
The ultimate secret of the Mausoleum of the First Emperor of Qin, not the "elixir of immortality", was initially discovered in 1976

Speaking of Qin Shi Huang, everyone must be very familiar with him, as the first emperor in the history of our country, he has a pivotal position. As the "First Emperor", during his reign, he broadened his territory, unified the six kingdoms, and did many things that emperors in history could not do, laying a solid foundation for the development of the entire Chinese nation. After his death, the scale of his tomb was also very large, and the terracotta warriors unearthed in the tomb alone shocked the eyes of everyone.

The ultimate secret of the Mausoleum of the First Emperor of Qin, not the "elixir of immortality", was initially discovered in 1976

Everyone knows that the use of people as funerary objects in ancient times is a very normal thing, and archaeologists in China have also dug up many ancient tombs using slaves as funerary products when conducting archaeological research. Since the discovery of the tomb of Qin Shi Huang, many people have been very curious about how many people Qin Shi Huang, as a famous tyrant in history, has used as his own funerary products? Today, there are many areas of Qin Shi Huang's mausoleum that have not been excavated except for the part that has been excavated, and this problem has become a mystery in archaeological research, and it was not until 1976 that this mystery was solved. What's going on here?

The ultimate secret of the Mausoleum of the First Emperor of Qin, not the "elixir of immortality", was initially discovered in 1976

It turned out that when experts were studying this issue, they flipped through the history books about the Qin Dynasty, and in the history book "Shi Ji" written by Sima Qian, there is such a sentence: "Send thousands of boys and girls to Xu City, and go into the sea to seek immortals" This means that Qin Shi Huang sent thousands of virgin boys and girls to Penglai Island in the East China Sea to ask for immortals to give medicine. It is said that the more powerful people are, the more they hope to live a long life, and this sentence has been well reflected in the body of Qin Shi Huang. Qin Shi Huang in order to live a long life can be said to have exhausted all the methods and means, in order to live forever he has become an obsessive person, witchcraft, medicine, etc. are the simplest methods, just take more than 3,000 boys and girls as the person who seeks medicine This matter can see how strong his obsession with this aspect is.

The ultimate secret of the Mausoleum of the First Emperor of Qin, not the "elixir of immortality", was initially discovered in 1976

The historical records also record that Qin Shi Huang's desire for immortality had reached a very crazy point, and in order to live forever, he not only ordered his courtiers to travel thousands of miles to find immortal medicine for himself, but also believed that the words of the folk swindlers gave people a large amount of gold and silver treasures, but the people ran away with this money. Not only that, in order to live forever, as the monarch of the Qin Kingdom, he actually embarked on the road of finding the elixir of immortality. He believed in God very much, but God did not seem to like him very much, and it would rain whenever he went out to ask for medicine, and every time he went out to sea, a strong wind would blow his boat over, which could be said to be quite unlucky. However, for such a small difficulty as a person with deep obsession, he was not afraid at all, and finally Qin Shi Huang never woke up again on the road of seeking medicine.

The ultimate secret of the Mausoleum of the First Emperor of Qin, not the "elixir of immortality", was initially discovered in 1976

The human body is a mortal flesh, so what is the saying of immortality? Despite the countless methods he used, he still could not live forever, and not only that, but he also sacrificed countless innocent lives. It is no wonder that qin shi huang's obsession and cruel and selfish means are called tyrants.

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