
To 2021: The past does not look back, the rest of life will not be settled (worth collecting)

2022 countdown to 3 days: the past does not look back, the rest of life will not be settled

It seems to be a blink of an eye, 2021 is about to become a memory that cannot be repeated, and there are still 3 days, 2022 will come to us with hope.

Time went on, but it answered all the questions. The years are silent, but they have witnessed all the sincerity.

Looking back on 2021, we have cried and laughed, but we have overcome countless pressures. Looking forward to 2022, how to do it, in order to harvest a different happy life.

2022 countdown to 3 days, I want to say to all my friends: the past does not look back, the rest of life will not be settled.

To 2021: The past does not look back, the rest of life will not be settled (worth collecting)

01, 2022, Smile Face

Haruki Murakami wrote in "1Q84": Don't worry too much about the present, don't worry too much about the future, when you have experienced some things, the scenery in front of you is different from before.

Life seems to be a moment, and it seems to be long and difficult. We have gone through many happy stages and countless difficult times. When you're happy, enjoy yourself. When you are stuck, you don't have to be too entangled.

It is often said that life is actually a hard journey, sick and painful, knocking on the door at any time. In the face of the hardships that life gives, crying, can not solve the problem, the best attitude is actually to smile at the face.

Stop complaining that your partner is not considerate enough, look for his shining point, and you will find that love has always been there.

Stop complaining that work is too boring and tiring, look at the passers-by who are brave the snow and wind, you should feel happy enough.

Stop complaining about those grievances and boredoms, nothing is too much to live, laugh and look at the problem, the result is very different.

Life is really hard, need to cross yourself, 2022, smile to face.

To 2021: The past does not look back, the rest of life will not be settled (worth collecting)

02, 2022, please yourself

Yi Shu has said: In the short decades of life, the most important thing is to satisfy yourself, not to please others.

Feelings of this thing, pay will not necessarily have a return, if you really meet a heartless person, please love yourself well, do not be stupid to pay a cavity of true love, in the end end ended up with a sad heart.

There is such a sentence in the "Biography of Zhen Huan": The yin and yang errors in this world have never stopped.

Maybe the person you love with all your heart does not have you in your heart, and you stupidly wait and wait, waiting year after year, but waiting for the other party to have his own.

Maybe you think that as long as you lower your posture and give everything you have, he will eventually be touched by you and will eventually respond to your love with love.

However, there are many people in the world who are always ruthlessly hurt, and the people you care about don't care about you, and your efforts are taken for granted in ta's view. Enjoy your good, but never give you the heart, such feelings, don't cling to it anymore, there is no end.

Your love, to those who understand, 2022, please please yourself.

To 2021: The past does not look back, the rest of life will not be settled (worth collecting)

03, 2022, Leave the good temper to the family

Family will always be our strongest backing.

When you return late in the night, your family lights up a light for you and waits for you to come home. Frustrated in your career, your family prepares hot meals for you and waits for you to come home. Wronged outside, your family opens a door for you, waiting for you to come home.

I like a sentence by Mr. Wang Zengqi: "The family sits around, and the lights are lovely." ”

In this materialistic world, such simple and warm scenes are precious. Only with the family, the inner guard will be completely let go, only with the family, no matter how tired, will also feel worthwhile.

Once, we were out in the storm and suffered all the grievances, but we did not dare to be angry, but we gave the bad temper to the people who loved you at home. Once, we had suffered the hardships of life, hidden a fire in our stomachs, and taken our bad temper home to send it.

Because family members are the closest people, tolerate our unreasonableness, tolerate our bad temper, and never compare with us.

In 2022, there is a sincere wish, hoping that the family will be disease-free and disaster-free, and be together well, healthy, healthy and safe.

Life is short, there are not so many days to come. In 2022, leave the good temper to the family who loves us.

To 2021: The past does not look back, the rest of life will not be settled (worth collecting)

Write at the end:

Haruki Murakami wrote in "Dance dance": "You are going to be a silent adult, you are not allowed to be emotional, you are not allowed to secretly miss, you are not allowed to look back." ”

The joys and sorrows of this world are never common, nor are they truly empathetic.

2021 will eventually pass, and 2022 will come.

Looking back on 2021, you have to thank yourself for experiencing so many hardships and difficulties, and you have always adhered to your character and righteousness. Say it sincerely to yourself: hard work!

Looking forward to 2022, you are going to embark on a new journey, there is still wind and rain on the road ahead, but more is the fragrance of spring flowers, please be sure to smile and face all the challenges, please please yourself more, and leave your good temper to your family.

May you: All the best in 2022!

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