
Social concepts are constantly evolving, but our country has always paid attention to the quiet elegance of girls from ancient times to the present

author:Enterprising passion fruit Hy

Social concepts continue to develop, but our country from ancient times to the present has paid attention to the quiet elegance of girls, ancient "everyone boudoir", the existing "slim Miss", it seems to advocate the girl's ten fingers do not touch the delicate water of the yang spring water. However, not all girls are suitable for being "Lin Sister", and it is not necessarily a good thing that girls are "Lin Sister". It should be said that whether it is a delicate girl or a girl with a big grin, we need to cultivate her hands-on ability and cultivate her experience of life, the most direct of which is labor. Let the girl work by herself, not only can let her experience life, but also let the girl understand that everything is not easy to come by, know how to cherish and protect, which is precious to the girl's life.

However, many parents understand such a big truth, but not many really implement it. Because labor means that children have to do it themselves, to work hard, to sweat, parents have different views and practices on this. Simply put, many parents just don't want their children to be affected.

Every time there is a holiday, Xiaoling likes to go to her grandmother's house to play. Every time she wanted to help Grandma clean up the table and clean the dishes. But every time she finished her meal in a hurry, Grandma had already washed all the dishes and chopsticks. In fact, Grandma didn't know Xiaoling's thoughts, but Grandma thought that Xiaoling just wanted to play, not really want to wash the dishes. Grandma always felt that maybe Xiaoling would play with the water while washing the dishes, and finally make the kitchen full of water, and possibly wet the clothes, and finally have to clean up the mess herself.

Although Xiao Haohao is young, he grows fat, and usually seems to be slow to do things, often taking several times the time of others to barely complete a task. Xiao Haohao's mother was also very conniving with her and never let her do anything that was a little difficult. Xiao Haohao's mother often said: "Hao Hao is still too young, lack of some skills, there is no need to let her do something difficult, every time I watch her spend a lot of effort to complete a thing but do not complete well, I can't help but let her stop and help her do a good job." ”

From the above two examples, it can be seen that some parents lack the idea of educating girls to learn labor, and always think that girls are still young and cannot participate well in labor.

A mother surnamed Wang even said: "When girls are young, they don't have to deliberately let them participate in labor, and it is not surprising that they do not understand the meaning of labor." Moreover, when our generation was young, no one told us what labor was and what we could gain through labor, but we can still live well now. This shows that it is not necessary to inculcate girls with the idea of labor when they are young. Girls will gradually discover what labor is in their own growth. ”

Other parents believe that "to study well, you have to give up labor." Nowadays, girls are very stressed to study, and they generally have to attend several interest classes after school and on weekends, and girls' rest time is getting less and less. In order to ensure the rest of the girl and allow the girl to devote herself to learning, parents often complete a lot of things for the girl, even if they know that it is not correct to do so. The consequence of parents doing so may be that girls will not be able to stand on their own well in the future. But many parents feel that even if girls become lazy and do not like to work, as long as the girls' grades go up, it is gratifying to be able to rank at the top of the test.

However, many parents do not understand that it is difficult for girls to succeed in society by this method. Although girls study well, get high scores, and are admitted to good universities, their creative ability is generally very low because of their little labor. Even if such a person has a lot of theoretical knowledge, it is difficult to translate it into practice. They will eventually be eliminated in the cruel social competition. In addition, once girls develop the habit of laziness, they will also encounter a little difficulty in learning and choose to withdraw, which is contrary to the good results expected by parents.

【Teaching Girls' Experience】

1. Work planning for girls

Parents can get girls involved in some work on a regular basis, taking into account the age of the girls, and instruct them to help with things that are within their capabilities. For example, girls around the age of three can hand over small things, set dishes, and serve rice; girls around the age of six can buy simple things by themselves, learn to organize their own things, and wash dishes; older girls can wash some of their own thin clothes, make breakfast, and so on.

After the girl conscientiously completes the labor, the parents should praise it in time, and at the same time encourage the girl not to be afraid of suffering, not afraid of tiredness, encounter difficulties and actively use their brains to solve, and constantly summarize experience in practice.

2. Guide girls to a long-term activity

Most girls are willing to share the burden for their families, which gives them a sense of pride. They are happy to invest in some stable social activities, both to make some money and to exercise themselves, such as sorting out waste things to sell, recycling old batteries, etc. When the girl is determined to devote herself to a long-term activity, parents must always encourage the girl to persevere, not to give up because of a little difficulty, and to tell the girl some good experience and skills.

【The Story of the Goddaughter】

Legend has it that there is a small bird called the Cold Horn Bird. This bird is somewhat different from ordinary birds, it has two wings without feathers, is bare, has four legs, and cannot fly like ordinary birds, but can only walk.

Legend has it that there is a small bird called the Cold Horn Bird. This bird is somewhat different from ordinary birds, it has two wings without feathers, is bare, has four legs, and cannot fly like ordinary birds, but can only walk. Flaunting his own beauty, he also hummed proudly: "I am the most beautiful!" I'm the prettiest! ”

Summer is gone, autumn is coming, and the birds are all busy, and they begin to fly south in flocks to survive the cold winter. The cold trumpet bird, on the other hand, can't fly, and doesn't want to look around for a place to hide, or build a nest for itself, and every day it only knows how to appreciate its gorgeous feathers.

Winter is quietly approaching, the weather is extremely cold, and the birds either fly to the south or hide in warm nests. At this time, the proud feathers on the cold trumpet bird also fell out, losing the only thing that could withstand the cold. At night, it was even more cold and trembling, and kept shouting: "Why is it so cold, tomorrow at dawn I will definitely build a nest." "After dawn the next day, under the sunlight, the temperature was slightly higher, and the cold trumpet bird was reluctant to move and gave up the idea of building a nest. So it sang: "Count the day as a day, there is the sun, not afraid of the cold!" ”

The weather is getting colder, and the cold trumpet bird has to get by like this, mixing a day and counting a day, and always bothering to build a nest. In the end, it could not resist the cold and froze to death on the side of the road.

When people judge girls, whether they love cleanliness is a key factor to consider. Even if a girl's appearance is not very good, if she is always clean and tidy in front of everyone, she will leave a good impression on everyone, and her parents will be proud of it; on the contrary, even if a girl looks beautiful, if she is always dirty and dirty when she appears in front of everyone, people will not give her a good evaluation, and her parents will feel very embarrassed.

Of course, aside from the comments of others, if girls do not love cleanliness and do not pay attention to cleanliness, their lives and health will also have certain problems.

Tong Tong is 8 years old this year, looks very well-behaved, and is very sensible, but he just doesn't pay attention to hygiene. Tong Tong's mother has reasoned to her countless times and persuaded her to love clean, but she can't change Tong Tong's bad habits. Every time before eating, Tong Tong did not wash her hands carefully, did not want to brush her teeth before going to bed, and her book homework was always dirty. Tong Tong did not suffer less because of this bad habit, she grew tooth decay, and often had stomach pain, but she was unwilling to change it.

Perhaps many girls' parents have the same troubles as Tong Tong's mother, and will try to educate girls in various ways, hoping that girls will change this bad habit. But whether it is to follow the good temptation, or to scold and scare, the child is only perfunctory, and everything is symbolically done under the repeated urging of the parents, and the heart is still very resistant.

In fact, most parents understand that it is very important for girls to love cleanliness and pay attention to cleanliness, but many parents cannot make their children clean and tidy after exhausting methods.

Why has the usually well-behaved and sensible daughter become disobedient on this issue? This is also related to the parents' incorrect methods of education.

Most parents make the following two mistakes when teaching girls to love cleanliness.

First, emphasis is placed on emphasis, which is weaker than action.

Many parents in order to cultivate girls to love hygiene, will set a series of rules, such as playing tired back to take a bath to sleep, must wash their hands carefully before eating, brush their teeth after eating... But every time you encounter a similar situation, you don't seem to follow the rules.

Parents always ignore the rules when they need to implement them, so that the children gradually lose importance to these regulations, and they do not care about these principles that are very important for hygiene.

Second, ask to do it, but don't tell the girl exactly how to do it.

A father saw that his daughter's face was dirty, so he said to his daughter, "You are so old, you should wash your face yourself." The daughter obediently went to the washroom and casually wiped her face with a towel and washed it. After Dad looked at it, he complained: "You can't wash your face only a little bit in front, but behind your ears and the sides of your face are still dirty." The daughter went to the washroom again and wiped it very casually. Dad sighed helplessly, "Forget it, you think it's clean." ”

Ask the child to wash his face, but do not seriously teach the child how to wash it, the child will certainly not be able to wash his face correctly. The father in the above article is typical of asking the child to do it, but not telling the child how to do it. In the long run, the child's hygiene habits will become worse and worse.

Therefore, when parents realize that they must cultivate the concept of neat hygiene of girls, they must first examine whether their health education for girls is in place, whether it is correct, whether there is a situation that only stays in lip service, whether there is an effort to work with children for cleanliness and hygiene; secondly, we also need to have scientific educational methods, such as handwashing, which seems very simple, but not every child can master the correct way to wash hands. Therefore, in addition to telling children to love hygiene, we must also tell children how to love hygiene, how to keep clean, how to disinfect and disinfect, how to avoid the invasion of bacteria, etc. Scientific and reasonable love hygiene habits are what children must develop.

Method one: Let the girl learn to fold clothes

The habit of hygiene needs to be cultivated at small things. The survey found that girls who like to fold their clothes from a young age generally grow up to be a hygienic and tidy person. Therefore, parents can teach a girl how to fold her clothes when she is young, and let her fold her own clothes.

For example, parents can first demonstrate in front of their daughter how to fold clothes neatly, and then instruct her to learn how to fold them herself. You can first give some smaller clothes to the child to fold, and when the child is fully skilled, she will leave her own clothes to her own responsibility.

Method 2: Give girls a vivid "family hygiene science class"

When the girl is young, parents should consciously help the girl to know the correct hygiene knowledge, such as the above, how to wash hands, how to avoid "disease from the mouth" when eating... Of course, parents are aware of these common problems, but what should be said, girls are willing to listen? We have to choose a way that is vivid and easy to understand and easy to remember. When girls are young, we can incorporate hygiene knowledge into play. Still take the basic cleaning action of hand washing, we can choose a low-irritating, foam-rich hand sanitizer, and then teach the girl to do "aerobics" for the fingers, teaching the girl to clean up every gap in the "Five Finger Mountain" in addition to the palm and the back of the hand. When girls grow up, especially before puberty, we can tell girls in a graphic way about the physiological changes that may occur during puberty, how to cope with menarche, and so on.

For girls' health care common sense, some parents are afraid of embarrassment, so they maintain a "water to water" thinking, which is not good for girls' physical and mental development. Therefore, parents must conform to the development rules of girls and regularly explain the necessary health knowledge to girls clearly and scientifically.

Peter Handke was a famous German writer whose home was often messed up by his youngest daughter, and he was very troubled by this. After several fruitless educations, he chose to give up. He once wrote in a book: "As long as adults take a little time to carefully observe children, it will be clear how to deal with the child's cleanliness problem." Handke's approach is to let the child manage his own house and let the child take care of the house with his own standards. The reason Handke chose to give up was that the chaotic house he saw was the most beautiful paradise in the eyes of the child. Later, he laughed and called his discipline of his children "ineffective management" because he recognized that children had their own judgments. But the reason why the child has such a judgment is because the child feels that the house he originally arranged is not neat enough. Therefore, when parents teach their children to pay attention to hygiene, they must remember that everything must start from themselves.

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