continue to accompany you through the thorns.

Don't expect too much from love, every step of life should be down-to-earth.

Women with high eyes and low eyes are insatiable, and they are far from getting any results.

An effective way to eat a man: stay away

I like the saying, "We are too close to our memories, too far from freedom." Sometimes I can't forget it and just fall in love with the memories. A hesitation, a betrayal, an accident was enough to make it wither. Break free of everything and disappear.

Keeping your distance is the only way to better capture a man's heart.

Give the other person the right freedom, and he can go light for the rest of his life. ”

Love is not easy to come by, and everyone should cherish it. If you don't want to beg for food, don't make trouble.

Respecting each other is also respecting yourself.

Not everyone can live according to your ideas, and you should leave room for love.

Maybe your starting point is good, but you still have to pay attention to the way and method.

If you forcibly close the distance between two people, it will push the relationship into the abyss.

The distance of the limbs does not represent the difference in the mind, as long as the two hearts are closely linked, there is no need to fear the sense of physical gap.

Intimacy can be like a fish in the water, and it is necessary to maintain a measure to be able to swim with ease.

Since you can't change the other party's thinking, then use your own practical actions to prove it to the other party.

Can speak with strength, better than all sensationalism.

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