
Since the end of the Qing Dynasty, China's international grand strategic choice has not been wrong, and if it is wrong once, it will be doomed

The Chinese nation is a strategic nation, and in its long history, in order to survive and develop, after countless cruel struggles, it has formed an excellent strategic management ideological tradition. After the fall of the Qing Dynasty, although the capabilities of successive governments have been short and long, they have never missed a single time in the international grand strategy that determines the fate of the country and the nation. In the past hundred years, there have been six major international strategic choices, which can be said to be a frightening step by step, and if one step is wrong, the Chinese nation will be doomed, but it depends on excellent strategic management thinking, and these six times are not wrong.

Since the end of the Qing Dynasty, China's international grand strategic choice has not been wrong, and if it is wrong once, it will be doomed

The first correct strategic choice: The Beiyang government took the right side in World War I

After the Xinhai Revolution, the unified political power was gone, the country became a battlefield of warlord chaos, China's international situation was extremely sinister, if the choice in international strategy was wrong, with China's forces at that time, it was entirely possible that it would be completely divided up by the great powers, even if it was not divided, there may be domestic warlord forces supported by the great powers, tearing China's territory into several or even a dozen state powers, unable to restore the glory of the past, and the Chinese nation will never recover.

When World War I broke out on July 28, 1914, Germany, Austria-Hungary, and the Ottoman Empire formed the Allied camp. Britain, France, and Russia formed the Allied camp.

The fierce battle between the two sides is in full swing, and the victory or defeat is unpredictable.

With the strong industrial strength of the United States at that time, it was difficult to judge which side would win at the beginning, and it was only prudent to dump arms and industrial products on both sides to make a lot of money, and when the two sides fought until 1917, the Allies had shown signs of lack of support, and the United States seized the opportunity to join the war on April 6, 1917, under the pretext of Germany's unrestricted submarine warfare, to reap the fruits of victory, and became the biggest winner with the strongest industrial strength.

Since the end of the Qing Dynasty, China's international grand strategic choice has not been wrong, and if it is wrong once, it will be doomed

Chinese workers who went to the battlefields of Europe in World War I

The Beiyang government, which was weak in internal organization and management, was two years earlier than the United States, not afraid of offending the Germans, and used the method of using workers instead of soldiers to stand in the ranks of the Allies, and in 1915 agreed to France recruiting more than 40,000 Chinese workers in China, and in 1916, after the British agreed to the Beiyang government's promise to delay the reparations of Gengzi, increase Chinese tariffs, and obtain the favorable position of the victorious countries in the post-war peace conference, it agreed to recruit a large number of Chinese workers.

The Strategic Judgment of the Beiyang Government was very accurate, and the Allies eventually won the victory.

Although the Beiyang government did not let the country stand up in the First World War, due to the treachery of the great powers, the original German power in Shandong fell into the hands of Japan, but after the First World War, it generally preserved the territory inherited from the Qing Dynasty, and with such a weak national strength, it is a great miracle that such a result can be achieved.

In contrast, the same old empire, the Ottoman Empire, was completely destroyed by the wrong team, dismembered by the Allies, and split into a staggering number of more than forty countries, and the modern society of Turkey, Hungary, Bulgaria, Albania, Greece, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Iraq, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Bahrain, Oman, Yemen, Egypt and other countries were dismembered by the Allies.

If the Beiyang government had taken the wrong side in World War I, the end would not have been much better than that of the Ottoman Empire, and it would have faced the fate of dismemberment, the May Fourth Movement could not have the conditions to occur, and the Chinese nation would lack the foundation for rejuvenation.

Since the end of the Qing Dynasty, China's international grand strategic choice has not been wrong, and if it is wrong once, it will be doomed

The Ottoman Empire lost 85% of its territory in the wrong direction of World War I

The second correct grand strategic choice: the Second World War gritted its teeth and insisted on the War of Resistance

The victory in the War of Resistance Against Japan was a great victory for the strategic choices of the Chinese people.

At that time, although there was a traitor group like Wang Jingwei who surrendered to the Japanese army, the mainstream consciousness of the whole people was to persist in the War of Resistance, especially the Eighth Route Army, the New Fourth Army, and other anti-Japanese armed forces led by the Chinese Communists headed by Chairman Mao.

The War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression began in 1931 and lasted until 1945, which was the longest war in World War II, and after the victory of the War of Resistance, although the battle of Yuxianggui was defeated on the eve of the victory of the old Chiang Kai-shek, which led to distrust of the ability of the Chiang Kai-shek clique at that time by Britain, the United States, the Soviet Union, and other countries, under the Yalta system, forced it to sign an agreement and lost its sovereignty over Foreign Mongolia, but China retained the integrity of the rest of the territory. Successfully entered the list of the five permanent members of the United Nations Security Council.

Although, even without the support of other countries, our country alone can win the war of resistance to the end.

However, from the perspective of global international grand strategy, this is another time to take a completely correct stand, although some interests have been lost, but still gained certain strategic benefits.

Since the end of the Qing Dynasty, China's international grand strategic choice has not been wrong, and if it is wrong once, it will be doomed

Relief of "guerrilla warfare" in the Monument to the People's Heroes

The third correct grand strategic choice: ally with the Soviet Union, the abolition of Western debt and treaty bondage

In 1949, the People's Liberation Army, led by the Communist Party of China, won the War of Liberation with inferior weapons, which once again put China at the crossroads of grand strategic choices.

To this day, some people believe that China should adopt a wall-riding attitude between the West and the Soviet Union in 1949, with no offense and two unflattering, and immediately carry out the reform and opening up of the 1980s model, opening up to the United States and Europe, and in just seventy years China will become a developed country.

In fact, these people are either naïve or ill-intentioned.

The first generation of collective leaders, headed by Chairman Mao, never intended to shut down the country, but the United States and the West wanted to take advantage of China's territory and wanted China to retain the unequal treaties signed since the end of the Qing Dynasty, so that they could continue to suck blood in China.

Since the end of the Qing Dynasty, China's international grand strategic choice has not been wrong, and if it is wrong once, it will be doomed

Today's facts have proved that the entire West is unwilling to see China's industrialization and economic development, and if China opens up to them without protection in 1949, it can only be locked in a pre-industrial society forever by the powerful West.

Because the Western powers led by the United States have long regarded China as a dumping ground for products and raw materials, at this point, the Western countries have never had any good intentions, in 1898, the British scholar A. Diosy (A. Diosy) published the "New Far East" believed that China's industrialization is the real threat, trying to lock China out of the door of industrialization forever.

Moreover, in the face of the powerful public opinion tools of the West, the Chinese who have been brainwashed by the West and the compradors will kneel on the ground and be grateful to the West, and future generations will be the tools of the West for generations to come.

Looking at Today's India, it was a typical example of two sins and two undesirable riding walls, becoming the leader of the organization of the International Non-Aligned Movement, the Soviet Union wanted to please India, the United States also wanted to please India, but more than seventy years later, India is still the same India, even the railway is still relying on the railway left by the British.

Under such circumstances, China's only choice is to choose the Soviet Union diplomatically, abolish all the privileges of the entire West in China and all the indemnities and debts imposed on China, and take back the legitimate rights such as China's customs, which is to take back the legitimate rights of China's survival and development.

Since the end of the Qing Dynasty, China's international grand strategic choice has not been wrong, and if it is wrong once, it will be doomed

In the face of an enemy who is dozens of times stronger than himself in war, Chairman Mao never engaged in attacking from all sides, was good at concentrating his forces to form superiority in the local areas to annihilate the enemy individually, and gradually depleted the enemy's strength to seize the advantage, and the same was true in the international grand strategic choice, winning the support of the Soviet Union and abolishing the privileges of the West.

The correct choice was made under the leadership of the Communist Party of China headed by Chairman Mao.

The fourth correct grand strategic choice: The War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea strikes a thousand-year-old national prestige

The alliance with the Soviet Union abolished the privileges of the West in China, so that the West did not dare to attack China militarily.

However, the West's ambition to divide China did not die, and the Soviet Union, under the control of great power chauvinism, also wanted to control China for its own use, and was not willing to hand over to China the ice-free port that Chiang Kai-shek had agreed to give to it, Dalian Lushunkou.

Under the manipulation of the superpowers of the United States and the Soviet Union, it led to the outbreak of the Korean War.

This allowed China to make another strategic choice less than a year after 1949.

If U.S. troops were allowed to advance to the Yalu River, China would have to keep a million troops on the Border between China and North Korea for a long time, and the northeast, the largest industrial base at that time, would be unable to develop and grow under the threat of war. Worse still, the Soviet Union would take advantage of the fact that its navy had been stationed in Dalian for a long time, and its army controlled the railway in the northeast, and if the Soviet army wanted to do it, it could send armored troops and air transport planes directly into the capital within a few hours, which seriously damaged China's independence. In the future, don't talk about reform and opening up, I am afraid that Beijing will have to ask Moscow to make any internal changes.

Since the end of the Qing Dynasty, China's international grand strategic choice has not been wrong, and if it is wrong once, it will be doomed

Chinese Volunteer Army crossed the Yalu River

At a time when most of his comrades-in-arms did not understand at first, Chairman Mao made the most difficult choice of his life: to send Chinese volunteers abroad to take the initiative to meet the Seventeen-Nation Alliance led by the world's most powerful industrial country at that time!

With the support of the mobilized people of the whole country, the volunteer army challenged the enemy with inferior weapons ten times stronger than its own, attacked the enemy's powerful positions with flesh and blood, and won successive battles under the correct strategic and tactical command, and the roar of the roar resounded all over the world. Drove the Seventeen-Nation Alliance from the Yalu River back to the 38th Line.

It was a great war, and Chinese people were mobilized and organized, defeating a powerful enemy and having strong confidence.

This is a turning point in world history – marking China's return to the center of the world stage after a century-long absence!

In order to support China and help the Soviet Union reduce the pressure faced by the United States and Western Europe, the Soviet Union immediately helped China to build 156 industrial projects, transferred tens of thousands of industrial patented technologies, and laid the foundation for China's complete industrial system.

Since the end of the Qing Dynasty, China's international grand strategic choice has not been wrong, and if it is wrong once, it will be doomed

The fifth correct grand strategic choice: to shake off the influence and entanglement of the Soviet Union

China is genuinely allied with the Soviet Union, and the Soviet Union has indeed provided a lot of help to China, but the Soviet Union's great power chauvinism has tried to control China.

In order to safeguard the right to independence and self-determination, the Chinese Government headed by Chairman Mao did not accept the Soviet Union's request to set up a joint fleet and a long-wave radio station, and the arrogant Soviet Union began a process of treachery against China.

During the arduous war years, the collective leadership headed by Chairman Mao was good at uniting all forces that could be united, and the same was true in the great power strategy, when he took the initiative to ask the US table tennis team to visit China, which led to Kissinger's secret visit to China, and then invited US President Nixon to visit China.

Nixon's visit to China marked the formation of an international situation in which China stood on three feet with the United States and the Soviet Union, and although China was the weakest pole at that time, no one dared to ignore China's strength because of its strong performance in the Korean War.

At the height of the Soviet Union, Chairman Mao pointed out that the Soviet Union would "put satellites in the sky and red flags to the ground", and sure enough, within thirty years of 1991, the Soviet Union collapsed violently, which did not have much negative impact on China.

History proves that China's strategic choice at that time was right!

Since the end of the Qing Dynasty, China's international grand strategic choice has not been wrong, and if it is wrong once, it will be doomed

Nixon visited China

The sixth correct grand strategic choice: reform and opening up, rapid economic development

Before Chairman Mao's death, Nixon had been invited to visit China and implemented the April 3rd Plan, introducing advanced technology from Europe and the United States, paving the way for reform and opening up.

After Deng Xiaoping took over, he determined the correct policy of reform and opening up, and on the basis of the previous three decades, activated the market, mobilized and stimulated internal vitality, and released China's economy. After years of negotiations, china joined the WTO in 2001, making China's economy grow by leaps and bounds.

Under the guarantee of the education, health, industry and other systems that have been established in the first thirty years, there have been forty years of economic development, striving for the last entry ticket for industrialization, opening the door to industrialization, and smoothly entering the position of the second largest volume of the world economy and the first place of market potential.

With correct leadership and grand strategy, China's economy will continue to grow and eventually achieve great national rejuvenation!

Since the end of the Qing Dynasty, China's international grand strategic choice has not been wrong, and if it is wrong once, it will be doomed

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