
Musk's StarChain is too big! He's setting his own rules for space

Between July and October this year, #中国空间站因星链卫星接近被迫紧急避碰 #

According to the note verbale from the Permanent Mission of China to the United Nations (Vienna) dated 3 December 2021 (document number: A/AC.105/1262), between July and October this year, the US Starlink satellite approached the Chinese space station twice, and the latter was forced to implement mobile emergency collision avoidance.

The note pointed out that China requests the Secretary-General of the United Nations to inform the States parties to the Outer Space Treaty of the above-mentioned situation and to draw the attention of the States parties to the fact that, in accordance with article 6 of the Outer Space Treaty, "each State Party shall bear international responsibility for its activities in outer space, including the moon and other celestial bodies, whether governmental or non-governmental organizations, and shall be responsible for ensuring that the implementation of its activities complies with the provisions of this Treaty." (Orange Persimmon Interactive)

Musk's StarChain is too big! He's setting his own rules for space

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