
Why were the cowardly bathers who killed hundreds of Japanese soldiers still entertained by the Japanese army?

In the years of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, some people were ostensibly "traitors" who specialized in doing things for the Japanese and pleasing the Japanese, and have always been the dog legs of the Japanese. However, in fact, they are the intelligence officers of our army, lurking inside Japan, inquiring for information for our army, so that our army can better grasp the situation of the Japanese army and win the battle. Today we are going to talk about intelligence officer Ji Cheng.

Why were the cowardly bathers who killed hundreds of Japanese soldiers still entertained by the Japanese army?

In December 1938, in Laiyuan County, Hebei Province, Ji Cheng set up a small stall, sold fried peanuts, and near the stall, it was the intelligence department of the Japanese army, and Ji Cheng chose to set up a stall here to better penetrate into the enemy's interior. Ji Cheng was intently frying peanuts, shouting at pedestrians on the street from time to time, and after a while, several Japanese soldiers were attracted.

Ji Cheng's fried flowers were very fragrant, and the Japanese army wanted to taste it at the moment. Subsequently, Ji Cheng set up a stall here every day, and several Japanese troops and Ji Cheng slowly became familiar with it. Ji Cheng is clever and knows the habits of these Japanese troops, so he usually gives more peanuts when he gives them, and from time to time he will find more change for the Japanese army.

Why were the cowardly bathers who killed hundreds of Japanese soldiers still entertained by the Japanese army?

Ji Cheng, a small vendor who would come to do something, naturally won the favor of several Japanese troops. Among them, a Japanese agent named Nakata and a Japanese agent named Yoshio Dozen, are very familiar with Ji Cheng. The two Japanese troops believe that Ji Cheng is very knowledgeable, knows how to go with the flow, and knows the strength of the Japanese army, so they constantly curry favor with the Japanese army and hope that the Japanese army will be the backer, which makes the Japanese army very appreciative.

A few days later, Tangqian Fangfu let Ji Cheng enter the bathhouse of the Intelligence Department to burn the bathhouse, and the Japanese army could also pay Ji Cheng. This was a great opportunity to enter the Intelligence Department, and Ji Cheng naturally would not refuse it, so he quickly agreed to Dozen Yoshio, and expressed his great gratitude to Dozen Yoshio, and praised the Japanese army even more generously.

Why were the cowardly bathers who killed hundreds of Japanese soldiers still entertained by the Japanese army?

Ji Cheng then entered the Japanese intelligence department, and his daily job was to boil hot water for Yamamoto Keio, prepare things for bathing, and help Yamamoto Keio rub his back and shoulders from time to time. Ji Cheng is smart and can look at the face, every time Yamamoto Keio comes to bathe, Ji Cheng will serve him comfortably, so that Yamamoto Keio likes Ji Cheng very much.

As soon as Keio Yamamoto was happy, Ji Cheng was naturally more popular in the intelligence department, and his relationship with many staff members became better and better for a while. Of course, Ji Cheng betrayed the country as a traitor, and the matter of bathing the Japanese people has also become the object of discussion among the villagers, and many people are very resentful and very shameful about what Ji Cheng has done.

Why were the cowardly bathers who killed hundreds of Japanese soldiers still entertained by the Japanese army?

Ji Cheng saw these in his eyes and heard them, he wanted to explain but could not explain, he knew that the time had not yet come. A few days later, Japan had a big plan to carry out a winter 'sweep'. Our army attaches great importance to the Japanese army's operation this time, and instructed Ji Cheng to get reliable information to help our army tide over the difficulties.

After Receiving the task, Ji Cheng began to think about how to get information from the Intelligence Department, just as Ji Cheng encountered a water translator on the way back. There are many people and intelligence that the water translator comes into contact with every day, and he must know one or two about this action, so Ji Cheng thought that he could start from the water translator.

Why were the cowardly bathers who killed hundreds of Japanese soldiers still entertained by the Japanese army?

The water translator likes to drink very much, it can be said that he is drunk as fate, and Ji Cheng will do what he likes, and ask the water translator to go to drink together. The water translator was very happy to hear about the drink and naturally agreed to go together.

After three rounds of wine, the water translator began to use the strength of the wine, and began to pour bitter water outward one by one, spitting out the spit.

Ji Cheng also seized this opportunity and took the opportunity to inquire about the plan of the Japanese army's operation, and the water translator was also defenseless and told Ji Cheng everything he knew. Ji Cheng wrote down the plans one by one, and wrote down the route and number of Japanese troops. Then this very important information was delivered to our army the next day.

Why were the cowardly bathers who killed hundreds of Japanese soldiers still entertained by the Japanese army?

According to this information from Ji Cheng, our army made preparations for battle in advance, took this opportunity to eliminate hundreds of Japanese troops, and beat the Japanese army into a desert and fled. After this battle, the Japanese army began to suspect that the intelligence department had internal traitors, and finally according to the intelligence of the Japanese secret agents, it was naturally suspected to Ji Cheng's head.

Ji Cheng was arrested, but he always insisted that he was just a bather and not a traitor, and Ji Cheng was very timid and very afraid of the majesty of the Japanese army. The Japanese army did not ask anything under the pressure of a bout of questioning, but felt that a person like Ji Cheng, who was as timid as a rat and cowered and cowered, did not have the courage to do infidelity.

Why were the cowardly bathers who killed hundreds of Japanese soldiers still entertained by the Japanese army?

Half a month later, the Japanese army discovered another "intelligence" about the internal traitors, which released Ji Cheng. The Japanese army saw that it recognized the wrong person, misunderstood Ji Cheng, felt that it was too careless to go, and specially invited Ji Cheng to eat a meal. After Ji Cheng completed his mission and was released, he also quickly left the Intelligence Department and returned to the base area of our army.

Summary: Later, everyone learned Ji Cheng's true identity, and the identity of the "traitor" was removed. In all kinds of anti-Japanese campaigns, the intelligence of the intelligence officers has been of great help to our army, and can help our army reduce losses, do a good job in preventive work, and wipe out the enemy in one fell swoop. Therefore, every intelligence officer is worthy of our respect and love.

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