
Su Yu, the god of war, faced the gentry's questioning, did not say a word, and immediately went back to fight a victorious battle to prove himself

In May 1938, Su Yu took the lead in sending a detachment into Gaochun County in Jiangsu Province, crossing Shiushu Lake in the north, passing through Bowang and Zhumen, and arriving at Yejiazhuang in Jiangning County, Jiangsu Province on May 22, and the command structure of the troops was stationed at the home of Ye Wenming, who had served as vice minister of finance of the National Government.

When Ye Wenming learned that the headquarters of the New Fourth Army was stationed in his house, he deliberately liked the commander, and when he saw the appearance of the adjutant Cao Hongsheng, he thought that he was the commander, and moved a bamboo recliner for Cao Hongsheng to let him lie down and rest, but in the next scene, Ye Wenming was very unhappy, obviously he was moved to sit for the commander, how could he be sat by a small man now? This breath could not be swallowed, and this stupid boy had to be scolded, and Ye Wenming woke up the sleeping little man: "Who made you sleep here?" This is for the commander to sleep, no big or small. ”

Su Yu, the god of war, faced the gentry's questioning, did not say a word, and immediately went back to fight a victorious battle to prove himself

Cao Hongsheng rushed to Ye Wenming and said, "Mr. Ye, don't misunderstand, he is our commander, and I am his aide-de-camp." ”

Mr. Ye was also confused, and his attitude changed 180 degrees, and he asked euphemistically: "Commander, your surname is Daimyo?" I really have no eyes, commander don't be surprised! Su Yu did not answer him immediately, and Cao Hongsheng quickly introduced: "Our commander is named Su Yu. Ye Wenming immediately echoed, "This name is so familiar, where do you hear it?" ”

Su Yu also knew in his heart what kind of gourd Ye Wenming was selling in his heart, would a former senior cadre of the Kuomintang not know who Su Yu was? How the Kuomintang treated the Red Army at that time, Ye Wenming simply asked knowingly, and Su Yu also answered him:

"In the past, Chiang Kai-shek had issued a wanted warrant to arrest Fang Zhimin and Su Yu. I am that Su Yu. ”

Su Yu, the god of war, faced the gentry's questioning, did not say a word, and immediately went back to fight a victorious battle to prove himself

Ye Wenming, on the other hand, seemed to be still not dead-hearted, and wanted to satirize Su Yu, Ye Wenming asked a question that the entire New Fourth Army could not refute, he said: "You talk every day, every day you shout to resist Japan, but you do not have enough troops and weapons." If you do fight the Japanese, will you be victorious? The millions of troops of the national army and many heavy weapons have been gradually defeated, not to mention you. The New Fourth Army is good, but the team is small, the weapons and equipment are poor, can it defeat the devils? ”

Su Yu knew that he urgently needed a victory to prove that the New Fourth Army could win the battle, because the New Fourth Army's weapons and equipment were indeed very small, the two men did not yet have a gun, and many people did not believe that the New Fourth Army and the Eighth Route Army had the strength to defeat the Japanese army, but the Party, the New Fourth Army, and the Eighth Route Army were full of confidence, they were full of morale, they had a lot of anger in their hearts, and they believed that they could.

At that time, Japan launched an all-out war of aggression against China, North China was in danger, the whole Chinese nation was in danger, China had reached a moment of life and death, we could not tolerate it any longer, the Communist Party of China actively established an anti-Japanese national united front, and the whole nation jointly resisted Japan.

Although the Eighth Route Army and the New Fourth Army have come under the command of the Nationalist Government, Chiang Kai-shek, out of various considerations, has always reserved for the Eighth Route Army and the New Fourth Army, giving less funds and even less weapons and equipment.

Su Yu, the god of war, faced the gentry's questioning, did not say a word, and immediately went back to fight a victorious battle to prove himself

But the Red Army under the leadership of the Party has always been an excellent army, an army of the people, and the difficult Long March has come, even if there are great difficulties, it must go on, and the Japanese army must not be allowed to act arbitrarily, but must be made to pay a heavy price.

So Su Yu chose the location of the first battle in Weigang,

A few days ago, he led the leading detachment to reconnoiter the enemy's situation here, and calculated the distance from Weigang to Nanjing and Zhenjiang and the fastest time for the Japanese reinforcements to arrive.

An ambush was fought against the Japanese here.

Therefore, after Su Yu completed the task of destroying the railway between Zhenjiang and Longtan, he immediately moved his division to Weigang and fought an ambush battle according to the predetermined plan.

Su Yu, the god of war, faced the gentry's questioning, did not say a word, and immediately went back to fight a victorious battle to prove himself

As a result, the New Fourth Army won the victory, the two sides fought fiercely for half an hour, killing more than 10 Japanese troops, destroying 4 cars, capturing more than 10 long and short guns, and several truckloads of military supplies. Although the scale of this battle is not large, it is of great significance, and it shows that the Japanese army is not invincible, and although our weapons are backward, we can also win the battle, and we will inevitably win.

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