
Looking back from "Zhejiang": the light of numbers on the road of "common prosperity"

Looking back from "Zhejiang": the light of numbers on the road of "common prosperity"

Zhejiang "Future Factory". Photo by Yu Jialiang

Hangzhou, December 29 (China News Network) (Reporter Chai Yanfei Xi Jinyan) The country is called rich and cares about the people. In the new stage of development, "promoting common prosperity in high-quality development" is the fundamental way.

How to grasp the high-quality "title eye" and find the gripper that leads the whole body? Exploring the path of high-quality economic development with digital transformation has become the policy of Zhejiang.

From urban factories to fields, from the supply side to the consumer side, in 2021, Zhejiang will continue to make efforts around the construction of "digital Zhejiang", fully open digital industrialization and industrial digital transformation, and strive for balanced growth and shared growth, so that the light of digital can cross the gap and illuminate the vision of common prosperity.

"New intelligent manufacturing" builds a solid foundation for common prosperity

The manufacturing industry is the foundation of Zhejiang's province, the foundation of a strong province, and also the solid cornerstone of Zhejiang's common prosperity.

At the end of the year and the beginning of the year, walking into the boss's electrical sheet metal workshop in Linping, rows of mechanical arms were neatly aligned, and one product after another was transported down the production line, but no one could be seen.

As the first "future factory" in the kitchen appliance industry, the relevant person in charge of the enterprise introduced that in the manufacturing process, all aspects of the 16 unmanned production lines, including loading and unloading robots and unmanned AGVs, all use the system to calculate intelligent operations, "compared with traditional operations, production efficiency increased by 45%, production costs decreased by 21%. ”

In order to promote the high-quality development of the manufacturing industry, since 2012, Zhejiang has taken the lead in carrying out "machine substitution" in the country. In the past five years, the per capita labor productivity of industries above designated size in Zhejiang has increased by 51.2%.

In August 2020, the "Trial Plan for Cultivating and Building "Future Factories" in Zhejiang Province" was released, with the construction of 12 "Future Factories" and 16 cultivated enterprises, and 33 new Pilot Enterprises of "Future Factories" were added this year, and the leading role of benchmarking has emerged.

The relevant person in charge of the Zhejiang Provincial Department of Economy and Information Technology said that in Zhejiang today, in addition to the "future factory", there is also an invisible "industrial brain", which coordinates the reorganization of manufacturing factor resources and the reengineering of production processes.

In Keqiao, where "a piece of cloth supports a hundred billion industries", the brain of the weaving printing and dyeing industry has opened up and settled in, opening a new paradigm of modern textile intelligent manufacturing. Wang Jiang, the person in charge of digital system technology responsible for building the industrial brain, told reporters that the weaving printing and dyeing industry chain is huge and complex, and the industrial brain has developed and built a wealth of new intelligent manufacturing applications such as digital scheduling, production progress tracking, equipment monitoring, etc., which can effectively promote the improvement of enterprise quality and cost reduction and efficiency.

In Shaoxing Shangyu, using the supply chain plate of the motor "industrial brain", small and medium-sized enterprises can solve the problem of raw material cost control through collective bargaining and group procurement; in Ningbo, the material fed joint backup function of the chemical "industrial brain" has opened up the warehouses of various enterprises in the production chain, and what spare parts are needed can be matched nearby as long as they are released online. These "brains" have their own strengths and help the industry to digitize.

From "machine substitution" to production line automation transformation, from intelligent workshop to the "future factory" of intelligent linkage of the industrial chain, Zhejiang manufacturing has been working hard in the direction of "intelligent manufacturing" for a long time and accumulating new momentum for common prosperity. In the first 11 months of 2021, the added value of industries above designated size in Zhejiang Province increased by 14% year-on-year, with an average growth rate of 9.3% in two years, and the industrial economy was steadily improving.

The "digital three rural areas" have opened up a new space for common prosperity

Shifting the gaze from the city to the countryside of Zhejiang, the digital spring tide is also booming.

This year's "Double Eleven", Xu Yueying, a villager in the depths of the Yongkang Mountains, experienced an online shopping "next-day delivery", "I didn't expect to one day be able to enjoy express delivery to home like people in the city!" ”

In recent years, "online shopping" has become a new trend of rural consumption. The relevant person in charge of the E-commerce Department of the Department of Commerce of Zhejiang Province said that in order to open up the last kilometer of industrial products to the countryside, in recent years, Zhejiang has accelerated the construction of a three-level logistics distribution system in counties and rural areas, and accelerated the layout and construction of village-level e-commerce public service sites.

It is reported that at present, the coverage rate of more than four brand express delivery services in the established villages in Zhejiang Province has reached 99.25%.

Express delivery accelerated into the village, but also let the rural "local specialties" catch up with e-commerce, into the development of the "fast lane".

In Songyang, the hometown of tea in southwest Zhejiang, Chen Jiazeng, a tea farmer in his 50s, bluntly said that "this year can have a good year." Chen Jiazeng has always grown tea for a living, "in the past, selling tea was a hard job, catching up with the spring tea market, every 5 days to carry to the tea market, looking forward to tea merchants to give a good price." ”

Since embracing e-commerce, Chen Jiazeng has rarely worried about selling tea, "In the past, we only sold spring tea, and we counted on this season for a year." Now we can order the production of summer tea and autumn tea according to e-commerce companies, and we can earn tens of thousands of yuan a year. ”

Since the beginning of this year, Zhejiang has actively explored the path of deep integration of digital economy and rural revitalization, so that the fertile countryside can share the "digital light". By the end of 2021, Zhejiang Province has cultivated 949 e-commerce demonstration villages and 1634 rural e-commerce demonstration service stations (points).

Wei Jiang, dean of the School of Management of Zhejiang University, said that the realization of common prosperity cannot rely on the distribution of wealth, but on the creation of wealth with innovation and entrepreneurship. On the one hand, the development of the digital economy can fully release the development space of intelligent manufacturing and digital service industry, and fundamentally solve the problem of employment structure; on the other hand, through digital technology innovation and scientific and technological innovation to promote the development of innovation and entrepreneurship in economically relatively backward areas, in order to truly achieve common prosperity.

Digital governance "illuminates" the vision of shared prosperity

A son falls and is full of life. In Zhejiang, digitalization has not only become an emerging productive force, but also an important driving force for the government to transform its functions and promote governance innovation.

At the beginning of this year, Zhejiang took the lead in deploying digital reform in China, using it as a "boat" and "bridge" for common prosperity.

Using the reform breakthrough method of "small incisions and big scenes", a number of "hard-core" digital achievements with local characteristics have emerged: Hangzhou's "people call me", Jinhua's "national peace of mind medical insurance city", Taizhou's "pro-agricultural online" and other application results, so that digital empowerment of a better life.

According to the relevant person in charge of the Zhejiang Provincial Big Data Development Administration, Zhejiang Province has built an integrated intelligent public data platform for provinces, cities and counties, realizing the intensive construction, overall allocation and high-quality supply of government digital resources such as public data, applications, components and computing power in the province, and supporting all-round and all-field digital reform.

At present, digital reform has penetrated into all aspects of Zhejiang's people's food, clothing, housing and transportation. However, it is also necessary to see that digitalization is also a double-edged sword, how to deal with the relationship between reform and development?

In February this year, Zhejiang launched the "Zhejiang Fair Online", which refers to monopolies and improper behaviors in the platform economy. With the help of this platform, the Zhejiang market supervision department has realized the real-time monitoring of the economic monopoly problems of the platform such as "two choices one" and "big data killing", and targeted supervision.

Up to now, the system has covered 415 major e-commerce platforms across the country, monitored and found a total of 21,962 risk clues, and filed and investigated 6,028 cases of online violations. The risk of the platform being suspected of violating the law has been significantly reduced.

Gathering firewood and taking into account fairness and efficiency is a key move and the only way for Zhejiang to move towards common prosperity.

Yuan Jiajun, secretary of the Zhejiang Provincial Party Committee, said that Zhejiang will adhere to the needs of the country, what Zhejiang can do, what the masses want, and what the future wants, and use digital reform to leverage the innovation of the common prosperity system and mechanism to achieve major breakthrough results. By 2035, high-quality development will achieve greater achievements, basically achieve common prosperity, and take the lead in exploring the construction of a better society with common prosperity. (End)

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