
This provision will come into force on New Year's Day


The new car "three guarantees" regulations publicity video conference will be held

The relevant person in charge of the Department of Laws and Regulations of the State Administration for Market Regulation

The main content of the revision of the "three guarantees" regulations for new cars

Detailed and interpreted

From 1 January 2022

The Provisions on the Responsibility for Repair, Replacement and Return of Household Automobile Products (hereinafter referred to as the "Three Guarantees" Provisions for New Automobiles) will be formally implemented. The regulations have been substantially revised on the basis of the Provisions on the Liability for Repair, Replacement and Return of Household Automobile Products, which came into force in 2013.

New car "three guarantees" regulations

What are the main points

This provision will come into force on New Year's Day

Source: Hubei Publishing, Hubei Provincial Market Supervision and Administration Bureau, China Quality News

This provision will come into force on New Year's Day

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