
Elderly women have difficulty in giving birth, can IVF still be successfully pregnant?

Elderly women are naturally difficult to give birth, has become a recognized fact, so everyone put all their hopes on IVF, but is IVF really a "universal fertility drug"?

Do older women have to conceive in an IVF?

Elderly women have difficulty in giving birth, can IVF still be successfully pregnant?

For women aged ≥ 35 years, if they have not been able to successfully conceive without contraception for 6 months or more, it is clinically considered necessary to comprehensively carry out clinical evaluation and guidance of infertility, including assessment of ovarian reserve function, tubal patency, whether ovulation is normal, whether there are organic lesions of the uterus and endometrium, and spousal semen examination. Infertile women > 40 years of age may also be able to conceive according to their physical condition.

Women at this age have little hope of natural fertility, although the success rate of advanced women in IVF is lower than that of younger women, but compared to the probability of natural conception is already very high, so choosing IVF is the best policy!

Is being too old to be suitable for IVF?

Elderly women who want to become pregnant through IVF must first look at their specific physical condition, because the premise of IVF is to obtain a certain number of follicles and screen out high-quality embryos, so as to achieve the purpose of conception after transfer.

However, most elderly women gradually decline in ovarian function as they age, which means that the number of follicles in the ovaries decreases, and if the follicles are too few, or even no follicles, then the way of fertility through IVF is also not enough to achieve the conditions for conception. Therefore, for every elderly woman who comes to the doctor, we must first conduct a test to assess the woman's fertility rate, and then according to the specific situation of the patient, develop a reasonable fertility plan.

How can older women improve their IVF success rates?

Don't delay when you decide

If you have begun to consider IVF, don't delay any longer, many women have such a mentality, hoping to take their careers to a higher level, or to do IVF after the body is conditioned. In fact, this is a kind of misunderstanding, if you miss the golden age of conception for the sake of career, wait until the ovarian function is significantly reduced, and then receive any drug conditioning or so-called "ovarian maintenance" has returned to the sky. Increasing age not only affects the success rate of natural pregnancy, but also affects the success rate of IVF.

State of mind adjustment

Older women for IVF is a test of physical fitness, but also a test of psychology. However, in the process of IVF, a good psychological state can also help improve the success rate of IVF. After the attempt fails, the pressure on older women will slowly increase.

It is not easy to conceive at an advanced age, I hope that everyone will seize the last chance of childbirth, and strive to try IVF to achieve a good pregnancy, come on! For more Ukrainian test tube information, please pay attention to Barbie Fruit!

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