
An honest scholar was forced to rebel and claim the title of king, and the scholar went home and asked the old woman, who told him: Suddenly the noble is unknown

In the autumn of the first year of Qin II (209 BC), with a heavy rain in Daze Township, the Chu people Chen Sheng raised an army, the world was in chaos, and in just a few dozen days, the Qin Empire's rule in the Kwantung had fallen apart, and all the counties and counties had a fashion trend of killing Qin local officials and responding to Chen Sheng. In Dongyang County, Dongyang County, Donghai County (northwest of present-day Tianchang City, Anhui), a group of "mobs" also followed the trend of the times, gathered a crowd to kill the county order to raise the flag to rebel, and the momentum grew, and soon gathered 20,000 rebels, as the saying goes, snakes have no head, everyone discussed, felt that the county government's small official Chen Bao was virtuous and prestigious, so they jointly elected him to be the leading big brother, and not only to be the leading big brother, but also to be the king, and like the dead ghost Chen Sheng, he was called King Chen.

An honest scholar was forced to rebel and claim the title of king, and the scholar went home and asked the old woman, who told him: Suddenly the noble is unknown

Chen Baoben is an honest person, and his lifelong pursuit is to honestly be a small civil servant, give the people some benefits, give themselves some benefits, and be safe enough to grow old. However, in the chaotic world, there is no room for people to be scrupulous, and now everyone has to show talent to rebel, but also to claim the king, is this not to kill people? Chen Baby said that he would not be this head rafter, but Xiu Cai met the soldiers, the reason was not clear, everyone was grinding hard bubbles, chen Baby had to nod, not nodding, just kill the head.

Baby Chen was frightened, and hurriedly pulled the old lady out to give him advice, and the old woman said: "Since I am a Ru housewife, I have not heard of the noble ancestors of Ru." Suddenly, the great name was suddenly acquired, which was an ominous omen. It is better to choose the lord's past, things can be crowned, and it is easy to disappear if things are lost, and this is the strategy of establishing a life. ”

It seems that Chen Baby's old wife has some insight into self-preservation, and in a word, she has set up a guiding light for the rebellion of the ancient Chinese literati, that is, "I would rather do a phoenix tail, even a chicken butt, and never a chicken head", because the chicken head is easy to be cut, but the chicken ass is relatively safer.

An honest scholar was forced to rebel and claim the title of king, and the scholar went home and asked the old woman, who told him: Suddenly the noble is unknown

Rebellion this kind of thing, to put it bluntly, is a big gamble, want to gamble to win must not be afraid of losing, the more afraid of losing, the easier it is to lose, and to be not afraid of losing, there are two very important points, the first is to have the capital to lose, the second is to have the courage not to lose, the two must be one, in order to be on the table. Throughout China's history, there are two types of people who have successfully rebelled: one type of people are clan warlords, who have the cost of losing - and some of them are capital; the other type of people are proletarian people, they have the courage not to be afraid of losing - there is nothing, losing or nothing, so why not gamble? What if you win?

And the identity of middle-class literati like Chen Bao is embarrassing, they are stuck in the middle: the capital is not nothing, but too little; the courage is not nothing, but too small; if there is no capital at all, it is good, but there is a little bit of capital, so they look ahead and always reluctant to bet, so the courage becomes smaller and smaller, and eventually becomes a dead cycle, how can not get around. So what to do? Chen Baby's path belongs to the classic case, that is, to turn to other gamblers with capital and courage, to invest in their own small amount of funds, win dividends, lose the roll of money to escape, or simply sell themselves to the ultimate winner to be a slave, the winner is comfortable, and maybe finally reward them with a little scrap of cold heat - really smart and clever, so well-behaved!

An honest scholar was forced to rebel and claim the title of king, and the scholar went home and asked the old woman, who told him: Suddenly the noble is unknown

Pictured: Baby Chen

In short, Chen Nian finally heeded the advice of the old woman, took the 20,000 troops he had earned from Dongyang out of thin air as a capital to join xiangliang's Xiang family army, and began his great rebellious career of making money with small and large bags. Although his ability was limited, it was good to be honest, first serving as a pillar state in the Chu state, sealing five counties, xiang liang after his death and then with Xiang Yu to fight, after Xiang Yu's death Liu Bang did not embarrass him, but also let him give his brother Liu Jiao, the king of Chu, to be a chancellor, and the marquis of Tangyi. Probably Chen Bao looks more handsome, and his descendants are also good-looking, so his descendants can marry the royal family three or four times in three generations, and they have been prominent for a hundred years. Chen's grandson Chen Wu married Princess Guantao, the eldest daughter of Emperor Wen of Han, great-granddaughter Chen Ajiao married Emperor Wu of Han as empress, great-grandson Chen Yu married Princess Longxuan, the third sister of Emperor Wu of Han, and Princess Yi'an, daughter of Emperor Wu of Han.

An honest scholar was forced to rebel and claim the title of king, and the scholar went home and asked the old woman, who told him: Suddenly the noble is unknown

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