
With diabetes, 6 things you can't forget, help you stay away from complications and live as long as a normal person!

Reviewed by: Xubin Yang (Third Affiliated Hospital of Sun Yat-sen University)

Many patients know that the best way to control the symptoms and prevent complications of type 2 diabetes is to control blood sugar.

But do patients know that aging changes the way the body processes glucose and insulin? To avoid regression in health, it's time to adjust the way you manage your diabetes.

Aging affects a patient's ability to manage diabetes:

Aging affects a patient's ability to manage diabetes, and some of the obstacles they may face include the following:

Mental decline and memory loss, which can make it more difficult for patients to plan their diet and remember when to take the drug;

Changes in the body that prevent the drug from working as effectively as before;

vision problems, which can lead to errors in reading blood glucose levels or using the correct dose of insulin;

Medications taken for other diseases interact with diabetes medications and affect their efficacy.

By making a plan with the medical team and keeping a close eye on changes in your body, you can continue to live a healthy life.

With diabetes, 6 things you can't forget, help you stay away from complications and live as long as a normal person!

Image source: Stand Cool Helo

1. Build your own medical team

Many medical professionals can help better manage diabetes, including:





Diabetes educators;




As people with diabetes age, their risk of developing depression increases. Consultation with a professional, or support from friends and family, both of which allow patients to maintain a positive treatment prospect.

2. Pay attention to your own blood glucose value

Learn how to check your blood sugar. You should talk to your doctor about what your ideal blood sugar value should be so that you can figure out if your blood sugar is too high or too low.

Doctors should also test patients for glycosylated hemoglobin (HbA1c) at least every 2 years, which can help patients understand the average blood glucose levels over the past 2 to 3 months.

Diabetes increases the risk of heart attack and stroke, so values to watch out for include:

Blood pressure;

Cholesterol levels.

Preventing blood sugar from being too low is just as important as preventing blood sugar from being too high, and multiple episodes of hypoglycemia can double the risk of developing Alzheimer's or other types of dementia. When patients can't think, they can't manage their diabetes well.

With diabetes, 6 things you can't forget, help you stay away from complications and live as long as a normal person!

3. Manage your own medication

It can be difficult to ensure timely medication while performing diet regimens and other diabetes-related tasks. Therefore, in order to fully grasp their daily needs, they should do the following.

Make a list of all the medications you are using and their uses.

Store the medication in a pill box to help remember if the dose of the day has been taken.

Use an alarm clock, timer, or other device on your phone to remind yourself when to take your medication.

Make medication a part of your daily routine so that you can develop good medication habits.

4. Eat healthy food

Medications are great for controlling diabetes, but good nutrition can also set the tone for healthy blood sugar levels. Appetite may change as you age, but you still need to keep your diet balanced and make informed choices about foods.

When planning meals, keep away from refined sugar. For other foods, the following methods can be used as a selection guide.

Half of the plate is stocked with non-starchy vegetables such as broccoli, green vegetables or carrots.

Serve 1/4 of a plate with whole grains or starchy vegetables such as whole wheat noodles, brown rice or sweet potatoes.

Serve another 1/4 of the plate with protein such as meat, eggs or fish.

Add in 240 ml of dairy products (such as skim milk) and 1/2 cup of fruit for a nutritious meal.

5. Exercise daily

Just a little physical activity can provide great help for overall health.

Regular exercise can:

Maintain flexibility in the body;

Improve blood flow;

Contributes to balance;

Makes bones and muscles stronger;

Reduces the pressure that raises blood sugar.

With diabetes, 6 things you can't forget, help you stay away from complications and live as long as a normal person!

Staying active can also help with weight loss. When at a healthy weight, both glucose and insulin can work better. Set a goal to exercise for 30 minutes a day and 5 or more days a week. Walking is a great way to boost your heart rate and stay healthy, but you can also exercise in the following ways.

Do yoga or tai chi;

Raise flowers and grass in the garden;

Use elastic bands or perform lightweight weightlifting;


Swim or do aerobic exercise in the water.

6. Pay attention to the symptoms of the body

The body has its own way of reminding you of something wrong. As you age, it is important to pay attention to these warning messages. For people with type 2 diabetes, even a small sign can be a sign that something big is brewing.

Leg pain, numbness, or long-lasting ulcers can mean that the arteries are developing a disease.

Feeling shaky, sweaty, irritable, or unconscious, which can be a sign of hypoglycemia.

Falls and fractures, which often mean that bones are not getting enough calcium, may be the cause of osteoporosis.

The good news is that taking full control of your diabetes can help avoid (and in some cases reverse) serious complications. Please pay close attention to your physical condition and report any changes to your doctor.

*The content of this article is a popularization of health knowledge and cannot be used as a specific diagnosis and treatment recommendation, nor is it a substitute for face-to-face consultation by a practicing physician, for reference only.

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