
The most appetizing popular home-cooked dish lemon soaked chicken feet

author:Bean and fruit delicacies
The most appetizing popular home-cooked dish lemon soaked chicken feet

The weekend is coming, preparing to invite the neighbors to come to the house tomorrow for a home-cooked meal, and in the afternoon a large bowl of cold boiling water is prepared in the refrigerator and frozen in the freezer. Because the cooked chicken feet are soaked in ice water, the taste will be more Q-bomby, and after dinner, the preparation of the chicken feet will be prepared and the side dishes will be cut. Finally finished the busy work, tidy up the recipes for your own later inspection. Take a break and then continue to clean up the kitchen. If it fails, it won't come out tomorrow.

By Ma Ma Ai Wei Wei


Chicken feet 600g

Balsamic vinegar 100g

Soy sauce 120g

Lemon 4 tablets

Ginger a piece

A handful of garlic

A handful of millet peppers

Sugar 6g

Salt 3g

One scoop of cooking wine

Sesame oil to taste

Peppercorns to taste

A handful of shallots

A handful of coriander

<h2>Practice steps</h2>

The most appetizing popular home-cooked dish lemon soaked chicken feet

1: Remove the fingernail cap of the chicken feet, cut it in half, put the cooking wine in the pot in cold water, put the cooking wine, spring onion, peppercorns, ginger slices to fishy, after the water boils, turn the heat to low and cook for 18 minutes.

The most appetizing popular home-cooked dish lemon soaked chicken feet

2: Chop celery, coriander, millet spicy, garlic, ginger slices, and other side dishes and set aside.

The most appetizing popular home-cooked dish lemon soaked chicken feet

3: The chopped millet spicy and ginger garlic are mashed with stone mortar, so that the sauce will be more spicy.

The most appetizing popular home-cooked dish lemon soaked chicken feet

4: Cut 1/2 onion into strips and set aside.

The most appetizing popular home-cooked dish lemon soaked chicken feet

5, after cooking the chicken feet immediately flushed water and other cold, soaked in ice boiling water for a while, so that the surface will shrink rapidly, chicken feet will be more Q and chewy.

The most appetizing popular home-cooked dish lemon soaked chicken feet

6: Dry the chicken feet soaked in ice water, add the side dishes, and mix with the sauce

The most appetizing popular home-cooked dish lemon soaked chicken feet

7, finally cover the plastic wrap and refrigerate overnight, you can eat tomorrow


Lemon slices to remove the seeds, otherwise there will be bitterness, lemon slices soaked for a few hours can be taken out in advance, soaked for too long will have a bitter taste.

<h2>Nutritional benefits of chicken feet</h2>

1. Remove lipids and lower blood pressure

Chicken feet can soften and protect blood vessels, and have the effect of lowering blood lipids and cholesterol in the human body.

2. Skin care

Chicken feet enhance skin tone and eliminate wrinkles.

3. Rich in copper

Chicken feet are also rich in copper, which has an important impact on the development and function of the blood, central nervous system and immune system, hair, skin and bone tissue, and internal organs such as the brain and liver and heart.

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