
He seized the Japanese officer's saber, and the Japanese wanted to buy it back at a high price, but he refused

In the war, there is a good sniper who can even turn the tide of the war, and there are often sharpshooters in movies, although these people are fictional characters in film and television works, but there are really so-called "sharpshooters" in real life. They have undergone professional training and have rich practical combat experience, and the veteran soldier to be talked about today was once a "sharpshooter", and he made a lot of battle achievements during his time as a soldier, and everyone praised him endlessly. The veteran's name is Hou Yongsheng, and today we will tell his story: he captured the saber of a Japanese officer, and the Japanese wanted to buy it back at a high price, but he refused.

He seized the Japanese officer's saber, and the Japanese wanted to buy it back at a high price, but he refused

Hou Yongsheng was born in Henan, and his life was very difficult since he was a child, and later japan invaded China, and his life, which could not be opened, was even worse. Seeing Japan's cruel acts against Chinese, the young Hou Yongsheng secretly made up his mind and decided that he would join the guerrillas in the future to avenge his fathers and fellow countrymen and drive Japan out of China.

Later, Hou Yongsheng grew up and successfully joined the guerrilla group, in which Hou Yongsheng has always been the most hard-working person in training, of course, it is precisely because of his efforts that his marksmanship has improved by leaps and bounds, and he has achieved the title of "sharpshooter".

He seized the Japanese officer's saber, and the Japanese wanted to buy it back at a high price, but he refused

After a series of training, Hou Yongsheng began to be in actual combat, and everyone was worried at first whether he would play badly on the battlefield for the first time, but he did not expect that Hou Yongsheng was very calm and completed his task well. Later, every time he showed extraordinary strength, especially the accurate marksmanship was shocking, after all, some people trained for many years could not do the same hundred shots as Hou Yongsheng, which was just like his name, Hou Yongsheng was always able to win.

He seized the Japanese officer's saber, and the Japanese wanted to buy it back at a high price, but he refused

Later, in a battle against Japan, Hou Yongsheng was assigned the task of shooting and killing an officer, and Hou Yongsheng once again completed the task perfectly, captured the officer's saber, and was also awarded the third class merit. At that time, he handed over the captured saber to the chief, and the chief praised him continuously, but he did not expect that there were really people who could shoot a hundred shots, and soldiers with excellent marksmanship like Hou Yongsheng rarely met even the chief.

Although the captured weapons were to be handed over, in view of Hou Yongsheng's outstanding ability and the significance of this saber, the organization decided to leave this knife to Hou Yongsheng and let him keep it as a souvenir.

He seized the Japanese officer's saber, and the Japanese wanted to buy it back at a high price, but he refused

However, after the end of the War of Resistance Against Japan, Japan actually wanted to take this knife back, although the price was not low, but Hou Yongsheng strongly and firmly refused every time.

Many people say that Hou Yongsheng did the right thing and has Chinese backbone, and Hou Yongsheng said that this knife is the most reliable evidence in the history of Japan's invasion of China, and it is absolutely impossible for Japan to take it.

Although the old man of the "sharpshooter" has passed away, he will always be remembered.

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